Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Erect to dead limp in 0.4 seconds, RIP penis 7-11-07

Originally Posted by latency
Your joking right, please tell me that you are joking? Why would I lie about my condition? To bash PE?

You are the only one that is saying that your injury is impossible to recover. How can you say it? Where are all that guys that had permanent injuries? All members that had one post-PE injury recovered after some time - maybe weeks, maybe months, but all of them healed.
Add this: you said your injury was permanent since your first posts: this sound really strange.

Originally Posted by latency

If you want to read some fucked up feed backs on PE, you can take a quick search on google, there are plenty.

You can find anything on the net, and about 50%+ of what you can find is bullshit - agree?

Originally Posted by latency
If you really think it’s impossible to fuck your self up, extending your dick, please get a reality check. I have never said that PE WILL get you injured, but if your not careful, you will pay.

I never said it’s impossible; I said it’s really rare. Temporary injuries, due to improper/overdone PE, are relatively common.

It appears that you’re going to say to near any guys that come here with some fear of injury “Hey, I had the same thing:no hope for you”. If it’s not your intention, then you should change a little your posting-style, agree?

Finally, your avatar, that depressive picture, is not a good sign of your attitude, if it’s clear what I mean.

Maybe I’m wrong, I don’t want to be cruel - I’m a friendly guy, generally speaking - but you should understand that your posts aren’t doing any good to newbies asking advice because in fear.

Originally Posted by kingpole
I’m not sure if EPA/DHA/GLA’S causes ageing.

I’m pretty sure they don’t.

Time causes aging. :leftie:

As far as negative effects from fish oil… `:-) I don’t think so.

Where do you people get this stuff???

Wait…don’t tell me. The internet?

Originally Posted by fershizzle
I really don’t see how you did something to it unless you were using a G.I. Joe Kung Fu grip on it.


Hmm… The man may be on to something.

daysdrag, I have to say you have a lot going on with this ‘impotency’.

I have no idea why any physician would need to contact your mom to check on your use of ED drugs. Why would he do that? Why does she need to know? Especially if you have your own insurance, but even if you didn’t that makes NO sense. Did that actually happen? If so, fire that son-of-a-bitch.

Do you smell anything fishy when you burp?

I have to confess this has a bizarre feel to it. Your routine, as described, is fairly conservative. The supplements you’re taking (at least what you’ve told us about) are perfectly fine. I don’t know about 10,000 mg of Arginine - at least not all at once - three separate doses of 3,000 mg daily is the accepted maximal dosage, but an extra 1,000 mg shouldn’t make much difference. Remember: amino acids and the like are most effective if taken on an empty stomach.

But somehow… I don’t think you have a plumbing problem. My guess is you are completely healthy and this is something that your brain is doing. Just my hunch, doesn’t actually mean anything, but since you asked.

Get thee to a urologist and discuss a comprehensive diagnostic work-up to be sure.

And don’t let him worry your mom any further.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Last edited by Mr. Happy : 04-29-2008 at .

Hi Daysdrag,

It seems there are two possibilities: (1) Your problem is (mainly) physical or (2) your (main) problem is psychological. The two cannot be separated completely. For instance you might have experienced bad EQ (due to over training) and this caused a lot of anxiety and in the end ED.

First of all: DON’T PANIC!

Let’s say your problem is physical:
(1) Unless you really did beat up your dick REAL bad (excessive stretching or high erection jelqing, hardcore clamping or so) PE (alone) probably didn’t cause your problem. Only you know what you did, and from the routine you mention it doesn’t seem to be the problem. The body will recover.
(2) Is there a history of impotency in the family? They can test you in different ways, your have to know for sure! Chances are very little that your problem is mainly physical, and chances even smaller that it’s caused by PE.

If the problem is psychological:
It might have to do with your psychological condition in general: It seems you had some kind of eating disorder. This shouldn’t help your PE, and to me it’s a sign that you might not be too self confident. I don’t know if this is true, but be honest to yourself and don’t be afraid to admit if you have problems of that kind. Your could have all kinds of complexes, and I know it’s hard to admit, and you might feel like a failure when going to some psychologist or sexologist for the first time, but it might help.

