Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Newbie with a few questions

Newbie with a few questions

Hi all,

First of all, I´d like to say I´ve been lurking here for the past few months and the site is truly incredible. There´s a feeling of solidarity that I respect admire, and furthermore, hope to form a part of in the coming months/years. I recall at age 15 I went to the doctors and I plucked up all my courage to tell him about my concerns regarding size. Despite being massively below average at the time (it grew a decent amount since then) he said that it was “within the normal range” and that it “will not affect any aspect of your sex life”. As a logical person, I pretty much accepted what he said for a short while. After all, it would be ludicrous to believe that a doctor´s opinion on this matter would be incorrect. Furthermore, I asked him whether there would be anything like testosterone injections that I could take to improve my size. He said that that would only be done in extreme cases. That the sideffects would be far worse than the potential benefits. He said he would take some tests to see if I had any hormonal imbalance. When the tests came back positive, he was done with me. When I asked him about testosterone injections, he further added that there was “No way you could enlarge the penis” through any alternative methods, thinking perhaps that as a 15-year old kid obsessed by his shortcomings, I may have been on the internet searching up penis enlargement methods (which I was :-) ) Because all I could find online were an endless stream of sites with made-up testimonials looking to sell you all sorts of unapproved pills and fancily-titled devices, I gave up for a while and distracted myself with other things. I didn´t socialise, and every night I would go to sleep severely depressed. I stopped caring about my work, I stopped caring about being competitive. Ultimately, I didn´t see the point in working towards any social or academic goals if I would never be able to shake off my one “redeeming” characteristic — that is to say, my extremely small penis size. (At that time, I was about 16 and my erect penis measured around 3”). I felt like a freak.

However, my faith was completely changed by Thunder´s Place. Since discovering this forum, I realise that there IS some hope. Even if it´s unlikely that I will experience massive gains, the possibility exists. Furthermore, I am not greedy (at least not at the moment!) and so an increase of 1” in both length and girth would make me incredibly happy. Ideally, I would aim for a 7” x 5.5” penis, which I think is a far better ideal than the “8x6” monster. Still, anything that doesn´t stand out as small and I´ll be happy. Also, my flaccid size is quite poor, around 3” x 3” and so I would be looking to increase this significantly, in particular the length. What I find amazing about TP is that it´s clear by the sheer number of users, and the uncensored posts, that it ISN´T a load of bs. This stuff has worked for some people, with nothing but positive effects. What killed me for so many years, is the helplessness that I felt. I thought it was exactly the same as height. What you´ve been given, is yours for life. I am not that strong of a person, I wasn´t ready to accept my size forever. If nothing else, these past couple of months, Thunder´s Place has given me hope. Although I haven´t even begun PE´ing, I am much happier in my life than before I found this site, because I see light at the end of the tunnel. For that alone, I thank every member.

Still being considerably under average size (approx 4.9” erect length bp x approx. 3.8” erect girth) I could write endlessly about negative experiences, about how my confidence is at rock bottom and about how my teenage years (I´ll be 20 soon) have been very badly affected by the insecurity caused by my size. I´m sure it would make a good read, and one that plenty of tp´ers could relate to. However, I´m hoping that I show some increase in size after a few months of PE´ing before I write a long post talking about this. I would love to make some progress and THEN write a post, with comparison pics, as this would certainly be a more inspirational/motivational post than one that solely talks about painful past and present experiences.

I do have a few questions that worry me and that have resulted in my extended lurking, rather than starting up with the newbie routine.

1. Lets assume somebody has a 6” x 5” penis which, as a result of PE, becomes a 8” x 6” penis. Now, some other guy NATURALLY, with no PE has a 8” x 6” penis. My question is, which would be healthier? Factors would be sexual performance, appearance, potential health issues down the line, etc. Would it be a reasonable analogy to suggest that there are some people with a somewhat thinner build, but who work out regularly at the gym and do weights. After a while, this person might pack on lots of muscle, and reach the same weight as another guy who is naturally more well toned and heavier, but who doesn´t do weights. Although the former has exhausted more of his potential, his physique is certainly much more appealing than the latter, who may be able to achieve greater gains, but who hasn´t put in any work. I hope that comparison isn´t too confusing, but if it is, simply disregard it and just look at the original question instead.

2. How come some people seem to have no size increases or minimal increases, whereas others have massive gains? If you apply this to other areas, such as bodybuilding, I understand that some people naturally have more potential, put in more effort and consequently see massive gains relative to others. However, there is no doubting that anybody who applies himself to bodybuilding will notice a significant increase in muscle / mass, better tone etc. It strikes me as odd that a systematic approach towards the enlargement of a part of the body (which seems to have at least some medical foundation) could work so well for some and have NO effect on others. It´s the “zero effect” that really concerns me. Can this simply be attributed to a lack of dedication on some members´parts, or is there more? I don´t think I´ve stumbled upon any thread that has satisfactorily explained this phenomenon. Perhaps someone could point me in the right direction..

