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Flaccid Jelgs

Flaccid Jelgs

I am elated with jelging after one week. My flaccid length is one inch longer and instead of a weiner looking dick at it’s flaccid base, I now have a big long uniformly sausage. This new boy” makes bathroom breaks very pleasant at the latrine. I was a skeptic and if anyone out there is skeptical, let me divulge more. My erections are much much harder and as I approach orgasm, my dick feels like it did in my teen years—rock hard. Since I am well over the big 5-0 in age, this is great news. To me the best thing about jelging that is not touted as much as size increases, is the increase in hard erectile quality. At this rate, I wonder if Thundersplace with a little promotion, can make Eli Lilly and Pzifer shudder in thier boots when it comes to natural remedies for erectile enhancement as opposed to prescription medication. There is so much to read and learn on this site that it is overwhelming. All in a very good manner.

I am in a very high stress profession that demands my full attention and preoccupies my mind during the workday (and somewhat after hours also). I have read about flaccid jelgs and have visited the line by mrorange where he briefly sets out his method of flaccid jelging and his huge gains. I believe that I have read another one or two threads on flaccid jelging but cannot locate them. I am requesting that any knowledgeable veteran on this site please give us newbies the links pertaining to flaccid jelging. What I am thinking is that those of us with private bathrooms can work in a minute or two of these flaccid jelgs when we take a bathroom break and keep the jelging process going in the work day. Can anybody help us/me?

Again, thanks to all the guys on this site who help others. I feel like I have discovered one of the greatest things in my life as a man. At my age I have learned that exercise most closely approaches the fountain of youth. If we exercise all the muscles in our body to stay young, then why not also exercise our penises for the very same reason. After one week, the newbie routine has certainly made a big difference in my life.

Hey thinktank,

Thanks for the good words. If you are seeing results with you current program, I wouldn’t change a thing if I were you.

Flaccid jelqs? How complicated can they be? Jelqing while flaccid. The o bend things, deadeye and a few others are doing them. I would wait until I had more experience if I were you. Newbie routine for 6 to 8 weeks minimum. If you are still gaining with the newbie routine, stick with it until the gains stop. If it ain’t broke, don’t mess with it.

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