I injured myself badly. I’ve been on a break for months and I’m still not fully recovered. But I’m getting better. I had many of the same symptoms as you did, but I really had beaten up my unit. I was sure I was never going to get back my good erection, I visited the doctor and tried some ED drugs (be careful not to get addicted to these and take it easy with the supplements!). I was depressed and didn’t know what to live for (with this limp of mine). After visiting the doctor and receiving advice from people here at Thunders I got better. I realized that when leaving my penis alone at least it wasn’t getting worse. And although it was crap I started to appreciate the bit of function I had left (though I had to be very conving to myself). Then when worrying less about my whole condition I felt much better, and I realized that I was slowly healing. This speeded up the process.

I’m currently doing kegels every day. My EQ is getting better - It quite good now. I still don’t think I’m physically or mentally ready to re-start PEing, but maybe someday I will. I love my penis more than ever though I lost my gains ;)

My advice: I had a girlfriend. This put a lot of pressure on me and made everything worse. When it started to get better and she was enjoying it more it had the opposite effect though. Kegel and do some exercise (this increases the testosterone production, that is it makes you horny and gets your mind of the bad things). Try this, it really worked for me!

Best of luck for you! I’m sure you’ll make it ;)

Start date 10th of juli 2007 - Start measures BPEL: 7" / EG: 5,25". Goal: The 8x6 (BP) would make me the happiest man on Earth ;)

Originally Posted by marinera
You are the only one that is saying that your injury is impossible to recover. How can you say it? Where are all that guys that had permanent injuries? All members that had one post-PE injury recovered after some time - maybe weeks, maybe months, but all of them healed.
Add this: you said your injury was permanent since your first posts: this sound really strange.

Do you know something neurologists don’t? NOBODY and nothing can regenerate nerves after 1.5 years. I’m on my 2 year resting mark now, and I’m still missing feeling.

All members recovered? How ignorant can an man be? If you had read only this tread, username86 says his condition is far from good and his been resting over 2 years now. Then you have the other users as jtmorgan10, Mgoblow55555, mopek, SandmannPV, Mrnilsen and atleast 10 others on the matterofsize forum. Stop sticking your head in the sand.

Originally Posted by marinera

You can find anything on the net, and about 50%+ of what you can find is bullshit - agree?

I never said it’s impossible; I said it’s really rare. Temporary injuries, due to improper/overdone PE, are relatively common.

It appears that you’re going to say to near any guys that come here with some fear of injury “Hey, I had the same thing:no hope for you”. If it’s not your intention, then you should change a little your posting-style, agree?

Maybe I’m wrong, I don’t want to be cruel - I’m a friendly guy, generally speaking - but you should understand that your posts aren’t doing any good to newbies asking advice because in fear.

Maybe, but that means that 50% are real, which should be alarming.

We don’t know how many who disappear in the mist, there may be many many more who have tried to forget about PE and just keep trying to live normal with they’re permanent injuries.

I’m not bitter on PE, I was young and foolish and thought that it was impossible to get permanent injuries so I wasn’t carefully enough, and now I have to pay for the rest of my long life.

Last edited by latency : 05-01-2008 at .

Originally Posted by latency
All members recovered? How ignorant can an man be? If you had read only this tread, username86 says his condition is far from good and his been resting over 2 years now. Then you have the other users as jtmorgan10, Mgoblow55555, mopek, SandmannPV, Mrnilsen and atleast 10 others on the matterofsize forum. Stop sticking your head in the sand.

Watch the tone, Latency. Start right now.

Forum Guidelines : Attack the post, not the poster.

If you need some time off to study the Forum Guidelines, that can be arranged.

And I don’t see where you replied to my earlier post:

Originally Posted by Lampwick

Let’s review the numbers, shall we?

There are 90,000 members here.

You are citiing "20 ++ permanent injuries on the forum".

That doesn’t sound like "It happens with alot of people exercising PE" as you state.

And I see that "20++" has now gone to six actual names (seven if we include you) and "at least ten others". Interesting.

Ans for:

Originally Posted by Latency
I was young and foolish and thought that it was impossible to get permanent injuries so I wasn’t carefully enough, and now I have to pay for the rest of my long life.

Whose fault is that? There are PLENTY of warnings around here about being careful, and going slow, and not overdoing, and watching your PIs (Physiologic Indicators (PIs) to help growth!). When I joined Thunder’s, I read for MONTHS before I started PE. If you thought it was impossible to get permanent injuries, from where did you develop that point of view?

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Last edited by Lampwick : 05-01-2008 at .

Originally Posted by latency
Do you know something neurologists don’t? NOBODY and nothing can regenerate nerves after 1.5 years. I’m on my 2 year resting mark now, and I’m still missing feeling.

