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How to stay erect during jelq?

How to stay erect during jelq?

I keep losing my erection after every 20-30 slow reps of power jelqing and this is getting annoying. I have to shake or slap it against my thigh to get it back up again. Looks like my dick is getting desensitized to jelqing. Any suggestions? Should I use cock ring?

You got two options, Bro ;)

1. Watch some porn.

2. Have your GF bend over right in front of you, naked!! Tell her to stay that way for the next 20 mins or so :)

Make it huge....!

Uncut4Big / Mike

Re: How to stay erect during jelq?

Originally posted by a529612
I keep losing my erection after every 20-30 slow reps of power jelqing and this is getting annoying. I have to shake or slap it against my thigh to get it back up again. Looks like my dick is getting desensitized to jelqing. Any suggestions? Should I use cock ring?

I use the PJ for 30 minutes or more each morning at 80% erect throughout the whole routine without a problem. I don’t use porn while PJ’ing because I would get too erect. What does work is varying the amount of pressure that I’m applying to the shaft when I first commence at the base (lighter) and move up towards the glans (stronger). I always stop the PJ stroke at least an inch below the glans. Try experimenting and varying the intensity of your grip. Oftentimes, guys squeeze the PJ too hard and cause discomfort and thus dick deflation.

If you are comfortable with nipple play and find nipple stimulation appealing, then another way to help keep your dick up is to just use your free hand to squeeze your nipple occasionally. For me, I am very sensitive in that area and find that nipple stimulation is just as good as dick stimulation. This topic’s come up before in previous threads.


Thanks peforeal,

By saying that about nipple play, I take it you mean if you do that, there is like a direct link to your penis and it gets hard? That would be so neat! I have a friend who just melts when he touches his own nipples. Mine aren’t that sensitive. I am wondering if it is possible to make them more sensitive. Any thoughts on that?


Hi guys

I got the opposite problem, whenever I start to jelq or stretch I get an erection instantly.
The only way to relieve pressure so I can continue my work out is to master bate < club the seal >

My question to you is.
Is it ok to masturbate directly before my work out and its it ok to masturbate directly afterwards??

Second question
I want to gain length so do I jelq with a lower erection < 50 % to 60% erect >

To be a Player you have to Play

< so get in the game >

Originally posted by Uncut4Big
You got two options, Bro ;)

1. Watch some porn.

2. Have your GF bend over right in front of you, naked!! Tell her to stay that way for the next 20 mins or so :)

These are most effective for keeping your wang at attention, #2 would be GREAT! but I would probably lose focus and get on that ass!!

3. Don’t have sex / masturbate (Or not as often )

It is the only good way for me to stay erect, otherwise I will be entirely flaccid after 10-20 jelking stretches. Although this is very frustrating ;)

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