Thunder's Place

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Head of my penis. PLEASE help

Head of my penis. PLEASE help

Lately, I have been feeling a low sex drive along with a turtled penis and scrotum. While this might not be a similar issue, I’ve also been having issues with the head of my penis. For the longest time, the head of my penis has had a slight blue hue, especially on the bottom half. (Even before PE, although it’s probably worse now) It almost like a dead man’s penis. Has anybody heard of this happening?

I’m going to state the obvious, have you been to a doctor?

You do not say what you are doing in regards to PE, but if you have had this condition for awhile, I would be haulin ass to the doc. A low sex drive could be a result of low T levels or stress or a combination thereof. Don’t screw around with your health, it isn’t worth the risks.

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

Blue !? Are you sure blood is circulating around the penis properly ? I agree with sunshinekid, see a doctor :) Hope everything turns out fine :)

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