Thunder's Place

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I jelq with 80-100 erect

I jelq with 80-100 erect

Everybody here says: oh, oh, it’s so dangerous.

But I have jelq with almost 100% erect for 3 months now and nothing bad has happened, on the contrary I have gain almost 1,3 cm in length.

Hello mate,

Perhaps you should carry on Jelqing like that for a year or so and then report back if it is dangerous.

Accidents happen but if you are working in a dangerous environment, you’ll have greater chance of hurting yourself.

Take care.

P.S: If you try a stronger grip than the one you are using you might hurt yourself.

I have decided whatever I do I will move forward in life

Originally Posted by Ekke86
Everybody here says: oh, oh, it’s so dangerous.

But I have jelq with almost 100% erect for 3 months now and nothing bad has happened, on the contrary I have gain almost 1,3 cm in length.

Individual physiologies vary. If that was your routine and you escaped injury so far, good for you, but that does not mean that would be true for everyone. The routines here are geared toward safety, and what you have done is not recommended for PE beginners.

For that matter, Ekke86, congratulations on your gains, but you do not know that you would not have gained more if you had jelqed at a lower level. The idea behind jelqing is to move blood and create a pressure differential. If you’re already at 100%, are you trying to force your penis to 105% or 110%? It might work for growth. I believe you also have a greater change of hurting yourself.

It’s your penis, but for eveyrone else reading this: NOT RECOMMENDED if you’re a newbie, and really, I don’t think it’s a good idea to achieve gains with safety even if you’re more experienced.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

I have jelqed with 100% erections for about a year now. Maybe a little bit more. My erections are still perfectly fine and my unit is damn fine looking too! ;) All you have to do is take it carefully and be on the lookout for any negative signs.

Past: 5-5.5" BPEL x 4.5" GIRTH

Present: 7.55" BPEL x 5.55" GIRTH (1 year progress)

Future: 8-9" BPEL x 6" GIRTH

Originally Posted by Okish6er
I have jelqed with 100% erections for about a year now. Maybe a little bit more. My erections are still perfectly fine and my unit is damn fine looking too! ;) All you have to do is take it carefully and be on the lookout for any negative signs.

Nice gains that all you done (100%erect jelqs?) what was your programme, if you don’t mind me asking?

Yeah, I jelq at the higher end of an erection also because I can’t keep it down. I see nothing wrong with this as long as no injuries result from it.

In search of a perfect body, penis, and girl.

The search NO longer continues. :)

Anyone who’s new and reading this - I’ve burst blood vessels twice because of jelqing with too higher erection. You need to find your own level but I wouldn’t be too ambitious right off the bat.

I too jelq with an erection level at >90%, I can’t get it lower even after masturbating twice.

Everyone is different, the routine I follow is very very hard on my dick, it’s very strenuous. The things I’ve been doing would prolly break something in other people. It’s all what you prefer. I jelq at 100% kegal to push more into it hold it at the head and do it over again, hasn’t hurt me yet, but at the same time not all penises are made the same, some people get hurt more then others.

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