Thunder's Place

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Have I stopped growing? How to increase NBPEL?

Have I stopped growing? How to increase NBPEL?

Hi everyone,

I started PE in march 2008 at 6.9 inches bpel, 6.2 nbpel. As you can see from my stats, I gained an inch bpel in about 1.5 months, which I found amazing. This translated to about .6 inch gain nbpel to stand at 6.8 nbpel. I only stretched during that time period, not wanting to gain girth. After I stopped gaining so rapidly (about 2 months in total) I picked up jelqs into my routine because I was desperate to add length even if I ended up gaining girth.

I have not gained anything since. I still stand at 6.7-6.8 nbpel.

I really want to get to 7.2 nbpel. I would like for bpel to get over 8, but it is really the nbpel that is the most important to me. I have completely stalled out on gains and don’t know what to do.

What should I do to address this problem? I feel that I am so close to my goal.


NBPEL is going to be harder to see gains with for a few reasons.

You may be measuring differently than you did at the start.

Sometimes we push really hard to see that extra eighth inch BP.

Also, NBP is going to be reliant on your fat pad.

Sexually enlightening my generation one pussy at a time(sometimes 2 ;) ).

Progress Log

Improvement, it is the goal of life's search-Carl "Reaper" Sheapards

Losing .6” of your length gains to your fat pad would’ve meant you put on a lot of weight. Either way, if your true BPEL-NBPEL is over half an inch, I would suggest losing weight and getting some PE-free NBP length gains.

So the more weight you lose, the longer your dick gets?

Currently 6.5 NBP 5.5EG.

Well your fat pad decreases and the more “usable dick”/NBP dick you have. I mean, if your BPEL is 1” more than your NBPEL, then you can simply lose weight and bring your usable dick closer to your BPEL size.

Very true. Start dieting and working out and you’ll gain some of your dick back. Combined with PE and you’ll have a monster.

10/07: BPEL: 7.5" EG: 5.5" Now:BPEL: 8.5" EG: 5.6" Mid Girth Goal: BPEL: 8.5" EG: 6" Early Pics Latest Pics

Have exactly the same problem. To make it sound worst I use an ADS.

Last month I measured my BPEL and was 7,4”. My EL was 6,8”. Today in the morning measured my BPEL and was 7,6” and my EL was 6,6”. I was coming here to ask the same question. Since I dont believe much in BPEL and believe in the usable penis size this was a kick in my teeth. I was going to post exactly the same question. I am very slim and havent gained any weight. I believe that lately I lost some weight. What is going on? I was supposed to gain more or less 0,2” per month since I am using an ADS for 6-8 hours per fay and also following a sterching and jelqing routine.

I need help.

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