Hey guys,
Ive been using the JES EXTENDER on and off since 2006. My dick was at 5 inches when I started, but now its at 6.5 BPEL. I lost confidence in the extender for a while because I wasnt seeing results, so I took almost a year off. When I picked it up again I realized I needed to add the 1 inch elongation bars that also came with the basic set. But I do admit I have been hanging with 2kg weights in the meantime. But now when I use it, Ive got the thing screwed all the way to the max it can go! Now while Im in the JES I measure a solid 7 inches BPEL. But without it still 6.5 BPEL. Anyhow, I figure that the JES really does work because I just ordered another pair of the 1 inch elongation bars. When 3 years ago I didnt have use for the extra pair I have! Now thats progress baby! BTW the JES site has had a complete face lift since I bought mine 3 years ago, and it seems they are doing well. Im not a spokesman for them, but I do think that an extender is the most convenient and least uncomfortable way to PE. Id really like a 9 inch dong and be on bang bros one day! Then Id change my name to Tripod. Just kidding only in my dreams.
P.S- if you are getting a soreness under your glans try using a non-cohesive sports wrap under the comfort cusion before loading. Helps to take away the blisters.