Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Newbie here with a question

Newbie here with a question


I browsed a little through this forum a while ago. I went ahead and registered here without actually starting any form of PE exercises. I guess it was my lazy nature and the fact that it requires such a long term invenstment per inch in gain with no absolute certainty. As you can see I have been a member here for quite a few months.

I recently had a wake up call, and I realize that the size of my penis is really getting in the way of my social life. I am as insecure about it’s size and as one could possibly be, to the point that I will not persue someone I like just for that. Now I think it is time to take it seriously and start doing some natural PE. I hope the members here can guide me through this process. I want to thank all of you before hand.

I started by reading through the newbie section, and have started my first session today. I did it for about 45 minutes but I took it easy and went slow, to get more comfortable and familiar with the techniques. I have found at the end of the session that it was alot easier for me to get a full erection, where usually I can only manage a little over 80 percent with more room for expansion, unless it’s “morning wood”. The penis felt a little bigger with veins popping out all over, which I don’t usually see even with a full erection. So I guess I must be doing something right. The kegels were tougher than I thought they will be, I did about 150 today, and felt soreness just like you would after a tough workout if you haven’t worked out for a while, this can definately explain my lack of stamina.

I do have a question, and I hope you can help me out. My main concern is my weight. I have been overweight most of my life, and have been very overweight for last couple of years. I have been working on my weight problem and have been seeing consistent weight loss for the past 3 months. The main specific problem that I have is the fat around my pubic region. I have tried to take some measurements a while ago, but the visible part of my non erect penis is laughable, which renders taking measurements almost impossible. If I press down on the fat region, I can easily expose a couple of inches, which looks more normal to me.

Now I realize that by losing all the excess weight, my non erect penis will look more normal, and that’s very good. However, I am uncertain wether the fat affects the size of my erect penis as well. I have measured a while ago, and my erect penis is barely edging 5 inches in length. So I am sure you can see why I am insecure about it.. I mean it has to be below average. I was wondering if anyone here had a similar experience with the weight, and wanted to ask if losing weight alone helped anyone in gaining erect penis length. It’s a very sensitive subject for me, and being a straight man, I am only familiar with my own penis, which is why this question may seem stupid.

Thank you

WElcome to the posting side of Thunders, Simon.

5 inches is about average in length.

With the weight, if you lose weight, or fatpad size, most likely your NBPEL or exposed penis would increase. Some time ago, I during a month, I lost a bit of weight and the end result being that I hardly gained any BPEL (0.05) and about .25 in NBPEL. So lose the weight, it can only be good for you unless you turn anorexic or something like that.

Obsession is a word used by the lazy to describe the dedicated.

My Pics

AOM's training log

Losing some excess weight can only do good for your penis - you will get some extra length because tha fat is hiding it, but also improved erections. So, start eating more healthy and excersise a bit daily.

Happy gains friend!

Remember, getting slimmer/fitter can also increase your testosterone levels and boost how you feel about yourself and the ladies, as well as improving your health. It can only be good, but take it slowly and take PE slowly.

5” isn’t small, some survery suggest it may just be under average.

01/08/07: 5.75" BPEL, 5.25" EG ::: 26/05/10: 7.3" BPEL, 5.4" MSEG, [My Progress Pics] - [My Routine]

Revised Min Final Objective: [/b] 7.75" BPEL (33% increase), 5.5" MSEG

Losing weight would cause, on overweight people, an apparent size gain, because the penile part which was hidden by the fadpat would exposed.

A friend mine lost weight, and one of his first commentaries was “Hey, I think my penis got bigger” (of course he said it with more subtleness),however in fact, he just re-established his “natural” size, in Normal Temperature and Pressure lol ^^.

Edit: And of course, losing weight/improving your life style will perform wonders for your sexual life, better erections, more energy on bed et cetera.

One day I'll be able to do PE o/

Thanks for the kind words, the gains in non erect visible size is definately apparent with the weight loss. Just by pushing down on the fat pad my non erect penis goes up from one inch to about three. So I am sure you can imagine my frustration.

However, when erect, it’s hard to judge wether losing weight will have an impact on my size. At full erection, I can dig in with my finger and push the skin downwards and can feel well over an inch of wood hiding in there, I always wondered if that’s normal, or if my weight is hiding an inch and a half of erect length. Time will tell I suppose. I will be seriously working on my weight and do regular PE exercises. If I can attain 6 and a half inches of visible length then I will be more than happy. :)

Ohh it goes down man. Before when I pressed my index finger into my fatpad. The whole joint went down. After some time of using green tea supps and what not, it went down. I could see at least the last quarter of the joint.

Obsession is a word used by the lazy to describe the dedicated.

My Pics

AOM's training log

I’m very skinny by any normal measure, at least with respect to musculature. Because I was overweight as an adolescent, I have a tendency to accumulate body fat if I don’t watch my diet and/or get enough exercise. When I went through puberty, I shot up in height to just about 6 feet, but got thin, and stayed that way into my twenties. Lately I’ve put on weight again after a job loss—I compensated a bit by eating more stuff I shouldn’t. Probably I gained roughly 20-25lbs over several months, which is not so much considering my height, but I can tell a distinct difference in the thickness of the fat pad over my pubic bone. So, weight gain or loss can make a real impact on erect penis length. It happened to this skinny guy.

Getting control of your weight will yield numerous benefits, among which are better cardiovascular health and reduced chance of developing diabetes. Both of those conditions directly affect male sexual function. Consider that if you wish to work at PE it will be a long term effort, but so is safe and successful weight loss. Why not combine both and make a much better use of that time? In addition to PE, I’m working on restoring my foreskin, which itself is a slow process. Several times a week, if not each day, I go for quite long walks (9-12 miles). The walks are great for cardiovascular health and weight control, and stimulate vigorous blood circulation throughout the pelvic region. I get in my Kegels during the walks too. I loose count easily, but 250 Kegels are now the norm. I feel as if I’m getting lots of important stuff accomplished with a reasonable time expenditure. Within two years I’ll feel as if I made terrific use of that time. Those two years are going to pass no matter what I do, so I intend to be able to look back with satisfaction at having persisted at routines directed at improving my general health and sexual function. It comes down to finding a way to integrate those routines into daily life in a reasonable way, and then maintaining a little discipline and having sensible goals. After that, time takes care of the rest.

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