Do orgasms hinder PE gains?
This has apparently been an unresolved issue forever. Perhaps if this was a big issure- if masturbation to orgasm did in fact hinder or help gains- this might have been resolved already. Time after time we hear people tell us to abstain from orgasm for no reason at all, or "because I know it intuitively" or "because your hormones change" but unless this is expounded on it just doesn’t cut it. One wonders if this is our Judeo-Christian guilt-laden upbringing simply telling us subconciously that "abstinence is next to Godstinence", or whatever. I would like to hear (particularly from the big gainers) what reasons there would be to follow abstinence for best PE gains, or not to worry about ejaculation.
I have seen and read many threads addressing this already and here are a few for background reading. Please anyone read before you post.
A couple thoughts of my own. I like to masturbate often, but if there are legitimate reasons why this will limit gains, I would cut back. But I have not really heard any compelling reasons, except possibly these:
…Good question, and a point of contention when it comes to masturbation directly after PE. I doubt it, sounds like more erections and more blood in the penis to aid repair.
My take on this is that masturbation will produce a lot of blood flow into and out of the penis. This will carry nutrients which can aid repair (which we don’t want!) During masturbation blood is flowing, as in Jelqing, but no significant tissue damage is being done to the penis. Hence it results in accelerated healing. However, ejaculation is irrelevant to this argument. By this argument it is the masturbation that could limit gains. If its true, and one feels he must masturbate, a quicky is best. Uli’s are fine because there is not significant blood flow in or out, jelqs are fine because there is tissue damage which is a much larger factor than the temporary increased blood flow in or out. Is there any merit to this argument? How much healing could occur from a masturbation session? Are tissues in the penis like seives, which trap the necessary proteins required for healing as increased blood flows through the penis?
It has also been mentioned that if we don’t ejaculate the penis remains more engorged rather than more flaccid at least temporarily. But by the above argument this is not a good thing! That is, more blood will be flowing to the penis which will result in faster healing. I doubt that the level of engorgement is enough for tissue damage for further gains. Should we ice our penises after working out, to reduce blood flow??
But the engorgement after PE may be enough so that the penis heals in a slightly engorged state, moreso than when we ejaculate, which could result in larger gains?? (Does ejaculation really decrease engorgement significantly?)
Moreover, over what course of time does the tissue heal, and how does that compare to the time it takes our penises and hormone levels to return to normal after ejaculation? I think our penisis heal on a time scale of about a day (or more?) and I think our hormones return to normal after about an hour (give or take). Hence the "extra" engorgement from not ejaculating would seem irrelevant. If someone has these numbers pinned down I would like to hear about that.
People have questioned whether ejaculation speeds healing and I share that skepticism as well:
If you cut your face shaving does ejaculating slow down [my add: or speed up] the healing process? …This is a question that has often been debated and nobody has yet come up with a conclusive answer. For every guy who attributes gains through abstinence there is another who claims that regular masturbation after a PE session has not affected his growth.
That is, it is hard to believe that the differing hormone levels would increase the healing process, or would be a bigger factor than the mechanical issues of increased blood flow above.
One of the big gainers, cutemikey, regularly Jelqs to orgasm, and has gained approx 3 inches length as well as serious girth gains, from what is mentioned in his posts.
So, if anyone has any scientifically based reasons to contribute as to why masturbation OR orgasm is limiting to gains, or might even help with gains, or are essentially irrelevant, please let us all know so we can help put this issue to rest.
Thanks and keep gaining,
"If you build it, she will cum." --Growth of Dreams