Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Girth gains = Magnums :)

Girth gains = Magnums :)

Well im not new here….been a lurker for ever.

A little bit of history. I started pe around 2006/2007. I started at around 6 in by 4.8. Not small, a little bigger than average. But I remember seeing porn as a teenager and thinking holy shit. My dick is small. So I started the newbie routine. Went at it for a good 4 months or so. Had some decent gains. Got to about 6.75 length with a girth of around 5. Needless to say I was happy about my gains.

At around this time, I started dating someone seriously and it turned out that she absolutely loved my dick. She was a petite woman 5’1 115 lbs and extremly tight. She had no complaints as far as size or stamina(see my member name). Well, I quickly forgot about how important having a monster porn cock was to me and stopped pe. Didnt lose much. Maybe .25 length. A little girth. I did pe every now and then. Nothing consistent…

5 years of ups and downs lead to a break up last august :(

After a short period of reflection…I decided to make myself over. I was out of shape (athlete throughout high school and college but I let myself go once my playing days were numbered), shy/reserved and just not the go getter I was in high school. I decided to get back in the gym and rebuild my body and confidence. 1 month of warm up workouts & 3 months of serious workouts later I was starting to look great. My gut was gone, shoulders wider, chest developing. Early Success.

But wait, what about my cock…hmmm. I looked down at it…i cant build up my body and forget to build a porn cock too.

I spent most of Dec doing anewbie like routine. My dick was responding nicely. January…more of the same. Better erection quality, harder erections but no noticable gains. 6.5 x 5. Was I doomed to a slightly above avg dick?

I went ahead and ordered a penimaster pro and a bathmate in mid Jan. And began to work on dick. Used the penimaster for 4-5 hours a day and bathmate 3-4 times a week. I took a little bit to get the hand of the bathmate. Correct pressure, PI, erection quality. I started seeing gains. Not measured but I could tell my dick was fatter and the flacid looked nicer. about 3 months ago I stumbled across MOS. They have a girth workout centered around the bathmate and the use of an excercise call SSJ. I started doing this workout sometime in feb. Wow expansion after every workout is great.

My workout since feb has been:

Warm up (hot shower)
Stretches (up, down, left right, straight out) 2-3 sets of each 25 secs each.
Bathmate 5-7 min followed by a SSJ of 45 secs
Bathmate 5-7 min followed by a SSJ of 45 secs
Bathmate 5-7 min, 2 SSJ 45 secs
Warm down (hot shower)

Penimaster pro 4-5 hours a day

My gain have been awesome with this workout.

As of today, I am 7 in NBPEL x 5.5 base girth (girth can get to 5.65 on GOOD days)

Now back to the title of the thread. I tried using a Magnum back in my first stint with pe. It got the job done I guess but I remember it being loose. Wat loose. Like, I probably shouldnt have worn it loose. I just wasnt big enough. Fast forward to now. Im walking,through a well known sex shop here in Lala Land…see a pack and think hmmm… Maybe I should take a crack it these since regular condoms are really really starting to feel uncomfortable.


Fit like a fucking glove. Actually still a little tight girth wise. Fuck yea… I cant put into words how great I feel right now. I left a lot of shit out, to keep from writing a novel. A lot of hurt feelings and depression over my my dick size. You know the story well…spiteful women seeks revenage on unattentive asshole of a boyfriends….goes after manhood. So this right here, is like a physical confirmation to something I already knew but couldnt get pasted. Feels good.

Its possible guys. Keep at it. I know I will (7.5x6 goal)

Thanks thunders!

Great post, and well done for breaking past your plateau. May I ask what SSJs are? What are your opinions on the bathmate?

Sept 2008: 6.0 X 4.9

Sept 2012: BPEL: 7.125 x 5.125

Nov 2015: Returned, stats unknown.


SSJ are Slow squash jelqs. Im sure that dude from Matters of size posted here about them before he got booted for whatever he did. They are very similar to ulis.

First get semi hard…maybe 50-60 percent. Then you clamp down near the base with your fingers. And start a jelq motion but instead you stop about an inch up your shaft without releasing pressure from your fingers. Then you use your other hand to apply slight pressure to the top of the glans by pushing or squashing it down. I get a tone of expansion from this. Im sure there is a better explanation for this on thunders.

The bathmate is great. it took me a little bit to figure it out. I think I was overdoing it at first pressure wise. Id have bad eq after using it. But once I figured out my ideal pressue I stopped having issues. I see it as a vital part of my girth gains.

Ah, I’ve been doing SSJ’s for a while. Didn’t know the name. Just seemed like a good idea if you really watch the pressure.

Start: (Aug 2001): 6 1/2 bpel x 4 7/8 mseg

Current: (6/24/14): 7 3/4 bpel (7 nbp) x 5 5/8 mseg. BEG 6 1/4. BPFSL 8 1/8.

Goals: First: 7 1/2 bpel x 5 1/2 mseg ACHIEVED! Current Goal: 7 nbp x 5 3/4 mseg (almost there!)

Oh, and congrats on the gains. I’m also at 5.5” girth. I tried on a Magnum the other day and it fit great.

Start: (Aug 2001): 6 1/2 bpel x 4 7/8 mseg

Current: (6/24/14): 7 3/4 bpel (7 nbp) x 5 5/8 mseg. BEG 6 1/4. BPFSL 8 1/8.

Goals: First: 7 1/2 bpel x 5 1/2 mseg ACHIEVED! Current Goal: 7 nbp x 5 3/4 mseg (almost there!)

Congrats on the gains! Also this proves that 5.5 girth is most certainly big. Keep up the good work and also feel free to share your stories about your past relationships. Believe new your story might be the inspiration for someone else out there who has gone through the same.

Originally Posted by WantToBeThick
Oh, and congrats on the gains. I’m also at 5.5” girth. I tried on a Magnum the other day and it fit great.

Thanks. Im happy with the results. The last girl I was with commented that she loved the way I filled her up. Not sure if that mean a 5.5 girth is big or if maybe she just isnt that experianced. Im looking forword to pushing myself toward a 6 in girth. I know itll take a while but hopefully ill be close by the end of the year.

Blow jobs are still fun at this point…wondering if 6 in girth changes that?

Oh and SSJ are my favorite girth exercise.

Around 6.0 girth is where deepthroat is nearly impossible due to the spacing between the molars and the throats expansion. On a larger framed person 5’10 and up they may have a larger esophagus.

However don’t downplay the molars, because hitting them may cause a nice deep razor slit in your super engorged hard erection and I wonder what’s going to happen with that.

Originally Posted by Ich1
Congrats on the gains! Also this proves that 5.5 girth is most certainly big. Keep up the good work and also feel free to share your stories about your past relationships. Believe new your story might be the inspiration for someone else out there who has gone through the same.

I may share my story, but everytime someone does here on thunders it always turns into a thread where people start throwing the bitch word around. At this point ive recognized that everything that happened was caused by me. Put here through hell and back while I explored my youth. She stood by me…never cheated, always loved me more then any other women ive ever meet. But people can only take so much…a few family issues added onto the shit I was putting her through = too much emotional stress which lead to a bad break up. Follow by some asshole moves by myself….lead to her saying and doing shit that she regrets to this day.
She is my white buffalo. The one who got away.

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