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Frequency of erections help gains?

Frequency of erections help gains?

I was wondering if other than stretching the tunica and ligs through PE, exercises such as jelqing obviously have a positive effect on erections. I was wondering if this effect could also promote gains, because i remember as an adolescent I would get raging boners all the time and i’m assuming this is what contributed to the growth of the penis. Does frequency and rigidity of erection also promote this?

id say it helps prolly.

Who’s Prolly, and why would he need help?

Erections enourage blood and therefore healing. Mostly healing is good. Will it make a massive difference if you force and erection for an hour after a PE session? Probably not. I don’t think it can hurt though. Whether erections effect the blood supply around the ligs much and whether its adversely is something I can’t answer. Maybe someone else can.

Sure can’t hurt. I think nocturnal erections are very beneficial as well.

I was thinking about this, kind of, today. I say, if you’re not getting rock hard erections, don’t try and increase the size of what’s there until they are rock hard.

By all means jelq until you have fantastic erections again, but keep it moderate.

Just an idea I had.

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