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New Question Concern

New Question Concern

I have been following the newbie method for a week now. My penis seems longer flacid.and this past weekend I definitely felt a harder possibly larger erection.maybe it’s all in my head.however when flacid my penis seems a little stiff.the muscles inside seem a little stiff not as pain or anything.if I pull a bit or massage it loosens up but a little stiff that normal or bad? .Just concerned

To make my self more clear. Normally, when my penis is flacid, the penis is very soft. If I were to push on it it would be extremely soft. Lately, the penis when flaccid, is a little firmer almost spongy.

Last edited by mjd1234 : 10-10-2006 at .

Psst. Someone is going to grill you on your punctuation. If it’s still in time edit it ;) Btw I’m a little confused on your post…

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