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hanger help

hanger help

You know I’ve always wanted to hang but it always slipped off. There a few ways to put on a hanger that I’ve read:

1) Stretch the flaccid out and pull back the foreskin and place the hanger between the retracted skin and glands.

2) Pull out flaccid and place the hanger towards the middle of the shaft.

3) Wrap the skin with some kind of cloth or sticky rubber material and place hanger over that.

Here’s what happens to me in these scenerios:

1) Even when i pull the skin back (I’m cut btw, just have a lot of loose skin) when i place the hanger on it still slips right over the glands no matter how tight I have it.

2) I’ve never tried the second. I always thought you had to pull any excess skin back then place the hanger on. I would think that the extra skin would act as a block for any slippage over the glands, but also if slipped will hurt like a bitch.

3) Tried this but have too much excess skin. After wrapped and the hanger is in place my skin is bunched up in areas and it pinches. When i take the hanger off I havered marks where the skin was bunched up under the cloth.

I’m only concerned with lig stretch not tunica. I have a high LOT but don’t think I’m putting enough stess on the ligs with manual stretching. My hands just can’t take an intensive length and girth workout.

So with that said I guess placing a hanger in the middle of the shaft is where I need to be? Also how do you keep hangers on without it wanting to slip even with wrap?

I spend so much time sitting in this chair. I’d really like to be able to hang while working then focusing on my girth workout later.



OK, first things first. What kind of hanger do you have?


Hey Bib,

I’ve been experimenting with the AFB hanger on Hubbard’s site. It’s been about 2.5 weeks and I just can’t keep it on. I’ve also been trying the pipe insulator and clamp method. No matter how much i tighten the clamp I still get slippage.

I tried to put the hanger in the middle of the shaft tonite. I didn’t pull back the skin in hopes it would give extra support. Nadda. Still slipped right on down and over the glands. I then wrapped theraband and while wrapping my loose skin always folds somewhere, then when i put on the hanger, ouch!

Maybe it’s hopeless. I’m hoping Bib’s will still be available when I can get one. That won’t be for about 2 months. Until then I wanted to really put the LOT theory to the test. If you have any ideas I’d be grateful.


>I’ve been experimenting with the AFB hanger on Hubbard’s site. It’s been about 2.5 weeks and I just can’t keep it on. I’ve also been trying the pipe insulator and clamp method. No matter how much i tighten the clamp I still get slippage.<

In general, the more insulation, or cushion you have, the more slippage you will have. Whatever wrapping or cushion involved, it must be dense and solid. From there, you have to combat slippage with tightness. Your hanger must be able to grasp the internal structures. I worked for a long time to develop a system to do this. It ain’t easy.

>I tried to put the hanger in the middle of the shaft tonite. I didn’t pull back the skin in hopes it would give extra support. Nadda. Still slipped right on down and over the glands. I then wrapped theraband and while wrapping my loose skin always folds somewhere, then when i put on the hanger, ouch!<

The closer to the base you put the hanger, the more likely you will only stretch skin. While skin stretch is needed, you might go too far. You might try to make a homemade Bib.

But as far as slippage, you need to grasp the internal structures. It will probably take some more work on your hanger to make it fit you better.


I’ll continue to work it out. I just wanted to see if any answers could give me a boost.

I don’t have the resources in making my own Bib. It would cost more than buying it if I had to get the tools involved. Hopefully it’ll still be in prodution in a couple months. I do understand now that you mentioned it that the pipe insulator is probably too thick. I shouldn’t have to tighten the clamp that hard.

Let me see what i can come up with. Thanks for the response


I tried the AFB myself and had little, if any, success with it. If you are serious about hanging, I would recommend that you purchase the Bib Starter. It will cost you $100 but it will last forever, it will not slip, and it will stretch your ligs.

Jelktoid :trash: More meat for the money!

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