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ADS and Uli Thing

ADS and Uli Thing

Not sure if this has been posted before, but has anyone considered modifying Bib’s Uli Thing into an ADS device? I know the hanger has been mentioned, but it’s too bulky to be worn under jeans in public.
I was just fooling around with it (the Uli Thing) and hooked one small bungee cord into it and connected that cord into another one that was wrapped below my knee.
For one run thru, it seemed promising, but not reliable (or all that comfortable) enough to wear all day.
But promising!

I’m pretty inept when it comes to making this kind of stuff, but I think I have some ideas on how this can be modified. It doesn’t seem all that difficult to do, but I don’t want to take a chance making something that would screw up my dorsal nerve or do any kind of nerve damage at all, obviously.
Maybe someone like Piet (or Bib, himself) could think this over and come up with something.

Here’s a link to the diagram.
Bib’s Uli thing

The best ADS I’ve found are the lead golf rings. Had to strip the rubber off them to fit my girth comfortably, but wearing just one of the bigger ones is real comfy all day. I wear one continuously, (ah here come the warnings) even while I sleep.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

The Captain’s Wench is good for ADS, and very easy to make.

Rob, "the person formerly known as P9"

This is a PENIS ENLARGEMENT FORUM, and whether it's tiny, medium or already huge, you are equally welcome to share how you grow it bigger and what this means to you!!!

I don’t think BIB’s uli thing is suited for ADS. You really need a device which uses lateral pressure like the wench or something AFBish like my stretcher. Unless you don’t want to use it for stretching but for uli’ing all day. Then I would advice to only use it for 10mins at a time.

It’s interesting to me how Bib came up with the precise time limit for Ulis. Ten minutes, tops. I’m sure his findings came from experience. It may be true you can completely shut off blood flow while hanging for 20 minutes, but X-Ulis should never go past 10 minutes. If clamped sufficiently within 11 minutes you’ll be stinging from oxygen starved cells and a purple dick, twelve minutes you’ve got a plum black dick and loss of sensitivity. Anything much over that I feel could cause irreparable damage. Set an egg timer, don’t trust your memory.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Last edited by Big Girtha : 12-18-2004 at .

I’m not a fan of ADS type things in general, but I agree with Piet. Look for a different attachment method.

> It may be true you can completely shut off blood flow while hanging for 20 minutes, but X-Ulis should never go past 10 minutes.

Hanging usually doesn’t shut off all circulation but it is slowed down considerably, sometimes to nearly nothing. 20 minutes max for hanging isn’t written in stone. If enough blood is flowing, 20 minutes is ok. If not, keep the sets shorter.

EU’s cut off blood flow entirely. 10 min. max on EU’s. When I was doing them it was obvious by the 8-9 minute mark that my dick needed a breath.

Originally Posted by Big Girtha
Anything much over that I feel could cause irreparable damage. Set an egg timer, don’t trust your memory.

Excellent advice BG.

Guys, since most of us spend so much time in front of our PC’s consider downloading this "countdown clock". It sits right on your desk top and is a flawless timer.

http://contactp … f/countdown.htm

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