Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Good Idea/Bad Idea ?

Good Idea/Bad Idea ?

Ejaculation right after finishing routine?

If I ejaculate directly after PEing am i doing any harm? Would I see more gains if I hold off for a few hours? Or its ok let me know

There’s not enough evidence in to offer any guidance on that one.

I have a weak theory that PGE-1 and Relaxin in semen can re-absorb into the body if not ejeculated which might be beneficial, but it is completely unsubstantiated.

Chappedstick - There’s a thread stuck to the top of the Newbie Forum that all new guys are encouraged to read. It’s called Important Newbie Threads/Info. In it is a list of other threads that contain a wealth of information and which answer almost every newbie question. One, appropriately titled, is The most often asked and annoying questions! You’ll find the answer to this question there.

I’ll also point you to the top right of every page where the search button is located. If you use "masturbation gains" as the search term you’ll get over 100 threads in which those two words appear. Look thought the titles and you’ll find almost every other thread about this subject. If you search for "masturbation PE" you’ll find all the others. There must be a thousand by now. :)

The short answer, and don’t let me telling you prevent you from reading the newbie material, is that there is no effect on gains by masturbating before, during or after your PE exercises. Masturbating before your workout may make it difficult to get an erection and decrease your performance during the exercises. Masturbating after may cause your penis to shrink a bit (perfectly normal behavior) which some guys think means they didn’t have a good workout, but that’s not true.

Jerk away!

Ok thanx alot guys and Ill be sure NOT to ask any more annoying questions.
I did however find with some experiment and observation that I looked better after if I did not ejaculate as you stated above.

Thanx for the replys take care.

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