Cheap, simple hanger
As the title says, I made a cheap, simple hanger from materials I bought at Home Depot that seems to be pretty seaworthy so far. I tested it yesterday and today with five pounds for ten minutes at a time. It was very comfortable and, judging from the nice stretch it gave my ligs, seems to be pretty effective.
Here’s all it is:
One 1 ½ inch diameter PVC sleeve coupling: the gray kind used for electrical conduit. The outside diameter of the coupling is actually about 2.25 inches, the inside dimension is about 1.87, but the inside tapers to whatever size the outside of a 1 ½ inch PVC conduit is. (Like this: http://www.corn … -Couplings.html )
Two 1 ¼ inch two hole steel straps: the U shaped thingies used to hold pipe onto walls and rafters. (Like this: http://www.corn … teel-Strap.html )
Two ¼ X 2 ½ inch steel eyebolts
Two 1/4 inch wing nuts
Padding: I’m using closed cell foam pipe insulation. The piece I have doesn’t have writing on it, but it measures 1 ½ inside diameter with 3/8ths inch walls. I’m test driving other materials.
And here’s all it takes to make it:
Take the steel straps and wrap them perpendicularly around the middle of the coupling. Bend and pound on them until they are spread out and as flush with the coupling as possible. (The 1 ¼ inch straps wrap just about half way around the 1 ½ inch coupling. If you make a larger one using 2 inch coupling, the 1 ½ inch straps seem to be the ticket.)
Glue the straps to the coupling. I used some pretty intense epoxy – the kind that comes in two syringes and can hold 4,000 pounds. To set it firmly, I screwed the two straps together using the eye bolts, and then also clamped the whole thing together. It isn’t moving.
Once the straps are firmly affixed onto the coupling, spread the wings or tines or whatever they are apart slightly so a saw blade can fit between them.
Cut the coupling in half lengthwise down the middle, so that you have two half circles of coupling with steel straps attached. I used a hacksaw.
Cut two pieces of padding to size so that each fits snugly around the inside of each half circle. I will eventually epoxy whatever padding I settle on. For now, there’s a ridge inside the coupling that helps the padding stay put.
Wrap your dick.
Put the two pieces of padded, strapped coupling on your dick. Put the eyebolts through the holes in the steel straps and use the wing nuts to tighten as far as you can.
Load on some weight, using the eye bolts as anchors for the weight strap. I put the eyebolts in so they’re on top and the wing nuts are on the bottom.
I’ve been filing down the edges and corners. One corner was digging into my scrotum last night, but I don’t feel it since I rounded it off. I wish I had a Dremel tool so I could get fancy.
Anyway, that’s it. I don’t have much design or mechanical acumen so I encourage others with more skill than me to take the concept and improve on it. I’ve put this on a broom handle and tested 20 pounds it so far, and it looked like it could take more, but that may be one place to improve the basic design. One issue is the placement of the eyebolts: when it’s tightened down the eyebolts are on top and roughly even with the top of the sleeve, so the weight is pulling more at the top of the device than the bottom. I’d like to find something that would create a more balanced tug.
Here are pictures of a finished product and the separate components. I’m using the thinner padding right now, but I’m working on a version using a 2 inch diameter coupling where I’ll use that commercial-grade pipe insulation that’s on the right side of the picture. (Sorry about the quality. I just have a Polaroid.)
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Last edited by Ike : 11-04-2003 at .