Thunder's Place

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Homemade Hanger Models and Instructions

Yeah, of course, but those are not real pictures, anyway, I will try to make it, with PVC.


That will be the best.

And if someone can post the pictures constructing the Bib much better.


Hello friends,,

Iam a new starter, just from 8 days or so, I only do wet jelq about 300 reps a day, I do one day on, and one day off routine,,, I have read about the benefits of the hanger and seen amazing photos of members with results,,

My length is 5.5” and girth is 4.5” and I want to start with hangers,,, I live in pakistan so basically buying something like that is out of question..

Can anybody please advice me with a routine and also tell me how to make one for me in home, the very simple one.

Pictures would be very apreciated for guidelines..

Thanks a lot guys.

Does anyone have a 2nd hand Bib hanger for sale in good condition?


I’d just like to say guys that all of your designs on here have inspired me. I have been doing PE for about a month now and I am enjoying it. I have made the CCH3 and also the Wench but one problem. I can not find a cable clamp anywhere. I have tried like 4 different Wal-marts and still haven’t found nothing. I use the CCH# for hanging but I want to start ADS, thats where the Wench comes into play but still no luck. I have tried to use a C-clamp but that thing just slips off. This is from one PEer to another. Just help a brother out and send me an extra cable clamp if you have one. This would really help me out in my progress and I would really appreciate it.

Thanks allot and let me know whats up.

Last edited by memento : 01-08-2006 at . Reason: Removed email address

Correct me if I’m wrong, but posting your email might attract spam. Since you’re past your 10 minutes, maybe one of the mods will edit your post?

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

See if you can visit one of these Home Depot stores. They usually have the clamps in the “Tool Corral” or in “Hardware.” I’ve also found them at the checkout stands.


I went to three of those home depots but still all they sell are those bulky metal C-Clamps. I just want to use the wench as and ADS man but I can not find an actual Cable Clamp. I tried using the C-Clamp for ADS but when I moved around it eventually just slipped off, please help a guy out guys.

There are other alternatives, search for mbuc’s thread “homemade hanger for uncut guys” and “SuckXtender” - vacuum device for light hanging / ADS

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

Well I have found a way to combine two of my fav PE tools. I now hang weights effectively from my pump! I am up to 15 lbs and hang for 10 minutes at a time. My next goal is to learn to shoot further. I know how to kegel, and it helps some, but I wonder if there is something I should be doing different at ejaculation to help shoot further. Any tips?

My absurdly simple hanger has given me 3/4” in the space of a year. It consists of a neoprene (wetsuit material) sock, a turn screw pipe clamp, and 2.5lb weights from a dumbbell set. Stuff weights into sock, slide clamp over sock, insert wrapped unit, and clamp down. I’ve gone up to 15 lb no problems. Neoprene socks can be found in outdoor outfitting stores. They keep wet feet warm. Hope this is useful to someone.

Por favor , alguien que entienda el español , podria ayudarme a conseguir un bib hanger original , le estaría muy agradecido , soy español y por aquí en nuestro foro , estamos un poquito atrasados con respecto a colgar pesos.

Agradecería mucho que alguien o el comercial de bib hanger me ayudara a conseguir uno.

Muchas gracias.

No entiendo el ingles.

Hey thanks for the info guys.I’ll try it!

Start March 07, 06 6 inches x 5 inches March 21, 06 6.1 x 5.1 ST Goal 7x6 LT Goal 8x7

No instructions for a homemade vacuum hanger?

Current: 5.5" NBPEL (6" BP) x 5" EG

Goal: 6.5" NBPEL x 5.5" EG


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