Thunder's Place

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Penis appearance directly following exercises...

Regarding the flaccid appearance of the penis directly following exercises...

Whenever I jelq, use horses, or squeeze in some ulis, right after I’m done and I’ve washed off the lube, my dick returns to its flaccid state (following the erect state I kept it at in order to perform the above girth exercises).

Only the flaccid dick I have now after doing these exercises is NOT the same flaccid dick I had before starting them.
For lack of a better word, IT IS FAT! :)

(Well…there’s probably much, much fatter out there who have even more girth reguarly than the amount I get after these exercises, but nevertheless, it is very happy to see more girth for me, so you guys can go and f….. kidding..)

I’ve mentioned this in previous posts before, but usually my flaccid dick keeps this “girthier super flaccid form” for at least half an hour to forty-five minutes following exercises, just as long as I don’t wet it with cold water or do anything that would make my dick want to shrivel up (i.e., pop my cherry).

Now on the other hand, whenever I perform DLD blasters, JAIs, and other manual streches, when I’m done, my flaccid dick returns back to its normal size, and does not have any “lengthier” look in its apperance directly following these exercises.

I do length exercises for the exact same amount of time that I do girth exercises, yet I only get post-exercise visuals from girth. And all I want to know is….why??? Surely I can’t be the only one, right?

I know that expanding the chambers to allow more blood to enter/fill the penis during an erection is the point of girth exercises (or something along those lines involving blood forcing the Corpora Cavernosa to use every available space), but why does it take so long for the chambers to recoil themselves back down to their original state?

Pulling and stretching properly causes Corpora Cavernosa to tear, yet in seconds following all that tearing, the flaccid dick still returns to its exact same length (at least for me), and the dick appears to hang at the same length it was hanging before starting doing any stretches. Yet wouldn’t all that tearing force it to appear a LITTLE longer after the exercises, just as how the widening of the Cavernosa forces is to stay wider for a bit?

Could all that pulling be going straight to the PC muscle and preventing me from looking a little more hung after the exercises? Are my ligs still too resistant right now? Not enough intensity or something? Or is this just the way it is supposed to be?

Usually I do length and then girth, but I’ve temporarily tried doing girth exercises first, followed by length exercises, but it made no difference, and I still ended up having a fatter flaccid dick afterwards, but by no means longer.

So for a few days after that I cut away girth exercises and exclusively did manual stretching, yet my dick still refused to yield a longer flaccid look directly following the exercises. :cuss:

I mean, I know that the length gain process is slow, but I find it hard to believe that I am even gaining shit when my flaccid dick doesn’t even have a cm longer hang to it right after the stretching.
But wouldn’t it at least stay a TAD bit longer for like 30 seconds or so after all that stretching? If not, then why does a ‘bigger appearance’ effect occur following girth exercises?

I hope someone can enlighten me with the reasoning behind all of this… :confused:

Last edited by j384 : 02-19-2003 at .

hi j384,

Thats a long post! I’ll try to help:

>I do length exercises for the exact same amount of time that I do girth exercises, yet I only get post-exercise visuals from girth. And all I want to know is….why??? Surely I can’t be the only one, right?<

Aha but the limiting factors that stop you gaining length might be stronger than the ones for girth, meaning you need more work. What I mean is just because that works for girth doesnt mean it will work for length. But anyway, you need to measure your flaccid stretch length after a stretching session, see if its not a little longer than before. Measure in the direction you were mainly pulling and straight out when standing up. Keep a log of the measurements if you want, to see what your progress is. And your not the only one. I never got any effect from manual stretching. Having said that, I was stretching before all the good exercises like dld blasters etc were around.

>I know that expanding the chambers to allow more blood to enter/fill the penis during an erection is the point of girth exercises (or something along those lines involving blood forcing the Corpora Cavernosa to use every available space), but why does it take so long for the chambers to recoil themselves back down to their original state?<

I dunno the exact mechanism and the variables that affect it, but it seems obvious to me that if you fill your dick with blood and engorge it above its maximum (erect) size, stretching the tissues, that it would take a while to return to normal.

>Pulling and stretching properly causes Corpora Cavernosa to tear, yet in seconds following all that tearing, the flaccid dick still returns to its exact same length (at least for me), and the dick appears to hang at the same length it was hanging before starting doing any stretches. Yet wouldn’t all that tearing force it to appear a LITTLE longer after the exercises, just as how the widening of the Cavernosa forces is to stay wider for a bit?<

The angle you pull will determine which part of the penis gets stretched, down its the main ligs, up its the tunica and left/right its the side ligs. And it certainly should hang a little longer, but flaccid size is not a good indicator of gains to come, but it seems FSL is. I rarely got a better hang after stretching, but after my hanging session I get a nice ‘hung’ look when flaccid.

>Could all that pulling be going straight to the PC muscle and preventing me from looking a little more hung after the exercises?
Are my ligs still too resistant right now? Not enough intensity or something? Or is this just the way it is supposed to be?<

Right, youve got a few theories here as to what the problem is. Maybe you should test one of them…
Are you doing dld blasters? If not them maybe give them a try.

>But wouldn’t it at least stay a TAD bit longer for like 30 seconds or so after all that stretching? If not, then why does a ‘bigger appearance’ effect occur following girth exercises? <

The thing here is, your flaccid size can be anywhere from its shortest shriveled up state to its stretched length. To gain you have to stretch the penis, which means pull it longer than its maximum length (in the same way you do with girth exercises - expand it above its erect size). Measure FSL before and after your session as I said before and you will have a better estimate of the effect your session is having.

Good Luck, any more q’s just ask

A super saiyajin flaccid eh? eh?? am I right?

