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Homemade Hanger Models and Instructions

Homemade Hanger Instructions

Cap, Chickenchoker, Piet, and anybody else who has hanger instructions (but no noose type hangers)

Please enter a post here with the instruction thread or threads to your device. Then, we will get somebody to stick this thread to the top of this forum so guys can better find them.

This is one of the first times I ever had an organized idea, so please cooperate.



Alternative version of Tom Hubbard’s AFB hanger with screws. This is a lateral compression hanger with screws for tightening.

AFB universal penis weight hanger


Last edited by Piet : 10-04-2005 at .

The CCH3 ( chickenchoker hanger version 3 ), based on Tom Hubbard’s design of lateral compression. Blazing fast on-and-off speed because of its self-adjusting grip.

Oh looky here! The CCH3

Starting: 5 BPEL x 4.5 EG on 4/19/03

Latest: 6 BPEL x 5 EG on 2/17/04

Goal: 7 BPEL x 6 EG

Great idea for a thread Bigger. Another good one I’d like to add is tryn4more’s Homebrew Bib.

Last edited by stevie31 : 03-28-2004 at .

Can I add my makeshift wench for those who can’t even get cappy’s alternatives. - bad link Tom’s original AFB.

Best hanger for uncut guys

Hi there, I’m an uncut guy with lots of loose foreskin. I don’t want any more skin stretch. So far I’ve tried the bibhanger and chicken choker 3; neither have worked very well, because the skin slips over the head and there is little traction on the internal structures. Sometimes, I can get a bit of traction by clamping over the glans, but not very much and in any case I have heard that this is not advisable (nerve damage?)

I’m not very experienced in wrapping.

Anyone with any advice? What model of hanger is best for uncircumcised guys? Is there anyone out there who is uncut like me and had to try a lot of different things before finding one that worked?



in short words, wich one could work better for an uncut?

thanks in advance

I have used the Captains Wench, the CCH3 and the commercial Bib Hanger, and for me I found the Bib to be the best, then the CCH3 and then the Wench. In reality, they were all very close.

The key to uncut hanging is to ensure that there is a little blood in front of the hanger to stop it slipping, especially if you flaccid shape is cone shaped, like mine.
Now, the problem is (and you will only really learn from trial and error) that there should only be blood in the cc’s and not in the glans. Not hard to do (actually, very easy once you have the “hang” of it).
When I get back into it, I will try to post some pictures. Will one of you guys remind me on November 15 ? :chuckle:

Ok, please I need to know more detailed instructions to construct the Bib Hanger, did you make the one that is here at the top, The Original Bib Hanger

It will be better if you can make another thread here, just for the BIB one, with images and all, believe me, you will be a hero, cause many people don’t know the correct way to construct them.

Thanks again.

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