Thunder's Place

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Don't ever jelp erect

Don't ever jelp erect

i brought this article from another site about jelquing full erect.

When you jelq fully erect you are mimicing a feared medical condition known as a “Priapism”.
Priapism is the occurrence of any persistent erection for more than four hours duration in the
absence of sexual stimulation.

The priapism is categorized into two major types, one of which is the closest to jelqing while
Low-flow priapism or ischemic, which means that little or no blood flow is getting to the penis
and this lack can cause damage as well as oxygen starvation to the penis.
For more on Priapisms refer to “”;.

Jelqing while erect can also cause your penis to get “smaller” as tissues tighten up to try and
compensate and rebuild from the damage that is being or has been done.
A quick note on erections,
The underlying mechanism of an erection is the corporo-veno-occlusive mechanism. When the
veins cannot become compressed or blocked, an erection cannot be maintained. Without this
very sensitive mechanism, blood leaks prematurely from the penis and produces the loss of an
erection. This type of erectile dysfunction is called a venous leak and can be caused by jelqing
when erect, (when you jelq when fully erect you exhaust the corporo-veno-occlusive mechanism
to the point that it can no longer function correctly).

i would like some feed back.
good luck to all.


<i brought this article from another site about jelquing full erect.

When you jelq fully erect you are mimicing a feared medical condition known as a “Priapism”.
Priapism is the occurrence of any persistent erection for more than four hours duration in the
absence of sexual stimulation.

The priapism is categorized into two major types, one of which is the closest to jelqing while
Low-flow priapism or ischemic, which means that little or no blood flow is getting to the penis
and this lack can cause damage as well as oxygen starvation to the penis.
For more on Priapisms refer to “”;. >


To compare priapism (an erection which does not go down for 3 - 4 hrs) with erect jelking does not make sense to me. There are tens of thousands of men who use injectible therapies resulting in erections of 1 - 1.5 hrs with no negative result. Jelking erect certainly doesn’t take that long!



The problem

with erect jelqing beyond its total ineffectiveness is its ability to cause internal scarring which can cause permanent shrinkage and damage.

It is not an advaced technique as those who would use it are still categorically human. And since this is a human tissue issue, don’t ever jelq erect.

Will it hurt you if you do it once or even more times?

Probably not. But be careful with this. If you analyze what it does - please post it here. If it does cause the impotence it usually does - wait till your penis normalizes. What happened?

Yes it causes shrink and probably total penis destruction in the long run. Careful!!

I disagree with hak

I disagree totally about jelqing 100% erect.

It has been more effective for me than less than 100%, but a beginner
should steer clear because of potential injury.

Priapism is a elongated erection for many hours duration. Most of us jelq for 30
minutes to two hours, and frequently the erection subsides to be massaged

Veins actually get bigger the more erect one gets in my experience.

Moreover, it is a medical fact that priapism can result in an increase in girth,
but it can also lead to dysfunction. I read an article about a black boy
who got priapism badly from Sickle Cell Anemia, and he ended up with
mammoth girth. This was a medical journal I read on the web but I cannot
remember the name.

Phat9, what you typed if it can ever be found, would be a medical fact. I understand that. But to newbie or anyone else who cares to state “facts” (and I use that loosely here), where are these studies on jelqing? I don’t believe any exist that are really worth a fuck. I really doubt there are any medical studies on this whatsoever, especially with respect to the scarring and damage. I’ll agree that it is possible to cause damage while jelqing erect depending on the circumstances, but let’s not get or “facts” mixed up with someones speculations. What you have typed is specualtion on this matter. I speculate like a motherfucker at times myself, but again let’s not state it as fact. IOW…IMO, IMHO, IMHFO, It’s speculative, Perhaps, (?), really could (should?) be used in place of “fact” when dealing with these issues. Some folks who really are new to this stuff may not have the background to separate a stated “fact” from a real fact and it can mislead. Shit, most of this stuff is theoretical anyway…we just see the result (if any) and try to guess what happened and why. JMO:) groa

Hey guys

This isnt speculation of any sort.

Ask a urologist.

Its not debateble.

It will be interesting to see 10 years from now who is still endorsing erect jelqing for anybody regardless of how “advanced”
they are.

Hey Newbie,

You seem to be up to speed on this after talking with your urologist, so how does erect jelqing cause scarring? If you are not sure, maybe call your urologist and ask him to explain it to you and then you could forward that information to us. This would be a better thing to do than posting chicken little/sky is falling threads without giving us some facts. That would serve us all better than some factoids that you may have picked up on another forum.

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Fair enough thunder.

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