Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Newbie question

Newbie question

Hey all,

Just started a few days ago, noticed I’m hanging better even hours after PE, but I was wondering how long do I stay on the newbie exercises for? I’m not complaining or getting ahead of myself, but I peaked into the other forums about hanging and stuff and was wondering if I should start planning now for the future. Also does it tickle when you do your kegles the only was I think I’m doing them is kinda of clenching my ass cheeks together and feeling a lil tickle. Thanks guys

Stick with the newbie exercises for at least 3-4 months. You can increase the time you spend jelqing and stretching during those months, if you’d like.

The overall idea is to use the gentlest approach that gives you gains for as long as you can. If you blast the shit out of your penis right away, not only will you likely get injured, but you may toughen the tissues so much that further gains are nigh impossible.

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The Newbie Routine is a good, solid routine. It’s pretty much what I’ve always done, even after a couple years now. I just increase the reps/intensity. It works for me.

Originally Posted by realtime15
Hey all,


Originally Posted by realtime15
Just started a few days ago, noticed I’m hanging better even hours after PE, but I was wondering how long do I stay on the newbie exercises for?

The actual routine is up to you. Stick to the same exercises, but move up time and intensity after a few weeks. As time goes on you can add on a few advanced exercises, wait a few months for anything involving erect squeezing/jelqing/tourniqeting etc…. After 2-4 weeks you can add “JAI STRETHCES” they are very good for length.

Originally Posted by realtime15
I’m not complaining or getting ahead of myself, but I peaked into the other forums about hanging and stuff and was wondering if I should start planning now for the future.

It is always good to plan for the future. Just make sure you choose a smart plan and you stick too it. Do not jump into hanging/clamping/super advanced dick bending exercises until the time is right (usually months after you started).

Originally Posted by realtime15
Also does it tickle when you do your kegles the only was I think I’m doing them is kinda of clenching my ass cheeks together and feeling a little tickle. Thanks guys

Yes this is a kegel.

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

Originally Posted by slackjawedyokel
Clenching your ass cheeks is NOT a kegel.

Maybe I read your description wrong :(

I do not think he meant he was clenching his ass cheeks in order to kegel; I think he was saying when he kegels, his ass cheeks clench — which happens to me too.

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

Originally Posted by realtime15
I was wondering how long do I stay on the newbie exercises for?

Take at least one hour to read the injuries forum. Stick with the newbie routine until you feel you know enough about yourself to avoid any kind of situation you’ve read about in the injuries forum. This is just like starting up with a new sport: there comes a time when you just know that you’ve just got enough of the basics to start exploring safely by yourself. Be patient…

Originally Posted by remek
I do not think he meant he was clenching his ass cheeks in order to kegel; I think he was saying when he kegels, his ass cheeks clench — which happens to me too.

Hmmmm… …

Same here, but I wouldn’t say is an ass clench per se, as if you clench your ass specifically, it’s MUCH different

Current PE status - Contemplating Retirement. STARTED - 6.75"x5.25" CURRENTLY 7.5"x5.5" - BPFSL - 7.25"

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