Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Homebrew BIB (mine)


Have you thought about the RTV goo that someone attached to their AFB hanger? Would that be a superior material for use on your hangers? If it’s not better than your current softgel padding, would it be an advisable alternative *if* the padding comes loose?


>Will the hanging give me the flacid gain I seek?<

It did for me, maybe 4-5 inches.

>You actually have a patent on the BIB?<

A provisional patent right now. The real patent work takes longer.

>That took some ball’s (no pun intended) to apply for a patent on a dick hanging device. <

Yes, it was a little quesy, but I am slowly changing my attitiude about PE. There is nothing at all wrong with it. And it should not be any more embarassing than a woman getting a boob job.

>I’m always tinkering around and fabricating different shit for different things. How does the patent process work? <

Well, not too hard. The gov has a really good website on patents and trademarks. The provisional is easy. I suggest getting a patent firm for the real one.



Sorry I almost forgot about you. Trying to get out the door.

>Have you thought about the RTV goo that someone attached to their AFB hanger? Would that be a superior material for use on your hangers? <

I used many many different materials in all of the different pieces of the hanger. The RTV is solid enough for the ‘fingers’ on the interior. Really too high a shore ‘A’ value for padding. Padding can be very bad in hanging. The softer and thinner, the better.

The thing is, with any hanger, the stress has to end somewhere. Padding redirects stress, but it must direct it to the correct places. You must have the ‘hard’ parts in the correct places to actually place the stresses on the correct areas of the penis.

>If it’s not better than your current softgel padding, would it be an advisable alternative *if* the padding comes loose? <

Either redo the padding with the same stuff, or go without. I actually did the vast majority of my hanging with no padding. It was something the testers wanted, mainly as protection for the delicate areas.



just curious….do they actually know what they are making, or do they like make only a part in seperate rooms, with you later putting the thing together?

I can imagine the ad in the Sits vacant column :chuckle:

Staff wanted for the making of penis lengthening devices. All instruments and tools provided. Must be good with hands. Apply to - Biggger is Better Limited



Actually, that was a joke. The ‘employees’ are my sons, and they both know what’s up. No problems with it at all so far. Of course, they both know I’m nuts.

After summer, any guys I hire probably will not speak much English anyway. If they do, no big deal



Hi Bib

Do your sons, have any desire to hang, at least they could do it and tell there Dad about it, It be Cool, just like being forced to study the Piano, “You stay in your room and put your 4 hours in Hanging, before you can go out Tonight, Oh Dad!”


Now that you have help with making you hangers will we see a price drop?


That’s great news bib…I’ll be waiting for a spot in line.

Getgrowing - LOL! “Oh, Dad!!!”

I look for werk

I not spek good engleesh. I look for werk here in USA beecorse I haf weef end tree cheeldreen. I be eeleegel. I supose dat not be a probleem. How much you pay for werk making penees devises?

I haf freend in Espane. Hes name be Guiri - he teel me you need werkas. But he teel me also never werk wid back to boss beecorse he got beeg tool. I not understand - wat he meen?


LOL! too much for me!


When you cut the pvc at 12:00 and marked 3 and 9, what angle did you put the bends in to go flat - like 2 and 10 or were you looking to get about 1/4 inch or so in the flat part.

I tried making mine, but the thing ends up pretty huge - i’ll keep trying.

Also I’m using a small torch to bend the plastic and that can be interesting.

>When you cut the pvc at 12:00 and marked 3 and 9, what angle did you put the bends in to go flat - like 2 and 10 or were you looking to get about 1/4 inch or so in the flat part. <

To make the bends flat, you want the finish of the bend to end at 3 and 9 o’clock. A clamshell of sort’s with a flat surface. Check out my pic’s real good, it should look as though you cut the tubing perfectly in half and then glued flat pieces on the opposing halves. A vise works real good, and it takes a few heat up/bend attempts.

>I tried making mine, but the thing ends up pretty huge - i’ll keep trying. <

Dont worry, after you lay the bead of silicone in and get a good wrap on it will be fine. You see, there is alot of adjustment to the hombrew. Once you get the 1st portion of the device made, put the 2 halves together. Then measure the I.D.- compare that to your flacid girth. You will then know how thick your silicone beads will need to be, minus the wrap thickness of course.

>Also I’m using a small torch to bend the plastic and that can be interesting.<

Be careful with the torch, the fumes from abs or pvc can be hazardous to your lungs. A heat gun (hot air) works best. Also, I think the torch gets it way to hot, thus making the material hard to work with. Sorta like a wet noodle.

Good luck with your hombrew BIB, let us know how it comes out.

"If you build it, they will come".

For tryn4more !

I have just begin to made ,like the new BIB Hanger, my homemade hanger . I want to know where I must adjust or add some soft gel (for exemple like you) or another thing in the two PVC piece for adding some grip or any effect on the penis for hanging ?

Where I must add some “compress zone” : near head , mid shaft or any where else ?

As I told the Sandman in the post before yours:

“Once you get the 1st portion of the device made, put the 2 halves together. Then measure the I.D.- compare that to your flacid girth. You will then know how thick your silicone beads will need to be, minus the wrap thickness of course.”

DO NOT grip anywhere on the glans (head of your dick). Do a search with all posts regarding hanging with a BIB. All questions and responses apply to the homebrew as well. Happy building!

"If you build it, they will come".


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