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Newbie question and concern! poss. injury

Newbie question and concern! poss. injury

Ok, first of all i would like to say thanks for taking time to read a newbie’s post. I’ve been looking around for some time now, and i think this community of people is great…thanks for making it possible. Now, my question is about my recent adventures into jelqing. I’ve only done it twice so far. The first time i was fully erect (probably not the best idea) and I noticed some little red spots and one bigger, darker spot (a little smaller than a shirt button). The second time, and this is what worries me, I was about 50-60% erect and went a little lighter. I used the “OK”-circle finger style and everything. But when i was finished i noticed a dark reddish-purple spot about the size of a dime towards the side of my shaft about halfway up. I’ve read the other posts about spots and all, but has anyone had one this big…and what should i do to avoid it? Also, do you think there is serious damage…it doesn’t really hurt to touch but it was a little swollen and i guess i’m just nervous ‘cause i’m new at all of this.

Sorry this is so long. Thanks very much for your time!!

forgetting those things which are behind

I caused something just like this whilst performing a super-long and hard Uli.. but I just chose to ignore it and it faded very rapidly - in 2 days it’s almost gone. I think it’s just some burst capillaries in the skin, and nothing to really worry about.

Take it easy and go slow as a newbie.

Most injuries are from trying too much too soon.

Do not ignore problems…if in doubt, take time off until everything returns to normal.

Days off to recover will help, not hurt, so error on the side of safety.

be back soon

If you’ve really pushed it, that dime sized spot on the shaft may continue to grow. Best to heed Dura Ace’s warning and take a couple of days out if you are uncertain.

When I was new, I noticed a spot like that, carried on going and within a couple of days it had quadrupled in size.

Take it easy when you are starting these exercises. When you start the penis is unused to the pressures and you are most likely to cause injury. Within 2 months your penis will be completely different, more veiny, tougher and more capable of withstanding the pressure.


Thanks for the advice guys…i’ll take a little time off and be more careful!

forgetting those things which are behind

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