Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.



hello guys,

I am new member of this web site, I searched too many web site but all of them thıef and tradıtıonal.

my problem ıs penis size under of estımatıon mean about 4 ınç so how can I use proper method, or whıch of them can make good result, my brain has confused about all other web sites, I find this site, ın ınternet,

Hello kenan,

Welcome to the forum.

If you stay here and read, Im sure you’ll get bigger.

Welcome kenan and lucky you, coming as you do, from a country as beautiful as Turkey.

Donate to Thunder's Place and help save the daffodils :spin2: , but remember to add an extra 30 cents every time :leftie:


thank u very much for yours nice thinks of my country,

ı joıned thıs web site, ı should say that searhed too many stupıd web site releating this, so ı heard you from a article that is a kind of collecting guys have shared own idea, and than ı preference yours web site.thank u.

as ı said fore, ı had used vacum pump for a while but result is nothing, ı want to try good any satisfied methods, but how is ? and what procedures ?


You have a lot of reading to do my friend. :)

I suggest browsing through the forums, check out the video section and make sure that you understand the basic exercises for now. Then check out a beginners routine and start off easy and work your way up.

The best thing to do is just read and read, you will be suprise how much you learn in just a short amount of time.

This thread would be a good place to start. it is where I started.
START HERE —> Most Important Newbie Threads/Info

check out the second link down for a very effective 30-40 minute routine that I really liked, and tweaked into what I am currently attempting to do.

Also, I would suggest that you lay off doing any exercises EXEPT kegels for 1 week, and use the time that you would be working out to read.

Check out Bib’s LOT theory also, to make sure you are stretching in the right directions to produce maximum gains.
Bib’s LOT Theory 101

Many members post their routines in the progress reports/personal routines board.
Progress Reports/Personal Routines
you can learn quite a bit just reading these, and also learn how to change you routine to suit you. My progess report/routine is here, in case you are interested…
Hel’s Intro/Progress

Finally, DO YOUR KEGELS!!! I have gotten up to 400 a day (when I remember to do them). To learn how to do a kegel, go pee (urinate) and try to stop in the middle. That is a kegel. Now that you know what it feels like, you can basically do them wherever you want (you don’t actually have to be urinating to do them). These exercises basically strengthen the muscles that maintain your erection, as well as cause ejaculation. I saw results from these exercises within 2-3 days. There are some other non-PE-related health benefits that you can get from doing kegels that are an added bonus. Everyone, men and women, ages 10 to 100 should do kegels, in my opinion. They are very VERY good for your body.

Good luck, and I hope that I was as understandable as possible. Everyone is quite helpful here, and if you have a question, you really can ask!

Yes kenan, you will be surprised how easy it is to pick things up and soon, in what seems to be no time at all, it will appear as if, you have been here for ages. Just like Shinobi.

Donate to Thunder's Place and help save the daffodils :spin2: , but remember to add an extra 30 cents every time :leftie:

heltoupee, thats a great handle I love it.

Kenan, Welcome aboard. For now just read. We all started the same way. All the info you need is right at your search button.

Originally Posted by rousseau506
Yes kenan, you will be surprised how easy it is to pick things up and soon, in what seems to be no time at all, it will appear as if, you have been here for ages. Just like Shinobi.

Thanks man.

Well, I am new to this forum but have been on and off PE for just over a year now. Don’t ask about my gains, my early days in PE have become quite a blur now and I don’t have any accurate measurements.

I have really been going at it now since around the end of December 2003, with some breaks here and there due to some personal problems. But I have compiled a new routine and I am gaining like a mad man with it, the fastest I have ever made gains through the whole of my PE life and I can’t wait until the end of the month for my measurements.
I shall be starting a diary soon to keep you all updated (Including pictures) and am looking foward to debating in some of the theorys and ideas over here!

Good luck as you are getting started Kenan. I’m new at this as well, I have spent the last couple weeks reading as much as possible and like others have said, that is great advice. The more you know before starting the better, less chance of doing exercises incorrectly, etc. Good luck :)

Originally Posted by TheLateShinobi

Thanks man.

Thanks Shinobi,

I thought you might notice;)

Donate to Thunder's Place and help save the daffodils :spin2: , but remember to add an extra 30 cents every time :leftie:

merhaba Kenan,
welcome aboard and best of luck with your thunders place pe experience. I have been around here for just a few short months but have already seen noticable gains using the advice i have picked up here,and one day I just know a chickie will look at my at my unit and say “chok guzel sic” and i will know my mission is accomplished.

best of luck dude

Hello guys

Thanks for yours sincere and friendly reply,

The msg that you given me well understood, (read, browsing, ask for advice and again read) thanks alot


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