Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

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Are my PE workouts good?

hell i dont know


hell i dont know

Total Votes: 4. You may not vote on this poll

Good post sunshinekid.

Originally Posted by sunshinekid
I have one penis, I will not hurt it. Say that 50 times a day!

We should all repeat it 50 times a day. Everyday.


Later - ttt

That’s an interesting poll, especially since you are allowed to vote for more than one option. I voted for both. I can’t wait to see the results.

Horny Bastard

Originally Posted by Luka89
Hi to all of you PE-ears, I’m proud that I’m a new Member!………….Please explain Step by step and wherry detailed!

OK, this is step by step and very detailed:

Follow the instruction and wait until you understand by yourself, use common sense and read a lot.

Welcome aboard

Perseverance wins

Tell me tell me

I need a detail jag workout explanation.How do I need to feel after the work out, do I need to file something in the veins or on the penis skin?How do I know about the pressure grip?How do I put my erection 50-70% I’m not sure how to put it in a good%?Do I need to file pressure in the head when I do the work out?And stuff like that.Please a lot of explanation and hints,tips,help and you know!I just need a good detail explanation to work it good!

The reason why you have no answers tho these questions is because you are a newbie. Even if someone tried to explain such things to you, you would still remain a newbie and there is nothing more dangerous than a newbie who believes to know things. That is why you don’t receive answers, you will teach yourself by applying your routine daily for a few months. In the meantime, as you keep reading and posting, with time you’ll notice that under your name the definition “new member” will change to “member”, then you will not be a newbie any longer and, very likely, you will have found many of the answers you now want from others. Moreover, do not believe others know things more than you do, as your penis is unique and you are the one who knows it better. Still I want to give you a little hint: if, after doing your routine you feel just like nothing happened, you might consider applying a little more force, if, instead, after your routine you feel sore, you might consider taking it easier. That is it. Find the right pressure which makes you feel you worked out but which does not make your penis sore and take your time: you have lived an entire life with that penis, you can live another month or two with it if that is what you need to start PEing the right way.

Perseverance wins

Great comment Buby, but maybe Luka does not understand well what we are talking about.

Few questions:
1. Do you understand what we said? Or do you have friends who can help you read our reply?
1. Have you seen the jelq video? BTW, it’s JELQ not JAG.
2. Have you read the newbie routine instructions?
3. Do you still do the hanging?

Help us to answer the questions so we can help you with your problem.

Few answers:
>When I’m finished whit jag mi dick is big but only for some small time like 5min and then it shrinks?I dot get it why?<

It’s fine to shrink after 5 minutes, everyone is different, some may remain for hours, but myself just 15 minutes. Once again, you OK, don’t worry.

>How do I put my erection 50-70% I’m not sure how to put it in a good%?<

There are many ways, one popular mehtod is watching porn video. Or you may also ask your girlfriend stay beside you while doing the exercise.

>I need a detail jag workout explanation<

This is the best place to get the detail: Penis Enlargement Videos

>How do I need to feel after the work out, do I need to file something in the veins or on the penis skin?<

You should not feel pain or uncomfortable for sure, it is a good red colour and so thick even it is not erect.

>Do I need to file pressure in the head when I do the work out?<

Yes and No. If you feel the pressure in the head, you may be over pressure, and we have advanced exercises that purposely to have pressure on the head. But for newbie jelq, I think NO.

As SunShineKid said: I have one penis, I will not hurt it. Say that 50 times a day!
Make it 100 times, it will help your English as well.

Finally, please don’t use your penis attached to your body as a rat for experience. You can do it if you have spare one in your locker.

A moose once bit my sister.

No, really!

She was carving her initials in the moose and …

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

In Scandinavia we call MORNING WOOD =for= MORNING BREAD


STARTING: BPEL: 5.7 G: 4.65, NOW: BPEL: 7.48 G: 5.7 GOAL L:8.7 G:6.3 (old goal; L:8.0 G: 6.0)


Disclaimer:The advices that I give of any sort are just stated on general laymen's knowledge.

Strange place whit a lot of veins and blood

Hi again, I need help ones more!Hmm listen guys whats this=> I was jelqing and I notice when I get close to my head that there is a place whit lost of veins that crossing each other!When my veins get full of blood on the head the place is big and it’s like a little bump full of’s hurts only if I jelq weary strong, but I notice all way after the workouts I fell the most workout in that place, I fill like that place was jelq the strongest but why?and whats the ting?

Do not jelq close to your glans, it is very dangerous. It’s full of nerves and if you damage one, you could even remain impotent for ever. The reason why you feel the workout there is because you are squeezing your blood from the base to the head: too close to the head. Stop your squeeze at least an inch before and release your grip as you get closer to your glans. Check out the injury forum

Perseverance wins

Not soo sure

Today, 12:18 AM
Senior Member Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: ITALY
Posts: 203

Do not jelq close to your glans, it is very dangerous. It’s full of nerves and if you damage one, you could even remain impotent for ever. The reason why you feel the workout there is because you are squeezing your blood from the base to the head: too close to the head. Stop your squeeze at least an inch before and release your grip as you get closer to your glans. Check out the injury forum

Perseverance wins

THX for the replay but I think you don’t get the point, it’s not like a injury or some thing that you descripted.It’s something other I want to send a picture to show you so you can see it whit you’re own eyes.But first I need to know how to add pictures to posts!

Could be a donut’s effect, still it means you are doing it too strong for a newbie.

Perseverance wins

I Think I'm doing it good

Nothing so new, just posting.It’s bean two weeks since I started I didn’t measure my dick I want more time to grow then I measure it.I have stronger erection btw I’m young and my normal erections where strong but this ones are steel erections, and my dick hangs a bit fuller and bigger so I think this are good sines, I hope I’m doing it good.Now I only need to wait and see. He he hope it’s gonna bi a beast!

Originally Posted by Mr. Happy

A moose once bit my sister.

No, really!

She was carving her initials in the moose and …

That’s funny.

It must have been one of those NY City Meese.

Horny Bastard

Originally Posted by Luka89

But first I need to know how to add pictures to posts!

Luka, when you have enough posts to post outside of the newbie forum, you can post a picture like that in the Members Pics forum, or the injuries forum. You can’t post dick pics in the public forums.

To do it, you click the “Preview Post” button and then there is a button to manage attachments that will let you browse your hard drive for the picture you want to attach. Pictures have to be less than 800x600 pixels, so you might need to resize yours before you post.

Horny Bastard


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