Gotta 'love' stretching
Whats shakin’ guys. I just wanted to know if shrinkage after the first few stretchin sessions is normal or to be expected? I remember that this was a big reason that played into my discontinuing PE awhile back —> that I was shrinking right up after a stretch and jelq session.
I told myself that this time, I was gonna do everythin safely and cautiously; and because of that I am always hot wrapping (even in the middle of my jelq sessions and during squeezes) to ensure a proper amount of blood flow and to prevent injurt/help with gains. So I try and wrap even after stretching and WHAMO my cock shrinks right up and even after a good 100 2-second jelqs it is still hard for me to even get an erection or maintain any sort of plumped look —> which I COULD get for upwards of even a whole day after just a simple jelq and no stretch session.
The main reason that I even began to think about adding in stretching to my rutine (which I did not neccesarily want to do because of my previous experiences with it), is because my slight (maybe 4-5 cm’s off parallel with the floor) upward curve is starting to become more pronounced. With that said, it must be mentioned that I have noticed more rigidity to my erections, but I have always wanted to keep my cock straight-out.
Any opinions?
Giver Hard!
Giver Hard! Scotty! later days ------ (Start) BPEL 7.75" x 5.25-5.5 EG (Goal) BPEL 9.00" x 6.0-6.25 EG