Has PE ever caused ED in someone
The reason I ask is I did PE for awhile but then I basically gave it up. I was into jelqing and clamping, and maybe did hanging a total of 5 times. Anyway, I can’t really remember what my EQ was like back then. What I’ve noticed though is that my erections disappear pretty quickly when I stand up. I can hold it up for a little bit by clenching my muscle but when I stop it basically goes with it. I wake up with erections and can get them lying down, it’s just the standing up part that is bad. One thing I am hoping to do to maybe cure this is work on cardio. MY circulation has never been very good; my feet fall asleep all the time and sometimes I get light headed when I stand up after sitting. I’m going to work hard at this and hopefully lose the fat and pump up my heart.