Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Erect to dead limp in 0.4 seconds, RIP penis 7-11-07

Your doctor wants to talk to your mother? About your dick? Doctors are usually wary about committing HIPAA violations, so that’s quite surprising.

Yeah, see what your thyroid hormones are up to. TSH, t4, and free t3. And whatever else your doctor thinks is related to thyroid function. Might as well do these as well:

Free testosterone

I’m not sure if the fish oil actually does accelerate aging, but I’m wary of it and I’m keeping my eyes open for research. I’ve read it’s the DHA that maybe bad. That’s the primary key to the increase in libido according to Marrena Lindberg. It’s safe to give it a try in the short term at least. I’m trying it right now. Seems to work. Just divide the dose up to avoid problems on the toilet!

Originally Posted by daysdrag
Kingpole - there was no pain of any kind, not even the following days. There were no desensitized areas of my dick either.

Pussy Pounder - L-Arginine doesn’t seem to do too much, if it is the effects are very minimal. I’ve been taking the borage oil/fish oil combination closing in on 5 months now, and can’t really report in differences in the quality of my penis. The only thing I could say, is my penis doesn’t stay shriveled up and precum immediately like it use to, it will make it as far as a semi erect penis, then I can stimulate it to a 90% erection, that’s flimsy at the base, and no blood flow reaching the head. Orgasms are very watery compared to the thick cream I use to dispense. Would it be the EPA/DHA/GLA that causes the aging?

Pussy Pounder

Quote: “Cernunnos - I was standing in the shower jelqing from base to head with the “ok” grip, when the grip reached the point right before the head is when all sensation and blood flow was lost.”

Quote: “Kingpole - there was no pain of any kind, not even the following days. There were no desensitized areas of my dick either.”

Is it just me or does this seem contradictory?

:monty: Don\'t forget your KEGELS! :monty:

1.) Will my primary physician write me out a slip to go to the hospital for a SH, t4, and free t3 test. Or is that dealt with by the urologist?

2.) Before reading other post’s like JTmorgans, and even on Dr. Lin’s site (believe it’s a taboo around here to mention him) about men jelqing and having freak accidents, and the symptoms all lead up to the same things. Creatine abuse, anxiety and so on aren’t going to create these drastic of changes in my EQ.

3.) andre1996 - my urologist never even heard of jelqing or any form of PE before, and was completely baffled by the subject. Then had me give him links where he could see this for himself. By just staring at my penis he knew I was perfectly normal and fine. Lastly he said he would need to speak with my folks because an adult of my age usually doesn’t have problems getting erect.

4.) Refresh9 - I stated in my 2nd post how it drained all the sudden.

Originally Posted by Cernunnos
Quote: “Cernunnos - I was standing in the shower jelqing from base to head with the “ok” grip, when the grip reached the point right before the head is when all sensation and blood flow was lost.”

Quote: “Kingpole - there was no pain of any kind, not even the following days. There were no desensitized areas of my dick either.”

Is it just me or does this seem contradictory?

I see where you’re coming from, it was lack of a better word. I felt nothing but the inability to stimulate the limp my dick afterwards, figuring it was just because I had such a shock from the accident.

Last edited by daysdrag : 04-25-2008 at .

I really don’t see how you did something to it unless you were using a G.I. Joe Kung Fu grip on it.

Goal: B====D ---> B=========D

Originally Posted by daysdrag
I see where you’re coming from, it was lack of a better word. I felt nothing but the inability to stimulate the limp my dick afterwards, figuring it was just because I had such a shock from the accident.

I can understand that. Sometimes after hurting the penis, there’s like a mental block which prevents it from filling with blood again. This is probably what happened.

:monty: Don\'t forget your KEGELS! :monty:

Originally Posted by latency

Yes, PE have nothing to do with the 20 ++ permanent injuries on the forum, they are just for fun. I think it’s time for you to realize that it’s possible and that it happens with alot of people exercising PE.

Anyway, the “cum within 10 thrusts” part is a sign on nerve damage, I had the same shit. How is your dick-sensitivity?


Let’s review the numbers, shall we?

There are 90,000 members here.

You are citiing “20 ++ permanent injuries on the forum”.

That doesn’t sound like “It happens with alot of people exercising PE” as you state.

You are also supposing that the “permanent injuries” are indeed permanent. The body can, and does, heal. Short of actually detaching your penis from your body via PE, “permanent” injuries may improve over time to varying degree. Of course, the best thing to do is to avoid getting the injury to being with. If that means “Don’t do PE” to you, then don't do PE. Just keep in mind that there are also risks associated with NOT doing PE. I’ll bet that “20 ++ ” members have reported better penile fitness as a result of PE, including some who had some degree of ED before PE. My opinion is that PE is safe when done with appropriate caution, and that is how I will continue to engage in PE.

For the sake of argument, let’s say that all those reports are true, and that there are more than 20 that had damage, and that it is permanent. How many of them are responsible for it themselves by doing too much too soon? Daydrag didn’t tell us, and still hasn’t told us, what exercise “gathered from another site” he was doing at the time of his problem. How can we possibly know to what extent his problem is related to PE? Correlation is not causation. He was also wearing headphones at the time. Are we to conclude that wearing headphones caused his problem? (Granted, his exercises are in closer proximity to his problem.)

