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PE Newbie: Question concerning lubricant


PE Newbie: Question concerning lubricant

Hi guys, just wanted to first thank everyone for so much helpful advice.

I’ve read the FAQs and I’m going to start to do PEs today, and I plan to go on for a long time. I don’t have my specs currently because I honestly lost my tape measurer and such, but I’ll pick one up later. I can say, though, it’s nothing impressive at all, probably on the smaller side. That’s sort of why I’m doing PE.

Anyways, I decided to follow lavdadus’s beginning instructions:

5 min hot wrap
5 min manual stretch (ten 30-second stretches)
10 min of jelq (two hundred 3-second strokes)
5 min hot wrap
50 kegels of five second holds each

Schedule: 2 days ON / 1 day OFF

I’ll probably start slow, because I don’t want to bruise, but be warned I have no PE experience.

That being said, I heard that dry jelqing can lead to bruising, or something bad with the skin; generally, I just heard that wet jelqing is better. Therefore, I need lubricant, but the only thing I could dig up currently was baby oil. I asked some of my guy friends to see if it would work, but many recommended against it, as they said it isn’t water soluble and it’ll leave a “greasy feel”.

So what I need to know is if baby oil is an acceptable lubricant for wet jelqs, or if I should run down to the store and get something like KY jelly. I’d rather not, simply because I’m rather easily embarassed with things like these, but if I have to, I will.

Also, a quick question about puberty:

I figured I had already finished puberty, but when I think about it, it doesn’t seem like I really went through much. I never had acne, never had facial hair, and my voice didn’t deepen significantly. Despite this, I figured that at my age, 18, I’m through with puberty. If I’m not, by the off chance that I (hopefully) still have some growing left, would PEs be a negative to do? I mean, obviously it wouldn’t seem healthy for a 13-14 year old male to do PEs, right? Therefore, if there’s possibility that I’m still growing (which is what my doctor said, but I don’t really trust him), should I hold off on the PEs?

Wolfe, Welcome to the forum. As a “not quite newbie” my advise is, Stick to the newbie routine and pay attention to your body and BE PATIENT. The patience thing is something we’ve all had to learn, sometimes by injuring ourselves. Listen to the veterans. I’m still asking questions and reading all the time. Baby oil will work fine, but there are a lot of other lubes that work, too. Try different things. I use a water based lube (when I use one at all) like KY jelly. (Use the store brand, lots cheaper, and works as well). Enjoy the journey. Best of luck to you.

:_pump: :donatecar

Last edited by clgpalmer : 05-23-2005 at .

First of all, Welcome to Thunder’s Wolfe!

Now for some answers. (the best I can give anyway :leftie: )

You are doing well to read as much as you can and take things slow at first. That is the best thing you can do.

Pick up a ruler and tailor tape asap so you can track your gains. It’s a real motivator.

About the bruising, there really isn’t much you can do about that. It comes with the PE territory. It’s more discoloration than bruising. Some have less than others.

About the dry jelqing, I do about 800 of them a day. If you do them correctly (don’t overdo the intensity) you will be fine. I would suggest starting with wet jelqs though. Just until you get used to the exercise. After some time it would be beneficial to try to incorporate some dry ones if you can. Some guys just can’t do dry jelqs period.

I use conditioner as lube for wet jelqs. I do them in the shower and it works fabulously.

You may still be going through the later parts of puberty at 18, but don’t let that stop you. As long as you are careful and take things slow you should be fine.

Hope this helps. Good luck to you.


Wolfe, I’ve read a few people around here swear by Olive Oil. That should be a decent stealthy lube without the embarrassment of a KY purchase, and it’s great for your skin. Use the search function and do a search for lube, I noticed a few threads that might be of interest to you, including a “baby oil vs. Vaseline” thread and stuff like that.

If you buy baby oil, buy the vegetable based stuff. The petroleum based oil I’ve tried doesn’t feel as good and stays “on top of” the skin rather than sinking in; also I believe that it is probably not as compatible with skin. A suggestion in another thread was cocoa butter.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains


You seemed to have read all of the forum guidlines, and done some good research before your first post.

A little bit of advice:
When you measure, do a bone-pressed measurement. This means press the ruler as deep as possible into your pubic bone (the bone above the penis), and then record the measurment.

Baby oil works great. You do not like bruising, so I suggest buying the aloe & vitamin e baby oil. It is made by Johnson & Johnson, and many other generic versions.
I like the Vitamin E & Aloe version because it seems to help the skin heal a little better; I could be wrong, but I do not have any evidence to support otherwise.

Eitherway, good luck.

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

First, again, I’d like to give you all such a big thanks.

