Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Height, frame, vagina size


Originally Posted by Red Cloud
I read about a couple studies/surveys that said (IN GENERAL) that black men have larger penises but black woman also have larger vaginae. Meanwhile Asian men’s penises are on the smaller side but their women also have smaller vaginae. White men and women also had this ratio and were placed in-between blacks and Asians on the size scale.

I think it’s bs, I did it with lot’s of white and black girls and there is no difference. Also, different surveys say different things, like according to some whites are bigger and to others blacks are.
There are girls of every color with tight and loose pussies. I donno about asians though. I did it with an asian once, but I was too stoned to remember lol, but from what I hear from friends asians most of the time are supposed to be tighter then black and white chicks.

Originally Posted by buffalobill
Do you guys think there is any correlation between a woman’s height/frame and vagina tightness? In my experience it seems that shorter woman have tighter vaginas, regardless of their frame (skinny or thick). I’m guessing this is probably just a coincidence. Anyone care to share their experiences and/or opinions on what factors play into vagina tightness?

Also, I’ve noticed that whether or not a girl exercises seems to have no bearing on their vaginal tightness. Kegels are another matter of course.

I’ve been with six women, all around 5’ - 5’5”. They all probably varied in weight between 100-140 pounds. Some were in much better shape then others. I didn’t really notice any difference, I was able to fit two fingers all the way in, in each girl. Hm, I’m not much help lol sorry.

Originally Posted by Gut Scrambler
We talked about this in another thread but “tightness, depth, and vagina size changes with arousal level”. If you guys have only slept with these girls once or twice, how can you make an accurate assessment of size? :-k

I think that you make a good point and I don’t mean to imply that my assessment is terribly scientific. It is just sliver of anecdotal evidence.

Originally Posted by penismith
I think that you make a good point and I don’t mean to imply that my assessment is terribly scientific. It is just sliver of anecdotal evidence.

Oh I know, and you even said your experience has been limited. I hope you don’t feel I was singling you out as I was just pointing out to the members that it may be hard to really get an accurate assessment without sleeping with a lot of women, a lot of times, over a period of a long time at different arousal levels. Even then it would be tough.


Gut Scramblin' goodness.

Originally Posted by Gut Scrambler
Oh I know, and you even said your experience has been limited. I hope you don’t feel I was singling you out as I was just pointing out to the members that it may be hard to really get an accurate assessment without sleeping with a lot of women, a lot of times, over a period of a long time at different arousal levels. Even then it would be tough.


Why are you so mean to me. :(

Kidding. No, I was just feeling silly for posting my observations because I get frustrated when shaky anecdotal evidence becomes common knowledge for lack of good information.

I think that you are right on about the various arousal levels. I think that the hormonal cycle and um, step aerobics might play roles as well.

Hey Thunder SS.

I read the guidelines, am I missing something in particular?

Who cares about the size, as long as it feels good!

Depends on so many other factors.

1. Is the girl nervous, does she suffer from Vaginismus (involuntary tightening of the vagina). This can make a girl who actually has a large vagina seem extremely tight.
2. Has the girl given birth. There is a noticable tightness difference between before and after childbirth. After childbirth the vagina tends to be larger.
3. How turned on is she when you penetrate? If she’s soaking wet, she could be really tight but it feels like you are gliding in so easily and this is purely because there is so much lubrication. On the other hand she could be a tiny bit dry and you are struggling to get it in there because of that, but you misinterpret the reason for her pain as your dick is too big/her vagina is too small.
I would say a womans sexual organs are about as related to body size as mens are. Not much!

Cheers, G Started at 6 x 4.5 - Jan 05 Current 7.1 x 5.1 Goal 8 x 6

Very well said King G.

Dec \'23 -> Feb\'24 17.5cm -> 18.5cm BPEL / 12.7cm -> 13.1 MSEG / 18.5cm -> 18.9cm BPFSL (measuring in mm for accuracy)

My First Real Attempt:

2006 Start: 6.25" BPEL and 5" EG - 2012 7.625" BPEL / 4.875" EG / 8.063" BPFSL. (All manual routine)


Got it, will try to use more correct forum etiquette


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