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My makeshift wrench for those who can't find the right components


My makeshift wrench for those who can't find the right components

Hi everyone, over the past few weeks I have started hanging using what I consider to be a modified wrench. The reason for the modifications is necessity. I live in a small town in China and we don’t have a wal-mart for around 10,000 miles. We do however have a small department store which sells bits and bobs of interest, so after shopping around a bit and trying a few ideas I finally found one which works!

The ingredients are as follows:

1 x neoprene wrist wrap with velcro strap (the velcro strap is essential)
1 x pack of non slip furniture feet
1 x 12” strip of cloth (apologies for the state of my piece of cloth (see the pics!), but it really was a matter of using whatever you can find!).

The packaging for the wrist wrap and furniture feet are included in the pic below.

The manufacturing process is simple. Open out the wrist wrap and attach 2 of the feet on the inside of the wrap as shown on the “open1” pic. You may need to stack the feet to increase the grip, I currently have 3 feet stacked on each side, plus you will need to adjust the position of the feet so that it grips your cock with one stack on each side. The hardest bit is to get the feet in the right place. Try, move, try, move, until it’s comfortable.

Once you have the feet stuck on in a good place it is simply a matter of laying the two ends of the cloth strip over the feet (to cushion your dick and to keep hold of the strip), ensuring that you have 2-3” over the end of the wrench (see “open2” pic). Place your cock on the two pieces of cloth and wrap the wrench around your cock (pic “closed1”), making sure the feet grip the sides of your cock, or sit in a V shape. Finally fold the cloth down and close the velcro strip over it, pinning it in place (see pic “closed2”). Tighten as much as comfortable.


Mine is really comfortable, I was wearing it while I wrote this and actually forgot I was wearing it till I had to get up to pee.

The velcro strap on the outside means you can do away with the cable clamp

The wrench looks completely inconspicuous and you don’t have to explain why you have one on your desk in your bedroom.

It’s dirt cheap, mine cost about $5

It works!

Oh well that’s it for the moment, I hope this helps anyone else stuck in the middle of nowhere.

Just a final word to say thanks to Cappy for the inspiration. :)


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Originally Posted by Lordbase
I live in a small town in China and we don’t have a wal-mart for around 10,000 miles. We do however have a small department store which sells bits and bobs of interest, so after shopping around a bit and trying a few ideas I finally found one which works!

That’s really cool. Thanks for sharing.

I don’t mean to be too picky, but it is spelled wench. Maybe it was your intention to have your model called the wrench.

Originally Posted by Lordbase
The reason for the modifications is necessity.

Very nice Wench you have there matey!
Necessity being the mother of invention, I will say that the modification of marrying the strap loop to the grippers is similar to what I have also done designing an updated - new and improved Wench. I say “similar” because my new layout is a little different, but the concept is in the same ballpark.

It’s cool that people on opposite sides of the planet can be thinking such similar thoughts.

Thanks for the kind words. Happy hanging.

I'm an idiot

Originally Posted by gprent101
I don’t mean to be too picky, but it is spelled wench. Maybe it was your intention to have your model called the wrench.


That makes an awful lot more sense.

That’s really stupid of me. It doesn’t matter how many threads I read on the subject I always read it as wrench. I’m not quite sure how I didn’t notice it. Maybe I was drunk the first time I read about the wench and the extra r somehow stuck with me.

Oh well I guess next time I’ll have to concentrate a bit more.

Thanks for the info anyway.


DAMN GOOD LB! a great alternative for those having trouble finding materials.

Thanks inamo,

I had to sort something out, I just hope my experimenting will help some others. I’m just glad to be able to give something back to this place, since it provides so much for so little.


Will this kind of wrist support do? By the way, are the furniture feet sticky back type? I found some gripper but was thinking to glue it on or not.

Has anyone else tried this hanger?

How much weight can be used successfully?

Stats: (10/24/04) : BPEL-7.25", EG-5.5" (01/22/07) : BPEL-7.6", EG-5.6" after 1 year of maintenance

Goal: 8.5" L x 6.5" G

Hi guys,

I put the Captains wench together about a month ago and been using it fairly consistantly ever since. I love the this thing!! very comfy for me up to about 7- 7.5 lbs but 8 lbs and over I have trouble with keeping it tight enough and not slipping. I discovered I needed to use the large cable clamp to go around my entire package, it does work but is sorta limited.. the mid size clamp was to small.

I think if there was some other way to tighten the wench other than the cable clamp that would be very helpful toward going up in weight. I’m also getting pretty high head pressure due to some slippage I think, trapping blood ahead of the hanger and amplifiing head pressure??

Has anyone found or looked at an alternitive to the cable clamp?
BTW, I use Ace bandage for the first layer of wrap and Coach brand sports wrap as the top wrap.

If I can’t get it to tighten up further I might break down and get a Bib, but I really like this wench a lot… just can’t get it to tighten up enough .

Any thoughts?

Anybody make a Lordbase hanger, i.e. velcro wrist strap without the cable clamp? Any reviews?

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains


Nice work on the hanger:) I also have to say yours is one of my favorite avatars.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

OK, it’s been a year since I looked at this thread, but I’ll try to answer some of the questions.

a2, (if you’re still there) no, those sort of straps won’t do the job. You need something quite solid that you can make pretty tight. Mine was a neoprene wrap which velcroed onto itself and also had a strap which ran all the way round, through a loop doubling back (through which you could pull it good and tight) and velcroing onto itself. Looking back, the pictures were pretty crappy for id purposes. Basically for my design you need something that you can tighten.

Redwood, I used to hang 6-7 kg OTS (so that’s about 13-15lbs), so it can hang a reasonable amount of weight. Also because of the way that particular strap works, its not a matter of the velcro bursting open, but the wrench slipping off (maybe just my bad wrapping.. never got the hang of that stuff).

ineed9, the strap described (badly) above was my replacement for a cable clamp.

Dino, cheers. I’ve looked into changing the avatar over the years, but nothing really compares.

“The wrench of the Lord”

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