3. Why are there so many ex-members? Thunder´s Place seems to be a very peaceful forum, where members are courteous and supportive at all times. I don´t understand how there can be so many people that have gotten banned. I see this whenever I read an oldish thread. Regularly enough, someone who posted in that old thread has “Ex Member” on their title. I mean, perhaps this doesn´t mean that they were banned, but rather that they haven´t logged on in so long that they effectively cease to be members. Could somebody clarify why this is the case? The people who are “Ex Member”s were once legitimate posters as far as I can tell from the few posts of theirs that I have seen. Did they simply cross the line in some thread?

4. What is the average increase experienced by people after PE´ing for, say, a year? I mean, at 4.9” x 3.8” I stand out as very short. However, with a bit over 1” gain in length and girth, I would approx. Have a 6”x5” penis.a decent size by all accounts. With that, I would already be able to shake off the stigma of being a “man with a very small penis” which has haunted me ever since the age of 13-14.

Anyway, I will end this rant, as I meant to make my first post reasonably short in the first place! Looking forward to forming a part of the TP community.

1. In my opinion, the guy who did PE to get to 8 x 6 would be healthier. Jelqing and kegeling and a few other exercises when done properly all help improve the penis health.

2. Yes, a lack of consistency can be one of the reasons. Others may be they just naturally have a very strong muscle and ligament which is hard to stretch and jelq etc.

3. That is the reason why Thunder’s is a nice place. All the foul mouthed, ‘bad’ people are now ex-members :)

4. No one can be sure about the average size within a year. All people are different. You are just going to have to PE to find out ;)

Welcome and good luck :)

Originally Posted by clicketyclop
1. Lets assume somebody has a 6” x 5” penis which, as a result of PE, becomes a 8” x 6” penis. Now, some other guy NATURALLY, with no PE has a 8” x 6” penis. My question is, which would be healthier?
2. How come some people seem to have no size increases or minimal increases, whereas others have massive gains?
3. Why are there so many ex-members?
4. What is the average increase experienced by people after PE´ing for, say, a year? I mean, at 4.9” x 3.8” I stand out as very short. However, with a bit over 1” gain in length and girth, I would approx. Have a 6”x5” penis.a decent size by all accounts. With that, I would already be able to shake off the stigma of being a “man with a very small penis” which has haunted me ever since the age of 13-14.

1. The possibility of having a non-healthy 8x6 penis (enlarged via PE) only occurs on extreme cases such as trying to enlarge the dick through priapism, or smashing your dick with a hammer, pumping at 600 Hg, doing the PE exercises wrong-but if you do them wrong, that usually involves some warning signs, and you will stop anyway.

2. Genetics… Not being able to find the right routine…I don’t know…

4. From what I know, the smaller starting members have the highest gains.

Well the guys really help you. I will say the same thing:

1. I think that bout are healthy and I don’t see any problem here

2. Definite consistency! You need to put it in you’re mind and body be 110% sure that you are gonna do it and that there is no quiting!

3. Well I don’t know about that maybe bad language, but I often say: hell, bull shit, bitch etc.. So I hope I’m not overdoing it with bad words, I’m interested in that too. What happened to them?!

4. Well it is different from person to person so I really don’t want to put some wrong numbers

A lot of luck my friend and a lot of consistency, you’ll get you’re dream dick as will every one on this forum!

Great post. I appreciate your openness and honesty, and I think most people here will be able to relate to it in one way or another. Though you’ve got to admit that locking yourself indoors because of it is a little extreme. ;)

Anyways, I personally can relate to this quote: "Although I haven´t even begun PE´ing, I am much happier in my life than before I found this site, because I see light at the end of the tunnel. For that alone, I thank every member."

Though I am not specifically "Happier in life", haha, I am happy anyway, I can relate to the feeling of relief of seeing light at the end of the tunnel. And I felt the same way when I discovered this site only a month ago. Even when I hadn’t even started, or known if I would be able to gain or not, the knowledge that it IS possible to increase my size made me feel a contentness that wouldn’t have been matched any other way. This feeling makes Thunder’s Place a community that price cannot put a tag on.

Have a look at my past posts/created threads. I managed to get a lot of good advice and now I feel like my general PE knowledge is very good.

But if you can’t be fucked with that, and would rather browse by following your own curiosities (which is probably a better idea), then start here: START HERE ——-> NEWBIE ROUTINE <——- Important Newbie Threads/Info . Although, now that I think about it, you’ve probably read all this stuff anyway, since your questions are very specific.

Another thing to note, is that I found these 2 threads most interesting and beneficial to me when I first joined:
- The most often asked and annoying questions!
- Brainwashing Techniques
Though like I just said, you’ve probably already read these too. But just in case you haven’t, there you go!

Also, one thing that should be pointed out to somebody as enthusiastic as you. Injuries occur most commonly in the first 2 months of PE-ing. Make sure you don’t get overly enthusiastic!! It’s very important. Just stay patient, yet consistent, with the newbie routine for 3 months, THEN you can start mixing your routine up with new and more intense exercises etc.

