Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Hey guys, a couple of newbie questions.

Hey guys, a couple of newbie questions.

First of all - hello to everyone.
I’ve been a lurker for a few weeks and I’m very glad that registration for the site became open (there were no spots for new members until a couple of days ago), because I can now actually write in the forum and have access to the non-public parts of the site (f.e. Progress reports and etc. Which everyone gives as an example for something and non-registered members can’t view). :)
This is a very welcoming and friendly place with a lot of mature and intelligent guys. And that’s absolutely awesome. :)
Now with the questions which could sound a little dumb to the veterans, but I prefer to have argumented answers to my dumb questions then to rely on my logic and carry on with PE on my own. :)

1. How do you guys decide what % is your erection at?
I gotta say it’s hard with a 4 and 3/4 inch dick and a 20-years-old-guy-erection (by that I’m referring to the angle of the erection). I mean, do you look at the angle, the hardness, the length?
It’s probably me, but I honestly can’t decide whether an erection is 50% or 60%.
2. How to fight with erections while jelqing?
What happens when I jelq is: 1 minute of jelqing, 30 seconds of resting because of a hard-on. I guess it’s my lack of self-control at fault, so what can I do about it (it’s kind of an issue. Yeah, premature ejaculation - it sucks).
3. While on that topic - is it a problem at all?
I mean would repetitive pausing as described previously hinder my gains? I’d really hate it if I gain really slowly because of erections..
4. Is a warm wrap, warm water stream or whatever means of warm-up one uses bad for the testicles?
I’s that in any way bad for the nuts?
5. Why is a warm wrap (or the other stuff) recommended after the exercises?
I’ve read recommendations about cold wraps, no wraps, but the proposed newbie routine still recommends a warm wrap for after the exercises.
6. How can I decide if I’ve got improved EQ if I’ve already got good EQ?
I mean, I’ve got to know if I’m doing something.I know gains can come after some time, but I have to know if I’m doing it right, ‘cus if I’m not.gains won’t come even after an year of doing it wrong.

Hm, I could’ve sworn I had more questions prepared, but I guess I’ll have to post again when I remember what they were. :)

Thanks in advance.

Welcome. You have some really good questions.

As for erection level, I bet no two guys judge this in exactly the same way. I wouldn’t worry about trying to differentiate between a 50% and a 60% erection level. Consider the following definitions from Aaron Kemmer’s “Exercising the Penis”:

0%: The penis is in a completely flaccid state, its smallest possible size.
25%: The penis is still flaccid but it is filled with blood and often feels more flexible than with a 0% erection level.
50%: The penis is in a fully-pumped state, near the size of the erect penis, but with no firmness or hardness whatsoever. In this state, the penis can be moved, bent, or squeezed without any resistance.
75%: The penis is in a semi-erect state. In this state, the penis still can be moved, bended, jelqed and squeezed, but with slight resistance. A semi-erect penis penis has minor firmness and hardness, but generally isn’t hard enough to penetrate the vagina.
100%: Fully erect, typically the state you are in just before orgasm.

A lot of guys become erect at first with jelqing. This tends to become less of a problem over time for many. The two ways to deal with it are to take frequent breaks as needed, or masturbate to orgasm before jelqing. You might also start to practice “edging” by masturbating to near orgasm, then letting your erection subside repeatedly. This may help you gain stamina and control and help with premature ejaculation. The only real downside of having to take breaks is the considerable amount of time it adds to PE.

I like using of small clay-based heating pad (Theripaq) that is heated in a microwave for warm up. It retains heat better and is more comfortable to apply than a rice sock in my opinion. I think warm water is fine. Unless it is really hot, it won’t damage your testes. The testes are outside of the body, because production of healthy sperm is impaired at body temperature, so if you are trying to conceive a child, you don’t want to be applying heat to your scrotum. Use of warming after exercise is controversial. Some have even applied cold after exercise. The “collective wisdom” supports the notion of warming before exercise, but not everybody has done this. These topics are something you can research here and decide for yourself.

At the age of 20 and with good EQ I wouldn’t worry about making it better. Don’t forget to do Kegels to help maintain good EQ. Just watch out for it getting worse. A lot of guys try to do too much, too soon and suffer a decrease in EQ. If this happens, don’t panic. Just back off or stop for a little while. It is virtually always temporary.

Try to get some good initial measurements (and record them here in the PE Data Site). Include bone-pressed erect length (BPEL), non bone-pressed erect length (NBPEL), flaccid length and girth (usually an average), bone-pressed stretched flaccid length (BPSFL), and erect girth at the glans, mid-shaft and base (and where ever your girth is maximal). The fist change many guys notice is an increase in flaccid size.

Thanks redbear, that was really helpful.
I guess I jelqed at 75-ish % of erection for the past couple of weeks and that’s why I got some slight gains in girth and none in length. Now I know better. ^^
I have one other question, one of the more important questions because it’s regarding my health:
Is PE ok if I have varicose veins (not varicocele yet, just a varicose vein) or maybe even good for that issue?

I’ll be putting my measurements and goals in my sig soon. :)

Where is the varicose vein?

I am not warming down after work out. I have studied pretty much medicine and human physics and I dont see any rational reason to warm down. I have asked that topic here but no-one can explaing me any logic why to warm down.

