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Home made Bib Hangers / Bib's Uli thing



Buy a couple feet of 1 1/2 inch (inside diameter)flexible pvc pipe or any flexible tubing, a band clamp and an S-hook. very cheap.

Make a cut with a hand saw about 3-4 inches lengthwise (split it). Don’t split it in half, just cut it down one side. Then cut off about 3 inches of pipe (across).

Imagine now that you unroll the tube. With nippers, scissors, saw, whatever, cut out one quadrant of the plastic. In other words, if unrolled, measure down one side 1 1/2 inch and measure over 1/2 way across (about 2.36 inches on a 1 1/2 in ID pipe). Cut out this part.

Wrap your penis with a protective covering; Theraband, cloth etc. Wrap the pvc around the penis with the head in the cut out part. Mark on the pvc the area which will directly impact the head if the pvc is pushed forward. Trace this area on the pvc. In other words trace the head on the pvc. Cut out this area. This cut should look like a flat U unless your penis head is weird. Sometimes a small V is more comfortable. Also mark the excess pvc on one side. The plastic needs to overlap only about 1/2 inch. Also mark the areas to the left and right of the head which might be in the way. Leave the pvc below the head; i.e., the pvc that the head rests on.

Bevel all edges and corners by sanding or grinding, especially the area of contact around the head. Also be sure to bevel the edges so they will slide easily across each other.

Drill a hole in the middle of the pvc which sticks out under the head and attach an S-hook. This is what you attach the weights to (after attaching the hanger to the penis).

Put on the protective covering, and wrap the tube around your penis again. Then put the band clamp on 1/4 to 1/2 inch behind the head. The band clamp can be attached to the pvc with a recessed screw.

Do not overtighten. Experiment with the pressure versus the amount of weight you want to hang. Make sure you have enough pressure to keep the hanger from slipping off.

This hanger will allow fairly heavy weights so be careful. With this hanger, a lot of weight is still on the area behind the head. Always check the head color and check for cold or numbness. I personally have never hung more than 15 lbs. for 20 minutes with this hanger.

If it doesn’t work or feel right, just start over. The pvc is cheap.

I probably left out stuff, so if you don’t understand, ask questions.


First description

Theraband is a rubber like material that comes in rolls 6 in wide by either 6 or 18 feet. It is used for resistance exercise in rehabilitation. It can be found at many medical supply houses or ordered off the web Thera-Band | Bilateral Coordination | Thera-Band from Therapy Shoppe Thera Band | Stretchy Exercise Resistance Bands | Sensory Tool-Toy-Product

The device is based on flexible pvc pipe (1 1/4 inch for me), but other rubber tubing can be used.

1.Split the pipe (straight) with a hand saw for several inches.

2.Then cut a piece off about 3 inches long.

3.Go ahead and wrap your penis with the Theraband, or cloth, or anything for protection and to gather the skin.

4.Put the pvc around your penis, overlap the cut sides and mark the areas which need to be removed; Give plenty of room for behind the top of the head. Only about 1 1/2 inch needs to wrap around the penis. The bottom of the head rests on the remainder.

5.Then drill a hole in the end of the remainder to insert a hook.

6.Either sand or grind down the edges of the cut sides so they will slide easily across each other. Also sand or grind down all corners and the edge which contacts the area around the head (Theraband first).

7.Place a band clamp around pvc with the screw on top. The band clamp can be attached to the pipe with a recessed screw for ease of attachment. Caution!! Experiment slowly with the pressure vs. weight. Do not overtighten!! This device still places a majority of the pressure on the head and you shouldn’t use much weight.

Second description

1.Buy a two or three foot piece of tubing so you will have plenty. Flexible Pvc or strong rubber at least 1 1/2 in diameter will do. It is very cheap.

2. First split the tubing length ways with a hand saw.

3.Then cut off about three inches of the pipe.

4.Wrap your penis for protection, and then wrap the tubing around your penis.

5.Mark a spot on each end, allowing for a 1/2 inch overlap or greater. Cut off the excess.

6.Next you want to cut out an area to allow the head to escape.

7.Measure down one side about 1 inch and then over about 1/2 the width of the total tube; a curved rectangle.(in other words imagine the tube laying out flat).

8. Cut out this area with a saw, or nippers etc. Wrap the tubing around your penis again with the cut ends on one side or the other and the head in the cut out rectangle.

9.Mark on the top of the tube the areas that would immediately impact the head.

10.Take off the tubing and cut out this area using strong scissors, nippers or a table grinder. The cut out area should be U shaped (unless your penis is weird). There should be 1 1/2 inches of tubing or more under the head.

11.Drill a hole in this part to attach an S hook, or string to attach the weights. Make sure the hook or string cannot pinch or interfere with the head.

12.Put a band clamp around the non-cutout portion of the tubing to attach. Follow the warnings above about problems. Make sure you wrap your penis with some protective material before attaching.


Sorry for my earlier post, Imagine your penis lying in a 3 inch trough (flexible pvc or rubber tubing) with the tip of the head at the far end. (You are looking down at the top side). Then just behind the head, another shorter (1 1/2-1 3/4 inch) upside down trough covers about 1 1/2 inch of the top of the penis.