“can’t wait to power up to the next level!”

theres always another level……

How long have you been PEing? Do you warm up before you stretch? that plays a big part in loosing the ligs for a nice extensive stretch. Also you mentioned your PC muscle absorbing or pulling your ligs back to the original state. If you’re not doing kegels and reverse kegels that might be the case. So try kegels and reverse kegels during your stretch. and I don’t think it would hurt to do them(kegels & reverse kegels) through out your waking hours.


Thats right. You know its not easy being SS4, my ligs toughen up and my pubic hair goes blonde and grows down to my feet….


Originally posted by SS4Jelq
you need to measure your flaccid stretch length after a stretching session, see if its not a little longer than before. Measure in the direction you were mainly pulling and straight out when standing up. Keep a log of the measurements if you want, to see what your progress is. And your not the only one. I never got any effect from manual stretching.

Hmm…I never thought of measuring flaccid stretch length before and after. Sounds like a plan.

Oh and for the record, I have never tried hanging before cause I believed I would be able to make all the same awesome gains that the manual stretching PEers out there are getting, but things don’t look like they are going in that direction, so maybe I might have to reevaulate my stance on hanging..

The angle you pull will determine which part of the penis gets stretched, down its the main ligs, up its the tunica and left/right its the side ligs. And it certainly should hang a little longer, but flaccid size is not a good indicator of gains to come, but it seems FSL is. I rarely got a better hang after stretching, but after my hanging session I get a nice 'hung' look when flaccid.

Speaking of hanging, right now I’ve mostly been focusing all manual stretching on pulling straight down…since I believe this pulling method is the one that closest replicates the effect of hanging. Even though I’ve never felt what it is like to hang, I can only assume that giving yourself a very intense pull straight down with your hands is at least a sample of the effects that occur from hanging.

Anyway SS4, you’re giving me the impression though that I AM supposed to see a longer post exercising flaccid hang, but that I am not seeing this because I haven’t broken through the limiting factor(s) yet during the pulling.
That gives me two obvious ideas…I’ve got to pull harder or pull for a longer period of time (which might not be the right thing to do for safety reasons). Technically, hanging would achieve both of these conditions. I just don’t want to get over zealous here..

Are you doing dld blasters?

Actually, the DLD Blaster is the main thing I’m devoting manual stretching to these days, and then throwing in some other manual stretches after the 9 minutes of DLD Blasting are up. I should probably try doing them for longer than 9 minutes, but I don’t want to end up with really sore kegels. They already feel kind of sore after the 9 minutes I do sit and do them for anyway. Maybe I should be doing them twice a day instead of once…

Originally posted by jojo
How long have you been PEing? Do you warm up before you stretch?

I’ve been PEing since October. No matter what, I’ve always done 5 complete minutes of a pre-stretch HOT (more than warm) wrap.

(I put the water to a temperature that makes me cringe and shout WHY GOD WHY?!, but my dick would always get used to the heat after the first minute of cringing, and I feel like the hotter it can endure, the more flexible it can be. Then again, I might just burning the hell out of my dick, but I haven’t had any problems yet with the temperature I’m using, so I figure no pain no gain.)

I used to do a follow up warm wrap after the exercises for another 5 minutes, but after doing all the exericses, my dick simply could not handle the same hot temperature due to its soreness, so I’d be forced to take the wrap down from hot to warm…which has lead me now to just taking a shower.

Also you mentioned your PC muscle absorbing or pulling your ligs back to the original state. If you're not doing kegels and reverse kegels that might be the case. So try kegels and reverse kegels during your stretch. and I don't think it would hurt to do them(kegels & reverse kegels) through out your waking hours.

I am not sure if the PC muscle is absorbing or not, that is just an assumption I’m making since many other PEers seem to have this problem. But that’s why I’ve been doing DLD Blasters…

Anyways, thanks, guys, for the feedback. I’ll definitely have to change something now that you’ve made it clear that the flaccid dick is supposed to have somewhat of a little hung apperance to it after PEing.

Gaah....hang me?

I can’t find the solution to this problem of mine.

Tonight I kept my penis stretched for 30 minutes…without retracting it once. I was watching TV in a chair, sitting at the edge of it, and I just had it stretched straight down with my hand, and I endured a 30 minute uninterrupted pull.

I measured FSL before, and noted the number.

I was certain that I would get that “hung” looking appearance after this.

Alas, when the 30 minutes were up, I felt relief, but sadly, my son of a bitch flaccid cock still had the exact same length when I measured the FSL after the time had passed.

You know, I pulled harder than usual too and still nothing.

I guess this means Do Not Collect $200 and Go Directly to Hanging..

I am not in a rush to get gains or anything, but I am obviously doing something wrong with my manual stretching otherwise my dick would be looking a tad bit longer after the stretches.

Not even those ‘blasted Blasters could help me accomplish this task, though tomorrow I am actually considering to do a non-stop Blast session for 30 minutes straight (without retracting my dick even once nor changing hands) instead of just this regular seated straight-down tug stretch I wasted my time with tonight.. :(

Only tomorrow, both of my hands will be sore instead of just one…

You should try some fowfers….if youve been at it for over 2 months pull it as far as you can behind your ass checks and then sit on it.(if that bothers you try under your legs),go for 10 min utes restore circulation and repeat.adjust the amont of pressure by leaning fowered or back.Do about 1 hr of these and you should see some temp gain right after.

When I was in my mid twenty’s I could put my dick between my legs ,back-wards and stick it up my ass.No I am not bullshitting .I could even push my balls up there ,Not with my dick though.My dick is longer and fatter now and I have trouble performing the same trick.Has anyone else tried to do this.

No, I try to keep my dick out of my ass…thanks for asking though.

*this is an old thread, but the last post was funny

One foot to go

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