Thunder's Place

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Which exercises do you attribute your flaccid gains to?


Which exercises do you attribute your flaccid gains to?

In general, my flaccid has increased from about 3 3/4” bpfl to about 5 3/8” bpfl, and that’s a 1 5/8” gain. Until now, I’ve jelqed, fowfered, and manual stretched. I haven’t done much manual stretching however.

It has seemed to me that the fowfers created much of my flaccid gain, with jelqing playing some part also.

I’ve just started hanging and will add ads to it soon. I’m hoping this will not only get more erect gains of course, but will also increase my flaccid.

Which exercises have you done that you think got you flaccid gains? Which ones have seemed to create your best flaccid gain? How much flaccid have you gained? You can include erect if you wish, but I’m mainly interested in your flaccid gains for this thread. Thanks.

I just jelq and do some manual stretches. But, I have been looking into this “water for better flaccid hang” theory. I am a big water drinker to begin with. I drink about 3 Liters of water each day along with some orange juice and milk. Anyway, I took a week off from drinking a lot of water. I drank some soda, iced tea, apple juice and other similar drinks (with very little water intake). For that week I did notice my flaccid hang seemed…low. Now two weeks from getting back into the water business, I have observed that my flaccid hang is noticeably longer.

NOTE: I did not measure which was stupid but I decided on doing this little experiment out of the blue. However I did notice a difference. Take it for what its worth and good luck in the future!

I’d say clamping and manual stretching has caused most of my flaccid gains. I’ve gained 1.5 inches in flaccid length, and 1 inch in flaccid girth.

I really noticed my girth go up after begining my clamping routine. Come to think of it my length really shot up after beggining my clamping routine too. Manuals helped overall but the main contrubution to my flaccid gains was clamps!

I think flaccid gains come with all PE, I think you gain flaccid first and then erect, like a cycle.

I’ve noticed apparent flaccid girth increase sinse doing Ulis especially though. And using ADS has been awsome all around for PE I believe, and especially for flaccid gains, I never see it turtle anymore (unless very cold) even when I don’t wear the ADS if I go to the bar or something where girls may be inclined to grab or grind on my package. I also take NOX2 and drink alot of water, so these are also contributing factors. I don’t measure flaccid much beside BPFSL, so all my observations are just by visual appearance when I seem bigger.

:flame: "If you build it, they will cum."

Redwood\'s Progress Report/Routines Thread.

It’s hard to tell which specific stretch made the biggest difference for me. I went from 4.5” (an estimate) to 8” flaccid, an increase of 2.50”. Quite a few days now I hang flaccid at 8.25”x 6.25”(base girth).

The manual stretches, mainly lazy ass stretches and the A stretch using my wrists as the fulcrum are working best for me now.

But after three months of PE, it was the jelq/stretch straight down combo which I’m convinced gave me the most significant flaccid and erect gains.


"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg


I attribute almost all of my flaccid gains to hanging and using an ADS. I hardly ever go without some type of contraption on my dick; usually only when I’m going to be around people without a place to adjust for an extended period of time, and of course when I’m sleeping. One of my daily mantras used to be: “Don’t let it turtle”. Happily, I have been able to drop that mantra as my flaccid dick has grown enough that it isn’t able to turtle anymore, no matter what the situation or amount of shrinkage I’m experiencing.

Another key for me was weight loss. Even if the gains aren’t BP, they are visible and nice to have. I used to want to lose weight to show my chest, stomach, and shoulder definition, now I’m inspired by reducing my fat pad as much as I can to show off my flaccid hang more.

Other than that, I drink tons of water and try to limit my caffeine intake.

For me, I think jelqing probably gave me the most flaccid gain. Prior to PE, my flaccid penis was a pathetic sight. At times, it would be around 1-2” in length and perhaps 2 1/2” in girth… truly infantile. Jelqing gave it that oh so important girth, and about an extra two inches in length, although manual stretching probably had something to do with it too. Can’t say I rate fowfers.

PE SMART - Quality is infinitely better than quantity. Monitor your progress. Make changes accordingly.

Wow, awwwshucks!! You have made one hell of a transformation!! Way to go, pal!!



"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg


Thanks horsehung! Now if only I had gained the same in erect girth!

PE SMART - Quality is infinitely better than quantity. Monitor your progress. Make changes accordingly.

I have done so much PE in different forms I cant say for sure. But after using the Max Extender, Penismaster, the PowerJelq, ADS, hanging, pumping, manual jelqing and stretching I just cant say. I will say that I have gone from a 2-3 inch skinny flaccid that wasnt afraid to turtle (at the wrong time) to a medium size piece of meat. Pumping has definately helped my girth both flaccid and erect, but the flaccid is more noticeable for sure. I almost always can hit a 5” flaccid. Sometimes in the 4+” range but more times than not closer to 5”. I consider my flaccid gains, my greatest achievement in PE thus far. I am becoming a “shower” as well. I am cool with that. One more thing that I will steal from Steve31.

“Happily, I have been able to drop that mantra as my flaccid dick has grown enough that it isn’t able to turtle anymore, no matter what the situation or amount of shrinkage I’m experiencing. “

I couldnt have said it any better.


You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

It seems that all exercises are good for flaccid. I got into PE for the erect gain, but the flaccid gain has been such a great side effect for me. It has really boosted my confidence in public as far as having a bulge and also public restrooms. There was the time when in a public restroom I would often head for the stalls, but nowadays I no longer do that. Just recently I had to use a public restroom and while I was in there someone came in and I saw he definitely had turned toward the urinals. When he saw I was standing in the one next to where he would be standing (there were only 2 urinals) he abruptly changed course and went to the stall. Having been there myself before PE, I felt I knew probably why he did that.

Sometimes its tough to pee with some dude standing right next to you, I was at these urinals once that were so close together there were like 5 guys standing shoulder to shoulder, I was like “Do you think they could make these urinals any closer together!” and we all had a laugh. But then I had really focus into urinating zen just to be able to go.

:flame: "If you build it, they will cum."

Redwood\'s Progress Report/Routines Thread.

I’m close to 5” flaccid after some time of pe’ing.

I’m a grower, which is one of the main reasons I’m pe’ing. But my flaccid girth is a damn problem. My dick is so skinny while being soft that I never pee’ed at urinals in public rooms.

Girth gains for better sex, length gains for a worthless ego boost.


I remember pissing with a bunch of guys at a row of urinals halftime at a football game. Then an older guy yells out, “Bulls with short horns stand close.” I thought, what the fuck is he talking about? Now I know. :D


I wonder if we’re unique in having trouble getting the flow going when you have someone breathing down your neck!!


"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg


Hanging and traction wrapping for me. Like Stevie, it is a rare moment when something isn’t stretching my unit and I have found traction wrapping (AceDS) to benefit my flaccid hang like nothing else. Head expansion can result if you learn how to wrap just right.

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