General Electric Kaplan Pump Newbie Questions
Greetings everyone! Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this informative forum.
I have questions for pumpers and/or Bib Hanger users who have made PERMANENT ERECT length and girth gains (is there such a thing?).
I have a brand new Kaplan electric pump with two cylinders (scrotum and regular). I’ve read all the instructions and am familiar with using it.
My goal is to gain 2” in permanent erect length; any gains in girth are appreciated as well.
1. Does using an electric pump consistently produce permanent erect length and girth gains? So many people talk about how the gains are “fake” (basically edema), that your penis looks deformed if it gets bigger, and that using a bib hanger or a static stretcher or stretching exercises are the only way to get permanent length gains. I used a static stretcher before and gained 1/4” over a few months.
2. If pumping does produce permanent erect gains, what have been your gains?
3. I was using my scrotum pump, and after my first session, a tiny bump (I could scratch it and it was hard and looks like a wart or little blister) appeared on the head of my penis. It was not there before I pumped (95% sure). Advice? I’m worried that I won’t be able to pump now because if it is a blister then it will always come back. It’s not in the best place. Anyone who sees it is going to assume I have a wart or something worse. I was at 6 HG.
4. What are the keys, aside from never going over a certain HG pressure and avoiding edema, to product permanent gains? I have heard that if you have blood spots, edema, etc, then the session not only won’t produce a furtherance in gains, but will actually negatively affect your EQ.
I greatly appreciate your advice! HAPPY NEW YEAR!