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Hanging and clamping in the same day

Hanging and clamping in the same day

Would I be over training if I hung for 1 hour a day and clamped for 30 min a day?
I would like to gain length and girth at the same time if possible.
Or should I get my length down and then work on girth?
I don’t want to be counter productive..

I have been doing PE for about 5 months now so I think that I might be ready for a routine this intense.
I have been hanging BTC for around 3 weeks at 5lbs for 3 x 15 min sets.


Welcome to the forum. How did this post get to page 2 without a reply?

It’s probbably best to build up to that kind of routine, even after 5 months. Your penis will probably tell you when it’s being over trained (by shrinking after a session or not growing at all).

It might be worth starting with 5 minutes of clamping post jelq and working up from there.

How are you doing on your current hanging sets? Are you seeing growth?

I have the same question ,FerociousD, and I hope some of the “old pro’s” here can help. My routine was going to be very similar to yours, with hanging and clamping in the same day. I’m not sure if I should hang for awhile, until I get the desired length and then work on girth or if both can be gained simultaneously

I know after a good hanging session, there is no way I could clamp. Hell my dick was so fatigued, it was a problem getting hard some days.

Like Mem says though, its a lot of work and not for anyone who does not know their body intimately

Ok maybe I won't hang.

I’m not getting sore and I seem to be getting results.. Maybe..

I am more worried about girth than length.. If I clamp 30-40 min a day how long will it take me

To see results? I am shooting for 6.25 girth is this even possible with clamping?

That is 1.25” gain in girth.

Current stats 7.0 bpel 7.5 bpsfl 5.0 eg 4.5 fg Current goal 8.5 bpel 6.25eg (10-15-06)

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