You have to support what you say with reference, latency :where are this studies saying it’s impossible regenerate a nerve? I personally know 2 persons who’s nerves healed, or regenerate or whatever, after, respectively, 3 years and 11 years.
Neurologists said them: your nerves could heal or not, and if they will, we can’t say how much it will need.

Serious Med’s have much less certainties than dilettantes have. So, in the specific subject of PE it’s likely that I know, at least anectodically, something Med’s don’t know.

Originally Posted by latency

All members recovered? How ignorant can an man be? If you had read only this tread, username86 says his condition is far from good and his been resting over 2 years now. Then you have the other users as jtmorgan10, Mgoblow55555, mopek, SandmannPV, Mrnilsen and atleast 10 others on the matterofsize forum. Stop sticking your head in the sand.

Originally Posted by username86

I did some "extreme" (read: using a stupidly high amount of force) stretching one day while my head was all fucked up.

Yes at this point I’ve come to accept that most of the sensitivity in my shaft isn’t coming back. I still have some sensitivity (not really sensitive but still feel good) in my glans and can still come. I just don’t get erections during the day and skin to skin contact with the ladies doesn’t do anything for me anymore unless we are really getting hot and heavy.


Is it possible to have permanent nerve damage

This support exactly what me and Lampwick were saying: even this guy, that was doing these absurd things to his penis, when he was not mentally good, has a reduced sensitivity of his penis. Do PE in the correct way, and risks of injuries will be very low - but there will be, like there are risks doing any kind of sports: it’s a benifits/risks quotient that you have to maximize, being wise and listening vets.

And, note, there his no proof that username86’ condition is permanent, neither that is nerves-related: could be just a psychological thing. If you don’t know, username86 started again doing PE, so he believes that PE , if done properly, is beneficial for general penis health.

About MrNilsen and others on MOS site, it’s just superfluous any comment.
Also: have you seen the correct way to cite other’s members posts? I just made an example : you have to quote the post, and link the thread.

Originally Posted by latency
Maybe, but that means that 50% are real, which should be alarming.

50% of 15 (the number you reported - you started saying "many cases", then said 20++, now are saying about 15) cases is 8 cases (rounded in excess); 8 on 95.000 is something unrelevant statistically.Sum this: how much this supposed PE-related injuries are demonstrated caused by PE?- Burden of proof is on you.

Buyt this is not the point : 99,999% of PE-injury cases , are not permanent. You are saying the adverse in the attempt of scaring members here:you are not aiding them, you are attempting of doing them a psychological/emotional badness.

Originally Posted by latency

We don’t know how many who disappear in the mist, there may be many many more who have tried to forget about PE and just keep trying to live normal with they’re permanent injuries.

Oh, now that you have no testimonials proofs of what you say, you come supposing that there are "poor PE victims in the shadow". This is the another sign of your bad-faith.

Last edited by marinera : 05-01-2008 at .


If you want, I can wright down all the users on matterofsize forum (which I have talked to) with some seriously dick problems due PE. It is ATLEAST 10 individuals.

When I started with PE, I didn’t know about thundersplace. All my information was based on the Jes extenders Manuel which didn’t say anything about negative indicators. Just after I had injured my self, I found thunders. Too late..

And marinera:

I’m mentally fine, I have excepted my messed up dick. Sex feels like torture, I have nothing to complain about.

The urologists and neurologist I have talked to, have all told me that nerves don’t regenerate after 1.5 years. Well, it’s good to know that people have got healed after 11 years, but 11 years is permanent for me and it sounds more like something else happened, rather then nerve regeneration (psychical improvement).

Originally Posted by latency

If you want, I can wright down all the users on matterofsize forum (which I have talked to) with some seriously dick problems due PE. It is ATLEAST 10 individuals.

When I started with PE, I didn’t know about thundersplace. All my information was based on the Jes extenders Manuel which didn’t say anything about negative indicators. Just after I had injured my self, I found thunders. Too late..

I can believe 10, or 20, or more. I’m sure that there are men who have damage who have not posted about it. My point still remains, it is a very small number compared to the 95,000 members here and the 123,000 that MOS advertises. There’s some membership overlap between the two sites, but that is still a substantial number compared to the numbers you cite as having serious dick problems.

Injuries are possible, as you now know. I think Thunder’s does a lot to keep things as safe as possible.

Doing nothing also has an associated risk, by the way - the risk of decline in sexual function and size, and general sexual satisfaction. Many members here have reported both improved size and sexual fitness. At least ten individuals.

