Thunder's Place

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Cheap, simple hanger

Weights are easy man. You can go to the local sporting goods place and purchase them. Make sure you get a couple of 1lb, 2 lbs, 5 lbs, and at least a single ten. Otherwise any newspaper with a classifieds or “Penny Saver” like magazine that clutters your mailbox will have them cheap, way cheap! Yard sales as well as neighbors looking to pitch a weight bench in the trash.

Remember measure twice and cut once. Good luck.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

I am no handy man, but look for a vice that you may have at home or work to hold the pipe when cutting it. You may be able to get them cheap also. If not “C” clamps like welders use can be adjusted to hold the pipe still as you cut it outside or on a bench in your garage, basement, or attic. If you live with people don’t cut it on a table or kitchen counter. You could damage the surface top of the counter or table.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

Botched my first attempt - Sorta.

I did the contruction of the hanger in a totally different order, I cut the Couplin in half, put in the foam insulation, then I tried making the steel straps flush [flat against the coupling] and I got NO WHERE fast with that. It either bends to much or doesnt touch with the coupling very well and I know I have the correct measurements.

I tried putting the eyebolts with wingnuts through the straps without glueing/poxing the dang straps to the PVC coupling, the wingnut goes all the way to the end on the eyebolt and it doesn’t tighten up AT all.

What am I doing wrong =[

Im wondering if I need to hammer the shit out of my steel straps so they can get a grip on the coupling!

Rule 1.

Super Glue is not a substitute for epoxy.

Rule 2.

I have no idea, how Ike attached both the 1 1/4 ” in straps to the PVC coupling, it leaves too much of a gap for 1 of the straps to attach to the coupling. I must be doing something wrong.

I still have my first attempt, it was a decent job, the straps aren’t attached to the coupling [didnt super glue those..]


I solved my problem; I just need epoxy now, to get the straps attached to the PVC Coupling

What I did was add more padding to the inside of the PVC Coupling as originally, there was too much space on the inside, so my dick wouldn’t even get gripped by the hanger, now hopefully tommorow once I get ahold of some epoxy… [I was in Homedepot in the isle for adhesives and what not and saw NO “epoxy”] Ill be able to attach the metal straps to the PVC coupling and maybe get a hang or two in =]

Sunday was my rest day and monday im resuming my PE, 3 days on, 1 day off.

P.S. Hammering those metal straps so they are flush/aligned with the coupling is complete hell, the metal just starts to simply warp, thus creating gaps between the PVC Coupling and Metal Strap; hopefully the epoxy will help me finish this project, JUST gotta find some =[

Hello Reality (that’s what I’m going to start saying to the mirror every morning.)

To get the metal straps to fit flush:

- pound them and bend them into the closest fit you can

- then put them on the conduit with wet epoxy between the strap and epoxy

- then bolt the straps together, screwing them down so the wings of each strap fit tightly together. That will force the straps to conform to the shape of the conduit.

- Then, after the epoxy dries, unbolt the wings and spread them out a little.

- Saw right down the middle of that. It’s actually very easy with a hacksaw.

I then filed down the edges of conduit where I did the sawing so they weren’t quite so sharp.

I have a digital camera now so I’ll take a better pic of the hanger and post it.

Originally Posted by Ike

- then put them on the conduit with wet epoxy between the strap and epoxy

- then bolt the straps together, screwing them down so the wings of each strap fit tightly together. That will force the straps to conform to the shape of the conduit.

This is where I get completely lost. Unless I do some wicked hammering, its impossible for me to put both the straps on the conduit at the same time because there is at least 1/2 in. gap with 1 of the metal straps . As if the conduit is too small [its the exact same type of conduit you have and the same measurement]

I have a digital camera, ill post pics later on as to what my problem is =[

Okay, then try a different size strap. While you’re in Home Depot, take the conduit to where the straps are. Start opening the packages and putting them on the conduit, bending the strap to make it fit. That’s what I did. Nobody stopped me as long as I put everything back that I didn’t buy. Remember, the strap should not be so large that when two straps are around the conduit their wings meet flush on both sides. You need a gap between the two sides so you have something to tighten.

Are you sure those metal straps you used were 1 1/4” ?

I guess I got to go to homedepot again and try different sizes out, because my metal straps wings touch easily when I put them on the conduit, and it leaves a small gap between one of the metal straps and conduit

Hey Ike, Just a quick note to let you know that I made a hanger by your design this weekend. I’m still making adustments to fit myself, but overall it works great! Had absolutely no problems with your instructions. Since I’m so new to hanging, I’m trying to be really careful. Right now I’m only doing 10lbs for about 5 minutes, two to three sets per day. Understand by one of your previous posts that you have “gravitated” to the Captain’s Wench. How is that going for you? Are the parts for the Wench as easy to find as the parts required to make your hanger? Also, how does the cost compare to your design? Good luck, and thanks for your willingness to share your hanger design.

Ike - I don’t have the time or the know how to make these cock hangers! What would you charge to make one?

awesome idea, cheers for sharing

Hi Ike,

I have a question about the design. I notice that the weights are attached via the bolt eyelets. This looks like the weight would bias to the front, and would be unevenly distributed. In your experience do you get any head tucking under effect?

I do like the simple design.


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