Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Erect to dead limp in 0.4 seconds, RIP penis 7-11-07


Erect to dead limp in 0.4 seconds, RIP penis 7-11-07

Well chalk me up for another statistic that totally messed his dick up. I don’t want to discourage anyone from PE, as I loved it and the results I were getting from it, but it’s just a risk one takes, and sometimes the situation I am in arises.

At the beginning of June last year I started PE, exercises I gathered from another site. A month into it I was very happy, just met a girl (whom I am still with) around the time I started PE, very hot indeed. I thought I had it made, just graduated from High School, nice muscular physique, and a very intelligent attractive girl. I kept working at PEing, I had a lot of fun with it too, in complete solitude in the bathroom with my headphones on and exercising my member, all a while thinking about how nice it was going to be when I had the total package of a porn star. Well, on that nice sunny day of July the 11th, after being completely happy with my life and everything bad that happened in the past didn’t mean shit, because mentally I was at the top now. Vividly I remember it how that big shiny cock (80-90%) erect at the time with a sudden POOF, best I can describe it because it was the most immediate change I ever seen in my life. In the blink of an eye that full penis was now lying soft and flaccid in my hand. I tried to stimulate it some, but was so totally perplexed by the occasion. That I finished up my shower and went on.

Over the next couple days I went on performing PE, but just not as much drive and excitement with the idea of getting big really. Just more mandatory it felt when performing it. Well not even a week later, my girl was over, some fooling around, and we agreed to have sex. Though for the first time ever I could not achieve an erection, I would get semi erect through stimulation and as soon as I would try to penetrate I’d lose it. So bewildered by all of this, I was determined to not give up. Because I just couldn’t really fathom this happening. So after 2 hours!! I can’t believe it was that long, we finally had to give up. And she went home, and I felt like a failure almost completely. That night I poured myself some stiff drinks, rare.

Gradually, my erection just died down til I never felt excitement over messing around again, completely non existent it was. Constricted to my body, pre cumming excessively even after one kiss, lifeless, limp you name it. A month later, my doctor figured I was just having too much anxiety and unable to perform because of that, at the same time I was puking after meals because I was so unnerved, well the xanax didn’t do anything, well it did make me feel like a zombie. November came, and I discovered Dr. Lin, bought his products, and I came off of them because I was concerned they’d interfere with antibiotics at the time for acne. Start of the new year, I started the Internet urologists products again, until I was losing all my hair from them.

So here I am today, slowly gaining back some of the 35 pounds I lost due to depression I experienced from it all. In an attempt to revive my penis, I kick started my hair loss and feel I have still not done anything significant in regards to healing my penis I feel. First urologist I seen had nothing helpful but told me how he was horny 100% of the time when he was my age, as if I could easily mimic that if I wanted to. I have another urologist appointment in a couple weeks, but feel the only thing now is an inflation device or malleable rods inserted into my penis to keep it up. Symptoms include.

-Weak erection
-Erection goes limp 10 seconds no manual stimulation
-Precum excessively
-Soft gushy glans
-Extreme veinage, 2 of which run down each side of the shaft at all times
-Weak base, dick seems flimsy when erect
-Never erect higher than 9 o’clock, I have to contract pc muscle to hold it there just for a mere 5 seconds
-No nocturnal erections
-I cum within 10 thrusts when having sex

I’m supplementing with l-acetyl-carnitine 1000mg, borage oil 3000mg a day (following Internet docs orders) fish oil 3000mg a day, l-arginine 10,000mg a day, seems extreme but I’m desperate, it helps me when I’m in the mood a little bit, but still deal with all the symptoms I listed. I massage my penis for 10 minutes and warm it with a towel for 10 minutes twice a day.

Thanks to those who read.

Can you be more specific about what you did when you were jelqing and your penis went “poof”, as you describe it?

I hope you get better.

:monty: Don\'t forget your KEGELS! :monty:

What was your PE routine like? Have you ever tried ED drugs?

Start 2-3-08 BPEL 7.25" EG 5.25" Midshaft

Now BPEL 9.00" EG 5.50 " Midshaft

Long term goal NBP 8x6 - "The Magic stick"

Originally Posted by daysdrag

I remember it how that big shiny cock (80-90%) erect at the time with a sudden POOF, best I can describe it because it was the most immediate change I ever seen in my life. In the blink of an eye that full penis was now lying soft and flaccid in my hand.

Over the next couple days I went on performing PE

Well, THERE’S your problem. Why didn’t you just stop and try to figure out what happened?

Cernunnos - I was standing in the shower jelqing from base to head with the “ok” grip, when the grip reached the point right before the head is when all sensation and blood flow was lost. I wasn’t using a death grip, just moderately like every single previous jelq I ever executed.

Miami-cock - 10 minute warm up, 10 second stretching left, outwards, right. Jelqing for roughly 10 minutes, then a warm down 10 minutes. This was the newbie routine at the site I was visiting. My first urologist said he wanted to talk to my mother first before giving me ED drugs, I’m an adult and have my own insurance, regardless when I did have my mom call in to him his secretaries kept saying he’d call back later on that night, but didn’t. I’m hoping to get a bit more out of my next urologist, hopefully Viagra. As I hear muse (prostaglandin shots) can over time leave scar tissue from the needle site complicating things even more.

Did you feel any pain when it suddenly went limp?

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Sounds like a very very extreme injury!

