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is erection during PE boosts gains?

is erection during PE boosts gains?

Do you think erection during PE will boost gains or improve to cement gains? IMO it strongly effect cemented gains or boost gains. What do you think about it.

No, I think it’s dangerous and could lead to injury. Be careful about doing any PE exercise while fully erect.

I personally won’t try it. I’ve only got one penis. I can’t afford to mess this one up!

Hi, west, john and everybody,

I think i couldn’t expresss myself properly. I meant erection during PE but not doing it while performing any excersices. Becoming erect when you give short breaks or between two exercises. I think it could give some natural effect to exercises, so you can cement your gains. : )

Oh, well in that case maybe. It could definitely increase blood flow and maybe have a minor effect on girth. Who knows. Try it and report back!

If I can observe any, surely.

via PE

I thought haydibre was talking about achieving erections during the quick breaks between sets in PE, which is what I do. My logic is this, I jelq at about 60 to 70% of a full blown erection, and in between sets, and I will acquire the full erection, I figure it would help to hold the expanded tissue during the break.

Thanks Starter,

You read my mind. And maybe it strenghten our valves ( If there is any? I did’t hear any of them in here.)


I too like to get an erection after my sessions.

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