This is such a helpful and informative forum - I know I will donate soon, when my paycheck comes in. You guys are honestly great and so receptive that it’s amazing! Just wanted to issue my thanks, first, to all the vets out there.

Now the real stuff:

I have a plethora of first time questions regarding my very first workout. I understand that over time, hopefully, this will sort itself out, but like experience with working out my body, it’s a bad thing to work out one way and learn it’s wrong a bit down the road. Okay, step by step (keep in mind I read the FAQs, but I’m still very vague about some parts).

Step 1. 5 min hot wrap

Okay, even the hot wrap I still need some help with. Today, I got myself a wash cloth, soaked in very warm water (but not hot), and then after letting it soak for a while, wringed the water out, and wrapped it around my penis. A few ‘problems’ occurred:

My penis was not erect
The wrap was, thus, a little loose and I had to hold it in place
The heat wore off quickly, or at least it seemed like this

My main question here is if I should be erect during a hotwrap, and how tightly the towel/cloth should be wrapped around. My understanding is the hot wrap basically just loosens the tendons for stretching, akin to like a warmup or stretches before one goes to work out or engage in physical activities. So, what I believe right now is that the most important part is the heat, not necessarily the tension. Correct me if I’m wrong, of course. That leads me into wondering if anyone else seems to experience rapid heat loss - my washcloth seems to stay warm for only 2 or so minutes - should I stop, reheat, and then reapply for another two minutes?

Step 2. 5 min manual stretch (ten 30-second stretches)

Okay, while reading the FAQ, this seems pretty self explanatory but I still have questions. Mainly, I want to know how erect I should be - after reading the Jelqing and Erection levels topic, fortunately pointed out by clgpalmer, I realized that full erections can’t be good for excersizes. Now that I learned this, it’s something to remember, but today is just my first day. Anyways, for my stretches, I had a real hard time just getting erect(to be honest, it usually takes some sort of outside stimulus, like pictures or a female), but I didn’t think that flaccid stretches would do much. So, around how erect should I be for the manual stretch? Also, the FAQ recommended doing a kegel for the stretch, and after doing a few semi-erect stretches with a kegel, I definitely noted a much more “powerful” stretch. However, right now I can’t hold a kegel for 30 seconds - I could hold it for around 15 seconds before my muscle simply gave out. Keeping this in mind, should I do 30 second non-kegel stretches, or a 30 second stretch with a kegel as long as I can, and then continue when it gives out? These are upward stretches, by the way.

Step 3. 10 min of jelq (two hundred 3-second strokes)

Okay, this is the main area that I thought I did well, but unfortunately I think I even screwed this up. I did jelqs at around 90-100% erection, but not by choice - simply put, the action seemed a lot like a more intense masturbation, and I couldn’t help but get fully erect. This is a bad thing, so is there any way to jelq without getting fully erect, or basically, how do you guys do it?

Step 5. 50 kegels of five second holds each

This is simple; at least I get this.

Final question: how exactly do you “measure” your erection level? I can’t really tell the difference between, like, 30% erect and 60% erect, I’d guess. I mean, I can tell when I’m flaccid and when I’m fully erect, but halfway seems pretty vague.

Thanks a lot for the answers and advice!

Originally Posted by Eroset

without the embarrassment of a KY purchase,

Why would you be embarrased by purchasing KY (or condoms or whatever?) Chances are pretty good that the clerk at the Wal-mart, or wherever, doesnt really notice ,or care what you buy. Unless it’s your neighbor or sister in law, she’ll never see you again, anyway.

:_pump: :donatecar

Additionally, I found out my LOT is pretty low (Oh man.), around 7:30 - 7. Does this mean it’s overall harder for me to gain results? I really don’t want to be doomed with a small penis, but it seems like my genes have willed it so. Basically, with a LOT around 7:30, will it be significantly more difficult to gain girth and length? To be honest, I’d say my length is manageable, but it’s mostly the girth I want to work on.I mean, if I could gain an inch or even two (that’d be really beneficial), I’d be happy, but if I could get some girth, that’d be fine too.

My measurements are 5.5” BPEL and 4.75” EG..

Btw, I just noticed but damn clgpalmer, you’ve made some impressive gains in two months! Do you have a high LOT? (Just to see if the trend stays)

Originally Posted by clgpalmer
Why would you be embarrased by purchasing KY (or condoms or whatever?) Chances are pretty good that the clerk at the Wal-mart, or wherever, doesnt really notice ,or care what you buy. Unless it’s your neighbor or sister in law, she’ll never see you again, anyway.