Does the l-arginine work for you? It doesn’t work for me. Maybe see what 2 Tbsp straight cocoa powder does for you? Cocoa reduces arginase 2 expression. Arginase 2 converts l-arginine to urea and l-ornithine, leaving less l-arginine for nitric oxide. However I’m not sure on the long term effects.

Looks like the internet doctor maybe trying to increase prostaglandin E1 with the borage oil and fish oil. Haven’t seen any studies showing that would help though. Perhaps try Marrena Lindberg’s pharmaceutical grade fish oil doses? Unfortunately those doses might lead to faster aging though.

Alpha lipoic acid + gamma linoleic acid (borage oil) has been proven to help those with ED. They need to be taken together. Vitamin C recycles alpha lipoic acid so it lasts longer in your body.

Pussy Pounder

Kingpole - there was no pain of any kind, not even the following days. There were no desensitized areas of my dick either.

Pussy Pounder - L-Arginine doesn’t seem to do too much, if it is the effects are very minimal. I’ve been taking the borage oil/fish oil combination closing in on 5 months now, and can’t really report in differences in the quality of my penis. The only thing I could say, is my penis doesn’t stay shriveled up and precum immediately like it use to, it will make it as far as a semi erect penis, then I can stimulate it to a 90% erection, that’s flimsy at the base, and no blood flow reaching the head. Orgasms are very watery compared to the thick cream I use to dispense. Would it be the EPA/DHA/GLA that causes the aging?

I don’t get it. One day poof?! What? Trolling much?

`Start: 5"NBPEL, 6"BPEL, 4.5"EG

`Current: 5"NBPEL, 6"BPEL, 4.5"EG

So far a few fractions of inch increase on base erect girth.

Man it sounds like a really serious injury but if you compare your EQ now to the way it was back then is there a difference? It’ll probably take you over a year to heal so just relax and dont get too anxious cause that will cause a lot of EQ problems. Also when we masterbate or have sex our penis gets slightly damaged like during jelqing (but less so) so the precum might be released from your body based on the level of injury sustained to prepare the urethera for ejaculation, but if you’ve already got shit loads of damage then maybe your body is getting false messages and thinks your having sex and are going to cum. As far as cumming quickly goes it may be based on the same thing as the pre-cum. I remember when i overworked mine and i was cumming in a really short time. Just relax, take it easy; if you havnt already done so then maybe you should tell your girl, if she’s worth holding onto she’ll have the patients to wait while you heal and if she knew what was going on she’d probably be very understanding.

Maybe you should monitor your healing process; just like one would monitor their jelqing process. Devise tests, perform them once a day or a week or whatever and document them. Then after a few months do yourself a graph on excel so that you can actually see the healing line rise. I’d be very surprised if you dont heal completly, just give it time, try to limit your erections too cause too many might just slow down the healing and keep away from jelqing for ever!!! Best of luck and dont worry you’ll be fine your still very young.

So you are temporarily impotent and your urologist can’t say wha’ts the cause? It seem PE has nothing to do with your problem - you know, “after that doesn’t necessarily means caused by that”.

Originally Posted by marinera
So you are temporarily impotent and your urologist can’t say wha’ts the cause? It seem PE has nothing to do with your problem - you know, “after that doesn’t necessarily means caused by that”.

Yes, PE have nothing to do with the 20 ++ permanent injuries on the forum, they are just for fun. I think it’s time for you to realize that it’s possible and that it happens with alot of people exercising PE.

Anyway, the “cum within 10 thrusts” part is a sign on nerve damage, I had the same shit. How is your dick-sensitivity?

I think I just smell troll, he hasn’t even stated how he lead to this poof, it was just poof, I don’t get it. The penis is made to get beat up and brutalized, because thats what happens to it during sex believe it or not, and this is paraphrasing words out of a urologists mouth. It can handle a lot physical stress. However psychological stress is it’s achille’s heel.

`Start: 5"NBPEL, 6"BPEL, 4.5"EG

`Current: 5"NBPEL, 6"BPEL, 4.5"EG

So far a few fractions of inch increase on base erect girth.

Originally Posted by daysdrag
Kingpole - there was no pain of any kind, not even the following days. There were no desensitized areas of my dick either.

Pussy Pounder - L-Arginine doesn’t seem to do too much, if it is the effects are very minimal. I’ve been taking the borage oil/fish oil combination closing in on 5 months now, and can’t really report in differences in the quality of my penis. The only thing I could say, is my penis doesn’t stay shriveled up and precum immediately like it use to, it will make it as far as a semi erect penis, then I can stimulate it to a 90% erection, that’s flimsy at the base, and no blood flow reaching the head. Orgasms are very watery compared to the thick cream I use to dispense. Would it be the EPA/DHA/GLA that causes the aging?

Were you taking Xanax at anytime before the event? Are you taking it now? And how about antihistamines?

I’m not sure if EPA/DHA/GLA’S causes ageing.

How for you feel physically are you fatigued and have been for a long time?
Body builders like to take the diuretics to see there muscles but diuretics in time causes ED.
Did you start any other medications besides Xanax?

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Oh yes get thyroid checked by a doctor to rule out hypothyroid disease. Your thyroid can suddenly without warning reduce the amount of thyroid needed for the body to function. Hypothyroid is a leading cause of ED and loss of libido (desire for sex) go to a doctor and get a TSH, a T3, and T4.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

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