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Hard Gainers???

Hard Gainers???

I’m not here to offer the magic routine or holy grail of PE. I don’t think there is one per say even though we know there are definitely techniques that can work for many.We also know they dont work for all.

Perhaps you are not performing them correctly.
Perhaps you are and they don’t work for you.

“Try this routine” or “Try that routine” can get frustrating after a while if you are not seeing results.

Thats totally understandable.

But before you reach desperation and tie a bungee cord to your penis and jump off a bridge :chuckle:

Have you ever considered trying to develop your own personnel PE routine instead of following the routines of others verbatim.

Yeah, it worked for them but it doesn’t necessarily mean that it will work for any other individual that tries it. Granted the physiology of our bodies are similar to some degree but there is a threshold point at which they react differently to the same stimuli…

That is why I am a strong believer in learning as much as you can about all the different approaches to PE.

But I also realize that in most instances hard gainers had to of gained at least something at some point:

Even small “seemingly insignificant” gains had to be created by some combination of things that you did that led to that gain.Perhaps your body quickly adapted to stress and is resisting change… thus the plateau ….

Some people just gain and it seems as if any routine or method will work for them because…”again”… their threshold/chemistry for change is different.

Some people eat like a horse (desserts by the score) and gain nothing and some eat practically nothing more than lettuce :( and start gaining weight. In that case its METABOLISM.


It seems that if you are a very hard gainer… then in your particular case it makes even more sense than for someone else that gains from merely farting :chuckle: to keep careful and meticulous records of all the stimuli.

This would include but is not limited to:

Methods (pumping ,hanging etc)
Routine (sets,reps,intervals of time)
Diet (carbs,protein,calories etc.)
Supplements (all that good shit)
Rest (between workouts, sleep patterns)
Times of day you performed your workout.
Erection hardness (Good monitor of over training)
So forth and so on…

You get the basic picture.

Not unlike a scientist you will eventually discover what really works best for YOU but for YOU only!!! Don’t worry too much what about anybody else gained and what they did!

But do keep your ears open at all times…Keep browsing the forum,researching or what not!!!

I would often compete in Marathons and 10 kilometer races
There are two schools of thought for competing and winning:

1)Compete against your competitor (keep catching the guys in front of you and you will win)

2)To hell with the people around you (whether they are speeding up or slowing down) and compete against the clock because if you know no one can run that fast you will obviously win.

I always chose to compete with the clock.

But unlike running in a race…IN THE GAME OF PE…EVERYBODY CAN WIN with some diligence and focus!!!

Monitoring and logging everything that you do (even when you fart :chuckle: like a hawk then take notice of any gains (however small) and then like a PE
Scientist …you can extract what promoted that gain continue and try to refine it even more by experimenting!

1) You find a small gain and you backtrack in your log and take note.

2)Every so often see if you can accelerate those gains by Adding to it a slight alteration and then wait and see what happens (does it improve?)
2a) yes
continue new version
2b) no
discontinue new version and resume whatever the old version was.

Remember that your LOG (JOURNAL) is like a ROAD MAP that gets you to your destination.
You know where you are at and where you are going…you learn how to read it and interpret it.
Yeah there are detours, twist and turns and you get lost sometimes but stick to the basic paths of improvement and you will arrive at your destination.

When I was running races I always competed with the clock.

When working on my PE project I always compete with the ruler/tape measure and I use my LOG as my road map.

Last but not least Have patience. :)

If you knew you could not fail...what would you attempt to do? Female Foot Fetish Current Stats: 5/4/10 8.5BPx6.0, 7.5NBP Achieved Goal and have been on maintenance program since


Last edited by supersizeit : 04-15-2003 at .

How right you are! I’ve been doing the routines from paysites , off and on for two years, with negligible results. I followed these programs to a tee and just got disappointed and minus a few bucks.
After, stumbling across this site and learning as much as I could, I found out that I was doing the routines incorrectly and not necessarily the right routines for me. I’m still experimenting and a little growth has begun!
Sounds like an advertisement or something but thank goodness for Thunder’s site and I will be donating money here instead of those paysites!

Thanks You guys!!

"Don't be like Jackie. There is only one Jackie. Go to school and study computers instead." Jackie Chan

Supersizit, would you copy and paste your post to the thread I stuck at the top of the newbie section:

“collected wisdom from vets and good gainers”


Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!

Its a done deal :)

If you knew you could not fail...what would you attempt to do? Female Foot Fetish Current Stats: 5/4/10 8.5BPx6.0, 7.5NBP Achieved Goal and have been on maintenance program since


Originally posted by clawhammer
How right you are! I've been doing the routines from paysites , off and on for two years, with negligible results. I followed these programs to a tee and just got disappointed and minus a few bucks.
After, stumbling across this site and learning as much as I could, I found out that I was doing the routines incorrectly and not necessarily the right routines for me. I'm still experimenting and a little growth has begun!
Sounds like an advertisement or something but thank goodness for Thunder's site and I will be donating money here instead of those paysites!

Thanks You guys!!

COOL!!! You are in the right place! This a serious PE site. :)

If you knew you could not fail...what would you attempt to do? Female Foot Fetish Current Stats: 5/4/10 8.5BPx6.0, 7.5NBP Achieved Goal and have been on maintenance program since


Damn, how right that is. A routine for everyone to follow,in my opinion,is bullshit. Trial and error is part of the whole learning process.


I agree with this thread 100%, what works for one person may not work for another. One point i’d like to make is that the ruler is not your enemy, it is your friend. I have read a few posts that warn against measuring too often, and i understand the reasoning behind that. But I believe that if you measure very often you can see when you are getting results, and when you are not, just don’t get caught up in always wanting to see gains.

With the pumpers they have a “gage” (the tube itself) that they can compare thier size too, to see when they are putting their member under stress and getting bigger. I am not sure how the hangers can gage thier “post workout” gains, but I have got to compare something to myself to see if my workout is affective. The feeling and looks of it are not enough, your eyes and hands can decieve you.


YOU gatta come up with your own, he is so right, u do what everyone else does, and you get what they get, nothing!!

Carpe Diem... Seize the Day You may shoot me with your words, You may cut me with your eyes, You may kill me with your hatefulness, But still, like air, I'll rise.... Maya Angelou Aim for the Stars, if You miss, You got the Sky.

Great post SSI, right on!

"Be aware that there are several schools of thought here as well. Some seem to go with the hard and heavy approach. The sessions are brutal. You can hear them talking to their dick: You better grow mofo or I will punish you even harder tomorrow! Others seem to favor a more tender approach. Always listening to what their member is saying while massaging it gently and singing to it with a soft voice. If it is moody and not happy with new behavior, they always listen and are very understanding."

Nice post.


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