Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Homemade Hanger Models and Instructions

I wish a thread showed all models and comparison of such.

That would be great. Anyone up for the task?! 😁

Aug 2015 - 7.0 x 5.25

May 2018 - 8.8 x 5.8

Gen 1 thru Gen 3

Been playing with making my own clamp style hanger, here are three iterations.

The wooden one is made from the handles of some walmart stir sticks.

The other 2 are made from a cheap walmart cutting board and a cheap pair of gel inserts.

I think if/when I do a gen 4 I will hinge the bottoms butt end to butt end as opposed to flat against each other like gens 2 and 3.

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This is currently what I’m using, an electric conduit hanger, then I wrapped my unit with ace bandage and neoprene pad. I put the screw in between the clip and use a hanging strap I happen to already have. I do get a bit of pinch specially when I position it too close to the glans so I have to move it a bit higher, I’ll try to double the pad next time. I keep it tight because it slides sometimes.

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2buck Fit Hanging

ReStart 8/2022 BPEL 5.5" EG 4.5" BPFSL 6.25"

12/2023 BPEL 5.63 EG 4.94 Goal 8 x 6

Planning to build my first DIY hanger, lots of ideas here, is there a general consensus on which one is the best?

Originally Posted by pantera2994
Planning to build my first DIY hanger, lots of ideas here, is there a general consensus on which one is the best?

Start with whatever one you can get the parts for. Good luck. It’s good fun building stuff like this

I’m currently using a modified wench. It’s very thin, narrow, and short. I don’t use the two inner foam pads. I do one layer soft fabric wrap, one layer harder wrap, then put the wench on. I use a hose clamp for grip. The wrap and the wench is thin so I get a nice grip on the internals without slippage. This works great for now, but I am excited to see what "stealth" releases in a couple months for their version of a compression hanger.

Originally Posted by Lone Warrior
Do not know how to modify this ?
Can this be done ?

Search the threads about "Captain’s Wench." The Wench is a very similar device, using Velcro and cable clamps.

Availability of cable clamps varies widely by area. If you don’t want to order some by mail, you could use cord or shoelaces tightened with short sticks, held with rubber bands so they don’t unwind.

Originally Posted by AndyJ
Search the threads about "Captain’s Wench." The Wench is a very similar device, using Velcro and cable clamps.

Availability of cable clamps varies widely by area. If you don’t want to order some by mail, you could use cord or shoelaces tightened with short sticks, held with rubber bands so they don’t unwind.

Okay I’ll try the cable clip

Simple and Effective.

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