1 1/4 sch40 pvc elect. conduit
rivets/rivets gun
1/4" nylon rope
"s" hooks
8-32 all thread
8-32 wingnuts
8-32 acorn nuts
good quality silicone
heat gun (hair dryer won’t get hot enough)
die grinder with rotary bit or dremel with grinding tip
conduit is found in the electrical section
all other material is on the hardware aisle
hacksaw lengthwise 1 time ( length can be determined, either BIB or BIB starter-the pictures are on this board, do a search. I found them.)
mark midway on tubing for heating and bending-(if you put your hacksaw line at 12:00, your marks would go at 3:00 and 9:00)
now heat conduit to make it soft enough to work with-roll the conduit back and clamp into a vise until it cools. This may take couple of shots to make it good and flat. Once you have the two pieces that are mirror images of each other, trace out the body. I looked at BIB’s original’s hangers and copyed his shape. After you get one side done, trace the shape onto the other piece and grind it up to match. Making sure of NO sharp edges. Rivet your hanger rope from the inside out, drill holes for the allthread. Thread in the allthread, making sure there is enough thread to get the device onto your dick in the open state. Put 4 fairly thick beads of silicone on the inside, make sure one of the beads covers up the rivet on each side. Let the silicone dry a good 24 hr. and VIOLA’. I just spent about 3 hr. hanging and laying out in the sun. Using a straight pull, off the end of a chase lounge. It worked really good, by far better than any of the other homemade hangers I had used.Hope this helps, sorry BIB- I would have bought one of your’s but, I like doing my own shit. I would have made my own PJ, but I found out to late about the jar lifter idea. Oh well. Happy PE ing to all.