Originally Posted by Mexmuscle
What do you mean by 9.2”? nine point two inches?
Originally Posted by dongalong
Judging by the tension indicating grooves visible in your photo, you were applying around 800grams of tension, was this normal or did you completely compress the springs (1500grams) at your most intense setting?
To be honest I never really fiddled with the screws at the bottom, I realized they would have helped me after stopping, I would have been eased in every time I was about to add a new piece, instead of jumping up by 0.2” (which was slightly hard as I approached the high eights).
Originally Posted by Mexmuscle
How can your BPEL be 7.8 inches when your BPFL goes as far as 8.5 inches according to that pic you have in your thread?Well, since i was the one asking a question and I havent answered it myself, My BPEL is 7.5 inches, my BPFL is 7.25 inches, and i use 6.5 inches in rods with the Jes extender. That may go lower or higher deoending on how much pressure and time i want to apply.
lol I don’t know, I think its due to the way I wore my extender, it leaves room for a lot of growth though, that mixed with jelqing, I should be on for an inch within 1 - 3years :) .
Have you gained anything from wearing your extender?