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Originally Posted by daysdrag

2.) Before reading other post’s like JTmorgans, and even on Dr. Lin’s site (believe it’s a taboo around here to mention him) about men jelqing and having freak accidents, and the symptoms all lead up to the same things. Creatine abuse, anxiety and so on aren’t going to create these drastic of changes in my EQ.

You can mention Dr. Lin around here. Just know that there are a lot of skeptics about him and his approach. Nothing around here gets unquestioned acceptance, and Dr. Lin is no exception.

Originally Posted by daysdrag
I’m supplementing with l-acetyl-carnitine 1000mg, borage oil 3000mg a day (following Internet docs orders) fish oil 3000mg a day, l-arginine 10,000mg a day, seems extreme but I’m desperate, it helps me when I’m in the mood a little bit, but still deal with all the symptoms I listed. I massage my penis for 10 minutes and warm it with a towel for 10 minutes twice a day.

Where did you come up with this regimen? To start with, 10,000 mg of l-arginine sounds a bit extreme to me. And http://health.l … /borage-oil.htm states "Most health experts suggest consuming 1000 mg of borage oil per day. High levels of borage oil can be toxic, so avoid taking more than the recommended dose each day." You’re taking three times that suggested dose. I really hope that your Internet doc is carefully monitoring your condition and overall health.

I hope that you did not approach your initial PE with the "if some is good, a lot must be better" philosophy.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Last edited by Lampwick : 04-26-2008 at .

Here’s a good thread you might want to check out about Dr. Lin if you missed it though!

Exposing Dr. Lin

Originally Posted by Lampwick
You can mention Dr. Lin around here. Just know that there are a lot of skeptics about him and his approach. Nothing around here gets unquestioned acceptance, and Dr. Lin is no exception.
Where did you come up with this regimen? To start with, 10,000 mg of l-arginine sounds a bit extreme to me. And http://health.l … /borage-oil.htm states "Most health experts suggest consuming 1000 mg of borage oil per day. High levels of borage oil can be toxic, so avoid taking more than the recommended dose each day." You’re taking three times that suggested dose. I really hope that your Internet doc is carefully monitoring your condition and overall health.

I hope that you did not approach your initial PE with the "if some is good, a lot must be better" philosophy.

Not that it makes it acceptable, but a lot of weightlifters take around 10g of l-arginine a day for it’s supposed effects on HGH the body produces, as well as books for impotence and some pages on the internet in the past indicating high doses of l-arginine could be an effective alternative to viagra (I’m sort of doubting that). I don’t have any sources at this time.

On the borage oil, I heard few people say about it’s possible toxicity. But this topic here is sort of intriguing http://www.fats … ms/diabetes.php

Originally Posted by daysdrag

3.) andre1996 - my urologist never even heard of jelqing or any form of PE before, and was completely baffled by the subject. Then had me give him links where he could see this for himself. By just staring at my penis he knew I was perfectly normal and fine. Lastly he said he would need to speak with my folks because an adult of my age usually doesn’t have problems getting erect.

Got you, he wants to check for family history. Good luck man, I hope you get better. Just a quick note, I’ve seen a few threads where guys have mentioned that L-arginine made their cum watery. You might want to take a look at those.

I think he wanted to talk with your parents because he believed your problem wasn’t physycal, but psychological.

My two cents : if really you have that problem daysdrag, it’s simply a protective reaction of your body: you was over-taxing your penis, so the body made this association: erection = danger.
Just like a man that has been ustioned by boiling water and then has fear even of cold water.

Likely, nothing is broken in your penis: I said to you, your Doc said to you; do some exams to be more sure about, but repeating again and again your story (in not so clear manner, I have to said: but maybe it’s just me) and asking us advice is useless.

And, latency, just so you know it, many here (me on top) doubts that you had any injury: your posts don’t look very trustable.

Originally Posted by andre1996
Your doctor wants to talk to your mother? About your dick? Doctors are usually wary about committing HIPAA violations, so that’s quite surprising.

Is your doctor really a doctor?

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Originally Posted by daysdrag
Not that it makes it acceptable, but a lot of weightlifters take around 10g of l-arginine a day for it’s supposed effects on HGH the body produces, as well as books for impotence and some pages on the internet in the past indicating high doses of l-arginine could be an effective alternative to viagra (I’m sort of doubting that). I don’t have any sources at this time.

On the borage oil, I heard few people say about it’s possible toxicity. But this topic here is sort of intriguing http://www.fats … ms/diabetes.php

I did a little searching, and I could not find where lots of l-arginine was likely to give you more than an upset stomach and an emptier wallet. I was just wondering where you came up with that as your dosage.

That’s an interesting link you provided about borage oil. A lot of that had to do with diabetic neuropathy. Do you have any insight on whether your problem is neurological or vascular?

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Originally Posted by marinera

And, latency, just so you know it, many here (me on top) doubts that you had any injury: your posts don’t look very trustable.

Your joking right, please tell me that you are joking? Why would I lie about my condition? To bash PE? If you want to read some fucked up feed backs on PE, you can take a quick search on google, there are plenty. If you really think it’s impossible to fuck your self up, extending your dick, please get a reality check. I have never said that PE WILL get you injured, but if your not careful, you will pay.


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