Disclaimer: I am not selling anything. I have merely discovered some things that I wish to check the efficacy of and am seeking advice on how to properly do so.
Thanks for all the replies I will go with the advice of photographing as documentation. I’m sorry but I am not going to freely give away my findings. Whether the gains are long term or not are yet to be seen I was just asking what would be the best way to show this so if I take the effort it will be worthwhile.
I am excited about this and do apologize for my cryptic nature and accept your words of caution to others as reasonable responses. There is so much junk out there that are huge wastes of money and time. Once I cover all the technicalities the details will be openly shared granted if this works long term.
A part of me wants to just reveal everything I’ve discovered it’s so tempting yet at the end of the day someone else will have just made a buck off my efforts and that’s intolerable to anyone I’m sure you would all honestly agree.
I think this site is awesome and very beneficial to the people who want to know what really works and what doesn’t there is so much dishonest marketing out there.
Just be assured that in a short time I will share what I know and I look forward to it.
Hint # avoid salt(s) when doing PE