Frequency of exercises.
Hey guys,
I’ve been on and off this site for a couple months now and have been trying to join up but it’s always been full. I finally got on today and now I’m taking away the TP V-card. Feels good..
So I’ve always often can I be doing these exercises? I jelq and stretch. I’m a pretty creative guy so I’m always finding new ways to do either one of these with good technique. I’ve gained half an inch in length and around .3 or .4 inches in girth. I’ve always concentrated on the lower part of my penis as I started with an incredibly annoying baseball bat shape. It gave me the feeling of not filling my women up to the brim. Now that I’ve gotten a solid 6x5 from top to bottom and I’m not to concerned with women being upset with my size, I would really just like to focus on overall volume. I’m not too interested in using any instruments besides my hand’s or a drumstick for jelqs and stretches so clamps and vacuums are probably never going to be a part of my routine. (Maybe that will cause me to lose out on my full potential but whatever.I don’t wanna kill any women, just make them come consistently.)
So my main question is this.. How many times a day can I tug, jelq, and stretch my penis without over training?
All I do so now-a-days is stretch for 5 minutes. Jelq for 30 minutes (about 130-160 strokes) and take a nice hot shower after. Ill kegel it up throughout the day whenever I think about it.
Here’s an example schedule for my day:
10AM (Insert possible stretching or short jelq session time here)
11AM (Insert possible stretching or short jelq session time here)
12PM (Insert possible stretching or short jelq session time here)
1PM Normal Stretch and Jelq routine
2PM (Insert possible stretching or short jelq session time here)
3PM (Insert possible stretching or short jelq session time here)
4PM (Insert possible stretching or short jelq session time here)
5PM (Insert possible stretching or short jelq session time here)
6PM (Insert possible stretching or short jelq session time here)
7PM (Insert possible stretching or short jelq session time here)
8PM (Insert possible stretching or short jelq session time here)
9PM (Insert possible stretching or short jelq session time here)
10PM (Insert possible stretching or short jelq session time here)
So guys, where can I be safely stretching throughout this typical day of mine without over-training or stretching out the cells that I’ve already massacred from the normal stretch and jelq session?
As a quick background for me so you can give the best advice possible. I’m a personal trainer and I am in good health. I am proportional and aim for functional strength rather than the body-builder look. I eat well and will train for an hour to two hours daily whether that includes a metabolic, hypertrophic, or cardio workout. I find it difficult to over-train my body so I’m sure my penis will react similarly. I do however seem to fall into the “less is more” category. I’m basically just looking for a simple “yes, you can stretch your penis for 5 minutes whenever you get the chance throughout the day” or a simple “no, don’t stretch yourself anymore than your normal jelq and stretch routine.
Thanks for reading that obnoxiously long post guys, I didn’t expect to write that much but I guess it’s just months of just reading on here and not being able to contribute or ask anything myself. Appreciate it and I’m looking forward to any ones response.