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Solution creating for hard flaccid gainers

Solution creating for hard flaccid gainers

Without counting the pause’s I pe 14 months now.

I have gained 1,57 inch erect. Good.


NO FLACCID GAINS AT ALL. (No complaining, very grateful for the erect length gain until now)

The therapeutic wrist wrap and the pe weights did not help.
when I do them off I only have a gain that subside’s in max 30 min.

My pe consists of pumping/clamping/jelqing and a minor of stretches.

That are all the exercise’s for gaining flaccid length…

I, can, I can, I can not, can not compute..

Use rotation and inverted stretches for flaccid length. These exercises in particular have given me flaccid length, along with erect length.

Fowfers are also a good idea.

I already do V stretche’s and Inverted V’s. I will do more of them them and do some less of stretche’s in all different directions.

Rotation feels a beet forced on me, but I will go on easily and build it up. See what happens. Thanks.

I, can, I can, I can not, can not compute..

Any more suggestions?>


I plan to start hanging from Monday, as flaccid length gains is one of my main targets too.

"Al, over the years we\\'ve taken roles from one another. People have tried to compare us to one another, to pit us against each other and to tear us apart personally. I\\'ve never seen the comparison frankly. I\\'m clearly much taller, more the leading-man type. Honestly, you just may be the finest actor of our generation - with the possible exception of me." (talking about Al Pacino)

- Robert De Niro

First of all this is the principal reason I started PE.

As a lot of us I started with normal EL but sub normal FL.
In my case I was 6.5” BPEL and 2.3 - 3 FL.

We know that with this lenght some people is more then 5” FL.

The first thing to understand and clarifying is how this is possible.

Is it a matter of elasticity perhaps of the ligs or of the tunica or of some other internal structure of the penis?
Or is a matter of blood flow?

I mean, some people think that no matter whether it’s flaccid or erect, the size of your penis
depends on the amount of blood contained in the organ.

If this is true, what is it more easy to do: creating with a slow process more meat or finding a system to push blood in your penis even if he is flaccid ?

Which is your opinion?

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