I wouldn’t be, I was referring to the original post. He said he was embarrassed by things like that. After years of emergency trips to the store to buy my wife whatever emergency feminine product she needs at the time, there’s not much in a store that would embarrass me anymore. ;) But I do remember my younger years.. It embarrassed me too back then.

Hah, Eroset, to be perfectly honest, I wanted to die the rare occassions I had to buy condoms or tampons. I don’t know, I’m not actually shy unless it deals with something personal.


Starting: 05.24.05 - BPEL: 5.50" EG: 4.75" FL: 3.00" FG: 3.50" Current: 09.14.05 - BPEL: 6.00" EG: 4.00" Wtf, my length went up and my girth went down? I think I measured wrong the first time. Goals: 6 months 11.24.05 - BPEL: 6.50" EG: 6.00" FL: 4.00" FG: 4.50" 12 months 05.24.06 - BPEL: 7.50" EG: 6.50" FL: 5.00" FG: 5.50" I can dream, right?

Last edited by Wolfe : 05-25-2005 at .

Stretching should not be done erect. Some people will allow a little extra blood in to get a better grip, but nothing close to a full erection.

As far as jelquing and having too full an erection, that usually will go down after a week or two when your penis gets used to the exercise and realizes you’re not masturbating.

Originally Posted by Wolfe
Step 1. 5 min hot wrap

Okay, even the hot wrap I still need some help with. Today, I got myself a wash cloth, soaked in very warm water (but not hot), and then after letting it soak for a while, wringed the water out, and wrapped it around my penis. A few ‘problems’ occurred:

My penis was not erect
The wrap was, thus, a little loose and I had to hold it in place
The heat wore off quickly, or at least it seemed like this

My main question here is if I should be erect during a hotwrap, and how tightly the towel/cloth should be wrapped around. My understanding is the hot wrap basically just loosens the tendons for stretching, akin to like a warmup or stretches before one goes to work out or engage in physical activities. So, what I believe right now is that the most important part is the heat, not necessarily the tension. Correct me if I’m wrong, of course. That leads me into wondering if anyone else seems to experience rapid heat loss - my washcloth seems to stay warm for only 2 or so minutes - should I stop, reheat, and then reapply for another two minutes?

I’d suggest reheating that cloth over and over, so that you keep the entire shaft/groin area about as heated as you can stand. Another alternative is putting the same cloth in ziploc bag, microwave, and stuff it down your pants - it won’t cool down as fast when the steam does’nt evaporate. Careful with scalding!

OR you can use reheatable handwarmer from REI or Mountain Works - boil, let cool, and then snap button and stuff in pants. Won’t scald you, but not as intense heat either. Excellent for “prep”.

OR you can get a large mug, fill with hot water, stuff your unit in and hold mug against groin.

OR you can take a shower, jelq etc in shower.

Originally Posted by Wolfe
Step 2. 5 min manual stretch (ten 30-second stretches)

Okay, while reading the FAQ, this seems pretty self explanatory but I still have questions. Mainly, I want to know how erect I should be - after reading the Jelqing and Erection levels topic, fortunately pointed out by clgpalmer, I realized that full erections can’t be good for excersizes. Now that I learned this, it’s something to remember, but today is just my first day. Anyways, for my stretches, I had a real hard time just getting erect(to be honest, it usually takes some sort of outside stimulus, like pictures or a female), but I didn’t think that flaccid stretches would do much. So, around how erect should I be for the manual stretch? Also, the FAQ recommended doing a kegel for the stretch, and after doing a few semi-erect stretches with a kegel, I definitely noted a much more “powerful” stretch. However, right now I can’t hold a kegel for 30 seconds - I could hold it for around 15 seconds before my muscle simply gave out. Keeping this in mind, should I do 30 second non-kegel stretches, or a 30 second stretch with a kegel as long as I can, and then continue when it gives out? These are upward stretches, by the way.

I don’t see the point in being erect for stretches, in fact I suspect you might do damage.

Search for “Lazy General” and “JAI Johan AI stretches”, you might want to search for “SPS Static Progressive Stretch” as well.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

Thanks for the responses, can anyone take a gander at my LOT questions?

Starting: 05.24.05 - BPEL: 5.50" EG: 4.75" FL: 3.00" FG: 3.50" Current: 09.14.05 - BPEL: 6.00" EG: 4.00" Wtf, my length went up and my girth went down? I think I measured wrong the first time. Goals: 6 months 11.24.05 - BPEL: 6.50" EG: 6.00" FL: 4.00" FG: 4.50" 12 months 05.24.06 - BPEL: 7.50" EG: 6.50" FL: 5.00" FG: 5.50" I can dream, right?

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