Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Great news for short skinny guys


Great news for short skinny guys

Hi there, I’m 5’6 135lbs
My dicks 5.75 length, 5.25 girth
These are modest measurements(no pulling hard on the measuring tape), non bone pressed.

My news for all you short skinny guys is this: Women expect more size from bigger men(taller). (I’ve asked many women about this from partners to good friends. The ones with a lot of sexual experience know that the height and weight of the man does not mean big or small dick but even they agree they expect more from taller heftier guys.
For example if a woman see”s my dick then see’s the exact same size of dick on a man 6 feet tall she will think mine is bigger because it looks bigger on a smaller frame. The taller guys body size makes his unit seem smaller in comparison. Ha Rahhhh for the short guys. I’ve never had any complaints about my dick, in fact last weekend I was with a new partner. She began to stroke it, then immediately looked down saying “your well equipped”. I also keep my pubic hair shaven short that helps too.

Since I started PE two weeks ago my erections are more powerful, I’m starting to feel a lot better about my penis as well. (I’m not remeasuring till two months have passed but I can see a fuller dick already. I’ve always have a small flaccid but even after two weeks it’s improving. My goals are modest 6 inch length and 5.5 girth.

PS I’m a newbie but I believe starting out PE slow and steady will win this race.

I’m with you on this. So of my taller friends (well they are all taller), were jealous in a strange way that I was short, because my average sized penis would look bigger than there average sized penis. Strange. But I do wonder how many women make the short guy/short dick assumption; or as you say, know that is not the case. Apparently the only true indicator of penis size is confidence.

Is there a link between height and penis size?

6th Feb 06: 6.4 x 5 20th Feb 06: 6.4 x 5.125 29th Nov 06: 6.5 x 5.25 6th Dec 06: 6.725 x 5.25

Gains: .325 x .25 Goal: 7 x 5.5 My Pics

I don’t think there is an obvious link between height and penis size.although the body of any human tends to be proportianate I don’t think this rule applies with the penis.if it did there would be a simple formula to calculate the size of any mans unit. Just for example the size of your forearm is the same size as your foot.there would be something along those lines if there was a direct link I think.

That’s great i’m 5 feet 2 and 116.6 lbs my penis is 5 inches BPEL. I’m PEing to hope to get a 6 inch by next year. Although i’m a virgin i hope the girls don’t freak out at my small size. I have a small girth too 3.8 “

Starting Stats : BPEL, 5", EG, 4"

Goals : BPEL, 6", EG 5"

hey thunder. is there a specific part i am to check out? thanks

Originally Posted by iwantadong
hey thunder. is there a specific part i am to check out? thanks

The part about capitalization, grammar, punctuation etc. It is ‘I’, not ‘i’, sentences begin with capital letters, etc. We are picky about that stuff around here. This is a classy joint.

Horny Bastard

5.75 NBPEL x 5.25 is not modest, its slightly above average. If you can get a ruler (measuring tapes a notoriously unreliable for measuring consistently) and get accurate BP and NBP measurements, you will probably find you yourself at at least 6 BPEL x 5.25. NBPEL measurements are also the only way to track gains, so you really need to get a NBPEL measurement ASAP.

Good luck.

Current PE status - Contemplating Retirement. STARTED - 6.75"x5.25" CURRENTLY 7.5"x5.5" - BPFSL - 7.25"

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Ah, Sorry guys. I will make sure all is up to scratch in future. :-)

I am totally with you on this one. I’m 5’5” and before I started PE was 6.5” BPEL and 5.5” girth. Back when I was skinny and I mean skinny, we are talking a 27” waist or less, all of my girl friends thought I was hung like a horse. Then when I became over weight my girlfriends still thought I was hung. It’s really odd to me because my cock was completely average. I always figures it was because of my short stature.

Originally Posted by Slack
NBPEL measurements are also the only way to track gains,

Why do you say that Slack? Most people seem to think it is BP that is best for tracking gains, by eliminating the variation caused by weight fluctuations.

Horny Bastard

I think the expectation level is indeed somewhat lower for smaller guys. That’s one thing that plagued me constantly being 6’6”. I used to think my dick was the tiniest thing in the world because it just looked so disproportionate to the rest of my body. Now, no matter what I do, I still feel kind of small. I’ve always noticed that girls had this kind of “yeah, he must be big” smugness around me, but that was never the case, and it bothered the hell out of me. In retrospect I think that might’ve been the one thing that really kickstarted this whole PE thing for me.

You still feel kind of small at 8.2”? Do you need a 3rd leg to rest on before you think you might have something to be proud of?

Dude, it’s all self-perception. Having a six incher at my height was a big deal, and no matter what the ruler says now, it still just doesn’t look right. Can anyone relate to this or is this just really fucked up of me?

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