The top, upside down trough slightly overlaps the bottom trough on one side (because there are not actually two troughs. The head then will only be 1/2 covered by pvc (the bottom) and the area behind the head will be in a tube. This is where the band clamp is placed. The U cut out is a tracing of the glans on the top back of the head. A U cut will give more comfort than a straight cut. Also it will be more comfortable to bevel (sand of grind) the edge of the U.

The pvc trough that the head lays in is where a hole can be drilled to insert an S-hook. The sides of this area can also be trimmed if the head is too large to fit in comfort.

The tubing is flexible enough to pry open the cut side in order to insert the wrapped penis.

Saying the head sticks through a hole was not accurate. Sorry.


Uli thing

HI Bib,

I think I may have missed this. What’s your ULI thing?
As far as I know, the ULI’s are a type of squeeze exercise used to enlarge the head. (Uli#3 as they used to be called.)

Can you direct me to what your Uli thing is?




The Uli thing is a simple device to help in doing extreme Ulis. Same goals etc, as regular Ulis, but this gives more pressure which can be sustained for a longer period.

Simply wrap just below the area you wish to enlarge, Then put on the uli thing. Get an erection or partial and the area above the wrap will begin to really swell. Tighten down the thing and stop when the pressure is high enough. Leave it on for no more than ten minutes. The area above the wrap will become dark and discolored while engorged. Then, you will notice discoloration for a good time after finished.

You can also use a hanger to do them. This exercise is extremely intense, so it is not recommended for newbies. Really, it is only needed for guys if they can’t use there hands much, or just need some help.

You can find a lot of posts on teh Uli thing by doing a search.
I added this because something has been lost somewhere. The size of the bolts or rather machine screws depend on the wall thickness of the hose material. I used #8 1/2” machine screws and nuts. Be sure to tighten enough to countersink the screw heads into the hose material. They should hold fine.

Also, you must wrap when using the Uli thing. Do not wrap too tight. Let the pressure from the Uli thing do the work. The wrap is for protection.


Homemade Bib hanger

Hi there,

I made a bib hanger the other day and tested it for the first time yesterday. It is not very comfortable but i suspect this is more to do with the wrap than the hanger (plus i suppose hanging weights from your unit isn’t going to feel completely natural ;) ). I noticed that the head became quite cold when i was hanging but not in any way a bad colour (colour hardly changed at all), nor did it become numb. I assume that although it is cold that the colouration and feeling suggest i am doing this right and not harming myself.

Also - just a suggestion that most of you probably already do but i rigged up my hanging set so that the weight hung approx 1/2 inch off the floor - this means that should something go horribly wrong or you need to take the pressure off real quick for some reason you can shift position slightly and the weight is on the floor and not hanging from you penis.

Any thoughts?


See Ya,



Wonderful idea :)

The directions posted in #2 appear to be for the old bib hanger. Are there directions to make one of the new bib hangers as well?

getting started

Well, Thunder and Buster, you guys have encouraged me to go for it, so the past three days have been hanging about two sets of 7 and half pounds. Made a couple of hangers, the first one not too good, 2nd better. This wrapping is all important. I have been using a ace bandage, I cut narrower and wrapped, not stretching and it works fairly good. I am not having trouble slipping, it just is a dull pull. Glans gets hard and colored but not bad. I used to pump so have excess foreskin. I am cut but have nearly completely restored. So, I pull the foreskin back and wrap. I wrapped part of the glans and that seems to be better. Attaching the hanger back as far as I can. Seems that this weight is fine for now. How long at this weight and then increase? I am hoping to regain the lost length.

I have really gained a lot info from the postings. Kind of humorous the read about the wrappings. The way it is described is like you guys already have a long penis when you talk about wrapping spiral down the length of the shaft. I don’t have that much to worry about, that is what is going on here and why I am trying to get some length.

I have scrapped the concept of pumping, as it increased the looseness of the skin. Any comments on this would be appreciated. Iowa

Hey Iowa,

Way to go!! Here is some light reading for you:



Quite a bit here, oldest stuff first on the list, it will give you something to do while your are at your computer hanging.

Seeing as how the above links kept going dead, simply use the search engine (top right of every page) and type *fatigue* or *BTC* in the search word box. This should bring up an up to date list of entries for each term.

Penis Enlargement Forum -- How To Jelq -- Free Penis Enlargement Videos

Make a Donation This place runs on donations, help out if you can. Thanks.

Hey Thunder,

These two links are dead again……….

Thanks in advance

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."

Bib, it is very kind of you to share such valueble information with us here, thanks.

Struggling with a peyronies injury during sex and loss of size after having been into PE.

recessed screw

This may seem funny to some but I honestly don’t know what this means. Is recessing a screw an action? Or is there a type of screw called a recessed screw? If not the latter, what kind of screw should I use? (obviously a short one as I have no desire to have a pointy piece of metal digging into my member whilst hanging). Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

Measurements as of June 29, 2005 eg: 6 inch bpel: 7.2 inch nbpel: 6.3 inch My Goal eg: 7 inch bpel: 8.9 inch nbpel: 8 inch Have A Nice Day! :)


Recessing the screws means you tighten until the head of the screw goes into the PVC. That way, it will not dig into you. But also, you should be wrapped.


Stupid question here………..What is an ULI???? I’m lost here…Someone enlighten me!!!!

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