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Hello, and question about girth

Hello, and question about girth

Hi everyone, I discovered PE and this forum today, and I’m really excited about it. I want to thank everybody giving free useful advices about PE.

My goal is to gain some very needed girth. I am 6.9” EL and 3.9” EG. A skinny one as you can see. The thing is that, from what I read here and there, the less you have girth, the less girth you seemed to be able to gain. So I’m asking if the people here that started with a little EG managed to gain something, and if yes, how many, and with what routines. I know that gains vary kind of greatly between people, but I think there can be some general rules about girth gain.

Thanks for your reply ^^

I’m also brand new, but from what I’ve herd on here and else where, jelq with a less erect penis, and try dry milking.

(Don’t hold me to it though)

Gud luck m8!

Originally Posted by SayHi
The less you have girth, the less girth you seemed to be able to gain.

Limiting belief. Don’t let this get to you and keep doing what works for you. You are not those who claim the above and they are not you.

The only way to find out how much girth you will gain is by PEing consistently for several months. Get started on the newbie routine. You might want to focus exclusively on jelqing if you are concerned mainly with girth gains.

Para, I’m curious, how do you know how much girth you will gain in the first several months of consistent PE?

Originally Posted by ICANdothis
how do you know how much girth you will gain in girth the first several months of consistent PE?

You don’t. :) That’s why you have to do it to find out.

Start here. Just follow this, it will give you all you need for the first couple months of PE.

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Thanks for your reply, and for the link, it is very useful. I’ll try to work without expecting too much, and focusing on jelqing.

Hey buddy, my starting EL is less than yours (5” + BPEL), and my mid shaft EG is 3.5” to 3.75” depending on erection quality. From my initial work on PE I’ve learned that your own unique physiology will dictate how you gain.

Some are fast gainers some are hard gainers. Some gain better in length, some at girth, some with both. Ultimately, you can gain in both length and girth EVENTUALLY, assuming you stick to a long-term committed PE regimen. You wont know what type of gainer you are until you’ve done at least 6-12 months of PE.

Good news though - your notion about starting small makes you harder to gain is most likely a myth. I gained a solid 0.5” in BPEL from a month of so-so PE, and the only reason why I didn’t maintain it was due to my failure to cement. August is a month of vacationing and it threw me off, but I’m confident I can gain that right back and work on cementing it. Point is that 0.5” is a LOT in PE, and to gain it in a month is awesome. I feel like other small guys here experience much of the same - initial gains coming rapidly for smaller guys.

Of course I will mention, I had little to no noticable gain in EG. However, my erection quality improved greatly and as a result, my EG appeared healthier and firmer. That is a positive physiological indicator. I believe with PE, you will have to try your newbie routine for 1-3 months, then proceed to modify your routine to best accomodate your penis’s responses to the workouts (physiological indicators/PIs - look them up). After jelqing and stretching, I’ve learned it does wonders for length but so far nothing promising for girth. And since girth is my primary concern, I have looked into pumping and ADS after I’ve completed my own version of the newbie routine in 1-3 months. I suspect by changing up workouts on my penis (much like real-life working out) that I will see gains.

Its all about keeping your penis stimulated, constantly “urging it” to stretch, cell-split, expand, etc - but w/out ever over-doing it. You will eventually gain in girth, but it may take some time and effort.

Your best bet (from the advice I’ve received here) is to keep your goals small at first and realisitic. Set benchmarks for yourself stating that you will gain 0.25” in MSEG in 3 months. This is a fairly realisitic goal if you plan to take PE seriously. If you come close to this goal, you can continue what you are doing or make very minor modifications. If you fall far from that goal, consider modifying your routine altogether - thats what its going to take.

Good luck.

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Actually, to restate goals, I think it would be even nicer to set your first goal as 4.0 EG (measure at mid-shaft preferably) - that would make your first 1-3 month (you pick how long you want to wait to re-measure) of only 0.1” in girth, a realistic one indeed.

Then proceed to shoot for a 4.25 MSEG goal in the following 3-6 months.

By then you’ve covered most of a year and can better determine how you will approach the long term phase of your PE career to reach 4.5” and beyond.

Good luck again!

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I have gained some girth (about 0.25”) just from an inconsistent newbie routine over about 3 months time if that gives you any hope?

Thank you Determined2Gain, and good luck to you too. So you think ADS can give girth gain although it’s a stretcher?

Yes Gottahv8, 0.25” is not bad at all, actually.
I’m surprised to hear that we can loose our previous gain. I thought it was permanent.

From what I have read Jelqing while erect is supposed to give good girth gains, however, I think it says as a newbie not to erect jelq because your old fella isn’t conditioned enough. In any cause PE-ing should help :)

Happy Gaining!

I became fully erect while jelqing yesterday, and I decided to try and keep going but it hurt a little so I let my erection subside a little then continued. I guess I’m not conditioned enough yet.


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