Start 20.4.2010: BPEL = 6.6 EG = 4.3 EGB = 4.8

Current: BPEL = 6.9 EG = 4.7 EGB = 4.9

Goal: BPEL = 7.5 EG = 5+

Thanks Aftershock, I’m not warming down since last week anyway, just doing kegels RIGHT after my stretching/jelqing session.
Redbear, most simply put it’s an enlarged vein - a very common problem, the thing is that in my case it’s near my junk. The doc said that it’s not varicocele yet, just an enlarged vein - varicose vein.
It’s a very mild case for me though so I doubt it would be a problem, but asking is better then guessing, right? :P

More in-depth:
Varicose vein

RE-RE-Started (21.03.2024): 5.5" BPEL, 4.5" MSEG

Current: 5.5" BPEL, 4.7" MSEG

Current Goal: 6.6" BPEL, 5.3" MSEG -- Long Term Goal: 7.1" BPEL, 5.5" MSEG

I’m going to necropost here, but I don’t feel like a new thread is necessary as the things I’m going to say fit perfectly into this one. :)
If you guessed that I’m going to ask some questions, you’re right! You’ll probably notice that it’s been an year now and, thus, I shouldn’t be a newbie any more, but I’ve been doing PE on and off for the past 12 months and I’d say that it was off most of the time, regrettably. Never mind that, I’m going to try to be more serious this time, so here are some questions for you:

1. Is it ok if I edge on my off days, is my penis going to get enough rest?

2. How do you guys decide on erection percent. I know this was answered a few posts above, but despite that, I’m still struggling to find the balance. If I follow those guidelines and try to jelq on 60-65% erection I should jelq an engorged but pretty much soft penis. The problem is that I can’t find/stay in the right spot of being able to feel my jelqs actually doing something and not risk an injury, I’m either too soft or too hard. So how do you guys do it? Is it just experience?
I experimented with grip and erection % while jelqing few days ago and I think I found a state where I’m pretty soft and I feel the blood pump to the top of my penis while jelqing. I’d categorise it as 50% however (following the guidelines I mentioned) which is probably a bit too low. I’m probably wrong though and it should be enough.

3. I have a question about manual stretches - I stretch directly away from the body and, if we imagine a clock, at 3, 9 and 12 (I don’t usually stretch at 6, because I don’t want to lose my angle of erection, although it could be not such a bad thing, as it gives me trouble during sex sometimes). Should I keep stretching like that or is it better for the side-stretches (3 and 9) to be more towards the bottom (say 7:30 and 4:30)?
Also, how long should I let my penis rest between stretches? Are, say, 5 seconds enough?
And lastly about stretching: as I do my PE in the bathroom I have the opportunity to use heat during stretching. Would you advise for or against applying heat (water stream) when holding a stretch?

4. I’m going to take some Zinc (for increased semen volume and sex drive), I’m thinking about something like 40mg/d, 30mg of which are zinc gluconate (if that decreases actual zinc absorption), as for the other 10 - IDK. I read from numerous sources, however, that the average needed daily dosage for a 19+ man is 12mg/d and that more than 50 could be harmful. People here, on the other hand, take as much as 100mg/d without any harm to their health and consider as little as 15 to be practically useless. Where is the truth here?

5. I’m doing my newbie routine, but I have the same concern I had when I first started PE’ing. My instrument isn’t all fat and pumped after a workout. That made me believe I was doing something wrong the first time and I do get the same feeling now. However, as the guys from “Breaking Benjamin” sing - I will not bow, I will not break. Meaning that I won’t give in to that feeling as I know I’m doing at least the basics right. Right..?

Thanks in advance. :)

RE-RE-Started (21.03.2024): 5.5" BPEL, 4.5" MSEG

Current: 5.5" BPEL, 4.7" MSEG

Current Goal: 6.6" BPEL, 5.3" MSEG -- Long Term Goal: 7.1" BPEL, 5.5" MSEG

Oh, and another thing, I turtle a lot after a PE session, should I do some sitting fowfers or is it too early for my penis to get that much workout/stress? :)

RE-RE-Started (21.03.2024): 5.5" BPEL, 4.5" MSEG

Current: 5.5" BPEL, 4.7" MSEG

Current Goal: 6.6" BPEL, 5.3" MSEG -- Long Term Goal: 7.1" BPEL, 5.5" MSEG

I can't find/stay in the right spot of being able to feel my jelqs actually doing something and not risk an injury, I\’m either too soft or too hard.

For most guys it is a matter of experience. Some guys find it helpful to have porn running on their computer or teevee. If they are to firm they balance their check book. If to soft they briefly glance at porn.

My instrument isn't all fat and pumped after a workout.

Never happened much to me either. Have you considered hanging?

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Originally Posted by viksenpai
1. Is it ok if I edge on my off days, is my penis going to get enough rest?

This seems to be a matter of opinion and personal experience, but for ME, I find prolonged edging (more than 30 minutes) to be somewhat harsh on my dick. If I do it, I treat it as my PE session for the day.

Originally Posted by iamaru
My instrument isn't all fat and pumped after a workout.

Never happened much to me either. Have you considered hanging?

I don’t need my penis to show those signs, in the end all that matters is the result (in inches :P). I ask, because I want to know I’m doing something right now, not after 2-3 months when gains start/don’t start to come.

Originally Posted by UFGator
This seems to be a matter of opinion and personal experience, but for ME, I find prolonged edging (more than 30 minutes) to be somewhat harsh on my dick. If I do it, I treat it as my PE session for the day.

I think I found that the hard way a couple of days ago, but even 7-8 minutes directly after a PE workout made my EQ for the next few days drop. So it’s going to be a no-no, but I’m going to edge on my off days for sure, I need that practice. :)

Thanks your response guys, hope someone else gives feedback on the other questions too (they could seem stupid, but better safe than sorry). :)

RE-RE-Started (21.03.2024): 5.5" BPEL, 4.5" MSEG

Current: 5.5" BPEL, 4.7" MSEG

Current Goal: 6.6" BPEL, 5.3" MSEG -- Long Term Goal: 7.1" BPEL, 5.5" MSEG

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