I wish you’d known about Thunder’s before you went overboard with your JES, and I wish you well for improvement in the future. You could do others a great service by warning others to heed the warnings here about overdoing. I’m sure you’ve seen the posts by those coming in who feel the same way you once felt about how it was impossible to get permanent injuries. You can be the voice of experience to warn them from their temptation to excess.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Daysdrag- good luck with your urologist appointment. Keep us posted on the results and have faith my friend.


Why are people attacking latency? Injuries from PE happen, simple as that. Some people have been unfortunate enough for it to be permanent. It is important that people with injuries be listened to and not shrugged off.

While I agree that PE injuries are uncommon, I bet I could find plenty of threads where solutions have been offered, but the actual poster has never actually confirmed recovery. It is just assumed that they did.

The appointment went very well, being a new patient I was in and out of there within 30 minutes. He basically felt for nodules that would indicate peyronie’s disease, but found none. Then gave me a sample size pack of viagra and 10mg of prozac for the premature ejaculation. Then, further explained that if the medication did not work, it would indicate I had venous leakage. And would need a cock ring. Also, said that surgeries for these cases often accomplish nothing, and either leave things the same or worse off.

As for my recovery, I am slowing regaining my libido. Erections are still not rock solid, and premature ejaculation, still existent.


Daysdrag, its good to know that your appointment went well. I think I might ask my doctor for something like that 1/4 SSRI dosage, 10mg of prozac so I can seriously start pounding some pussy without any regard for human life. Can you tell me some basic info about venous leakage? I gotta go do some stuff but I will look through the forums later.

Good to know it went well. However, your urologist is wrong about venous leaks being untreatable via surgery. I am living proof it can be greatly improved in some cases.

Well guys, I must say. Hands down. Viagra rules.

I haven’t felt like this for nearly a year, I felt effects within 30 minutes. 50mg worked well for me, everything I expected and then some more. I use to cum within a minute of having sex without Viagra, now, I was screwing at a steady tempo, without getting off. I haven’t started the premature ejaculation treatment yet, hear some guys have to compromise their erection quality sometimes, just to get that side effect of delayed orgasm.

Invictus - This thread covered venous leakage thoroughly. I’m 21 and thinking of killing myself. Serious.

Yataghan50 - Yes, this urologist was another classic case of the doctor pushing meds on me before the words were even finished coming out of my mouth. I didn’t mind, since all I really wanted out of this visit was Viagra. And figured if Viagra didn’t work, I would schedule again. But I definitely think I can rule out venous leakage, from the result of my penis staying erect for the majority of 3 hours lastnight.

I’ve read latency’s posts and I’m not quite sure why he’s an ex-member. Maybe some bad PMs? That’s too bad he was a good support buddy of mine. I found this post because I was trying to get a hold of him through PM.

Anyway I figured that I would pop and say hello since my name was mentioned in this. I’m running 2 years and 4 months of fucked up penis syndrome. I’m not bashing PE :) Like latency I admit that I was just young and stupid.

I just started doing PE again about 4 months ago for a month. .35 inches baby with no extra desensitization! So now I’m picking it up again after a three month break for some more shits and giggles. Oh and I got that .35 inches by doing extremely light work outs compared to what is advertised by some newbies here. I did a 5 minute warm up followed by 5 minutes of light stretching and 5 minutes of light jelqing followed by jerking off. 3 times a week.

Daysdrag, it’s good to hear that Viagra works for you. Cialis didn’t work for me. But then again I have issues with my sensitization and not blood flow. Glad to hear a story where someone at least got semi-fixed. I hear Viagra and Cialis and the like can actually heal vascular issues with time so that you won’t need it anymore (not citing from the Internet, that came from my urologists mouth) so there is some hope for your case.

And I can easily see that this is only happening to .001% of us but that doesn’t mean that we should start telling people that they are faking it. They’re not. In fact, it offends me that people are being called liars over this. I’ve been around for long enough that people should know that at least I’m not faking it. It’s real and it sucks. Bad.

Moral of these kinds of stories: Take it easy!


Holy Sunday Morning Shit-Filled Donuts, Batman! Are you saying that people will by default almost always take binary views of complicated or complex situations? That they are not the great creatures of logic that our tabula rasa supposed minds wish they could be? It is almost like they are 24/7 emotion driven and are good liars or in deep denial. Say it ain't so Sam. -TwatTeaser


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