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Help a Newbie Question

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Are my PE workouts good?

hell i dont know


hell i dont know

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Help a Newbie Question

Hi to all of you PE-ears, I’m proud that I’m a new Member!I have some small experience whit PE Workouts.(it’s like 2 months) but I will gladly start you’re newbie routine, because I think it’s bather then my old one!Ill do it for 3 months like it says.I have one good question that bugs me all the time I’m doing the Jelq workout.I saw the jelq video and the images whit text, but I’m wherry confused.The guys dick is a bit red and it’s full of blood so it’s hanging down wherry thick and full!to be correct it says like this “After ten or more minutes of jelqing the penis should hang much fuller, this should last for some hours. When jelqing is finished it is sensible to apply another wrap, either hot or cold.”So every thing OK except the part (should hang much fuller, this should last for some hours)!Like what the fuck my dick looks big and fuller but only foe 5min after the workout and then it shrink for some time!OK what do I do wrong, come on guys please tell me?And one more thing.How do I know if I’m doing a good Jelq Workout, what do I need to feel after the workout, I men my dick?I’m wherry concerned because I don’t know shit about how much pressure I need to put and am I doing every thing good?Please explain Step by step and wherry detailed!thank I believe that ill get all my info.O yes and one more thing sorry for my English I know it relay sucks!

You probably aren’t getting enough pressure built up. Try kegeling to get more blood into your penis as you jelq. Also your dick doesn’t have to hang fuller for hours. It may only hang fuller for 15 minutes. My dick doesn’t always hang full for a long time even if I did some intense jelqing. Id say it differs from person to person.

Just try kegeling while jelqing and make sure your doing 2-3 second strokes.Your dick should plump up significantly. The head of your dick should be a lot bigger than normal.

Hope this helps

Good luck

Guys, one more thing.I’m interested in Lenght, not so in girth.So I’m wondering whats the best workout for Lenght?And I notice a strange thing, every morning when I woke up my dick was up and it was hard, but now when I do the newbie routine it’s not up any more!It’s always asleep, what am I doing wrong, is this good or bad?And sometimes when I train I get small red spots is this overworking or?Help me please!

Red spots are negative Pi, so you’re most probably over-training. Take some rest days until your unit is back in shape then PE.

Originally Posted by Opeth_Fan
Red spots are negative Pi, so you’re most probably over-training. Take some rest days until your unit is back in shape then PE.

No they aren’t negative, they are neutral. Read the PI thread Luka, it will help you. Only the statements of morning wood arn’t correct.

Physiologic Indicators (PIs) to help growth!

Gee, sorry about that. Seeing as I’m a newbie myself, maybe I shouldn’t be giving advise just yet but I thought red spots were broken capillaries or something.

Originally Posted by Opeth_Fan
Gee, sorry about that. Seeing as I’m a newbie myself, maybe I shouldn’t be giving advise just yet but I thought red spots were broken capillaries or something.

It is OK, only do a little research before you post :) .

Red spots are a neutral PI but it is a wise thing to skip the day when you still have red spots after a good night of sleep. If they are gone the following morning, there isn’t a reason why you shouldn’t be able to do PE.

Hanging my friend

I’m interested in weight hanging, I have the weights because I do light body building.I have some small (light weights) perfect for dick hanging, I think.Now please listen and replay to help me guys I relay need you’re help.
1. I tied the rope around the weight 1Kg
2. I put a medic bandage around my dick, more times and tight to assure the gripe
3. I put the rope on the bandage (dick) and I tied it

The gripe is OK but I have some thing that I don’t like, for example my dick gets cold after 15min,it’s a bit darker and some times dark violet/normal red.So the problem is that I can’t do it longer the 15min, is that OK?

Originally Posted by Luka89
I’m interested in weight hanging, I have the weights because I do light body building.I have some small (light weights) perfect for dick hanging, I think.Now please listen and replay to help me guys I relay need you’re help.
1. I tied the rope around the weight 1Kg
2. I put a medic bandage around my dick, more times and tight to assure the gripe
3. I put the rope on the bandage (dick) and I tied it

The gripe is OK but I have some thing that I don’t like, for example my dick gets cold after 15min,it’s a bit darker and some times dark violet/normal red.So the problem is that I can’t do it longer the 15min, is that OK?


If your dick is cold this is bad. There are better ways to hang: see this thread.


Is this goo or bad

Thank you Grandmaster and Bird2 for the pages!

Bird2 I read a lot of you’re posts and there great, I know that you’re the right person to ask!I read the forum page you gave me and it’s all OK, except I don’t understand one thing.Whats that whit the night, morning Wood?I don’t understand the mining (word-es)?is that the morning erection or what?if it is, then tell me this.I always had morning erections, what I mean my dick was always hard and UP in the morning, but when I started PEing I don’t have the morning erections.Is this a bad PE sine or what?Please tell me, and sorry if I’m bugging you whit so much questions!

Please do not think for hanging (weight lifting) for now, just wait another 2 months, for the time being, just do the manual stretch, it really works wonder to many of us.

Yes, morning wood is the erection you get in the morning when you wake-up, it’s a sign of POSITIVE workout. Some people don’t get this BEFORE PE, but with proper workout, they get have the morning wood. If you don’t get this now, then rest for few days until you get the morning wood back, and re-start slowly. For me, YES, IT IS BAD LOOSING YOUR MORNING WOOD.

Lastly, if you don’t mind, please don’t write everything in one paragraph, it’s rather difficult to read.

Sorry, I forgot to mention, since you get the red-spot (it is fine, I have 5), but at the same time you loose the morning wood you used to have before, this can be translated as OVER-TRAINING. Maybe the hanging (weight lifting) is the problem, your dick has not yet well conditioned for that, and/or you are not doing it properly.

When the time comes and you are ready for hanging, press the head for about 20 seconds every 2-3 minutes to restore blood circulation, it will help to prevent the head turns blue/dark/cold.

Dobro dosli!

My Croatian is worse than your english, but if I can help, PM me :D

Shrinking whats the point

Why dose my dick do that?Hm I don’t get it!I usually do my work-outs at night before going to bed.When I’m finished whit jag mi dick is big but only for some small time like 5min and then it shrinks?I dot get it why?but when I wake up next morning it’s normal and a bit stronger, but why the shrinking, is that bad or?Am I doing something wrong, is that I warning coming from my dick or it’s that just my dicks personality!Come on guys tell my, help me?


Morning wood= erection in the morning. Sometimes we forget that not everyone understands our (American) slang.

Since you are new to this, please follow the newbie routine for the next 3 months. You need to condition your penis to what you are now doing. No hanging, no anything other than what is listed in the newbie routine.

One other comment, and this is a positive thing, please try to use the spell check button before posting, we do understand that English is not your first language, but by using the spell checker it will help you learn the correct spellings of certain words. That will help make your posts easier to read and then we can address your questions.

Now, repeat after me in your native tongue, I have one penis, I will not hurt it. Say that 50 times a day! A cold penis is a bad bad thing, loss of morning erections can be a bad thing, you are after a healthier penis, not one that won’t work anymore. DO NOT over train! Your penis isn’t a muscle, it can’t be built up like a muscle—remember that.

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

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