As for the questions:

2. Well this is the million dollar question. Nobody can really figure out an exact reason as to why this occurs. But my assumption is the same as yours. I think these people are either not dedicated enough, or they smoke too much, or something like that.

4. This question, along with #2, are probably the two questions that everybody would LOVE to know. But the truth is, there’s no exact answer just yet. But generally, from my personal viewing experiences around the forum, my brain seems to tell me that an 0.5" x 0.2" over the first 4 months is something that’s pretty common. While over a year’s time I don’t see why you couldn’t get 1" x 0.5". (That would make you my current size :) pretty much). However, there’s a possibility you could get 2" x 1", as much as there is the possibility of getting 0" x 0".

Also, check out this thread:
- 2-inch Growth Comparative Pictures
In terms of percentage gain, he helps prove the theory (is there even a theory on this? Hahah) that smaller gains more.

Hope I helped. :)

Starting size: (April 1 2007) 5.95" BPEL x 4.65" EG. | Progress Thread (plus pics)

Now: (August 20 2007) 6.6" BPEL x 4.81" EG. Half way towards my goal! | Current Stats

Short term goal: (3-4 months) 6.8" BPEL, 5.0" EG.. Long term goal (1+ yr): 7.5" BPEL, 5.5" EG.

Last edited by nick33 : 05-01-2007 at .

Also, you should put your statistics into the PE database. You will be able to track your gains and others can see your progress also.

Click on ‘quick links’, on your top right, then click on “PE statistics” and follow the instructions.

Starting size: (April 1 2007) 5.95" BPEL x 4.65" EG. | Progress Thread (plus pics)

Now: (August 20 2007) 6.6" BPEL x 4.81" EG. Half way towards my goal! | Current Stats

Short term goal: (3-4 months) 6.8" BPEL, 5.0" EG.. Long term goal (1+ yr): 7.5" BPEL, 5.5" EG.

Welcome to Thunder’s Place. You’re an extremely modest and appreciative person; the kind that I’m sure Thunder’s moderators prefer. (And quite frankly, the kind that I prefer, too.) I’m a newbie, too, so, though I’ll answer to the best of my abilities, you should listen to the more experienced members here.

1) It would seem to me that the PEd penis would be healthier. I’d only assume so because of all of the exercises, though: so if someone that naturally has an 8X6 penis were to do kegels and the PE exercises inconsistently, some of the “health” effects would be duplicated.

2) I don’t know. I’m not an experienced enough member. But if I had to choose, I’d say improper practice or inconsistency.

3) Members, especially the ones that have been here longer, don’t need to be constantly told to watch their English, their language, and to not be crude; so there are forum regulations stated in a guideline which we’re supposed to read before joining. To enforce the negativity of not reading it or not obeying it, the moderators remove the abusing members. I can only assume that more members costs more bandwidth, so I wouldn’t tolerate unappreciative members at my expense like that, either. Not only is it their right (come on, their offering free penis health information!), it’s also a more pleasant experience for members like me.

4) Hmmm, I don’t know, yet again! But be sure to let us know how you gain over time. :) I wish you the best of luck, and work hard to get what you want! Eventually, this’ll no longer be a problem for you, and this inferiority complex that you have no doubt been developing will be long gone.

WELCOME clicketyclop (love that moniker!):

I am an APR2007 Newbie and of the “small” ones also. However, your EL of 4.90 and 3.80 girth more than my starting EL of 4.438 and EG 3.750. How about them apples? But after 18 days of PEing, I have reached EL 4.688 and EG 4.000, a 1/4” gain for both. I am very, VERY pleased, and hope for more to come.

DD, in reading your story, I can definitely say “I have been there, I have done that!” It brings up memories and is all too familiar. I’ve experienced the shame of glares, kidding and taunting by my peers when young, have kept hiding in my soul the hurt, shame and unhappiness that it brought with it. My erection was probably less than your 3”.

But, I will not let my size be a problem! No more! I am small, but I am a “BIG SMALL!” My father told me many years ago, when I came home in tears because of the boys at the YMCA (we were made to take swimming classes in the NUDE. My father said, and as I have said before it is trite, but true…”It is not the size, but what you do with it!”

I don’t know if you have started having sex as yet, but that saying is very true. I began even before I reached my teens, I have had a very good and active sex life, even with my less than 5” cock, and with problems or complaints. I married, and my wife never complained, and as far as I know she was completely satisfied and I have a wonderful son. So, even with a small one, you can still have a very satisfactory sex life. So, don’t worry. You are young and with PEing I am sure you will obtain your dreams. If not,. you still can have a good sex life. So, don’t worry, size really isn’t all that important (except to us!).

You are getting good advice already from Nick HeavyCream, etc. Nick33 has already gained in the short time he has been PEing. Nick was so sure that he was small, but he is already getting postings saying that he is “BIG.” I am sure that is really gratifying and a push for him to continue. I am sure you will get the same encouragement.

Do check out “2” growth comparison Pics” by Bennett*. He is my person to look up to and follow.

Say the following: “I am not small, I am a “BIG SMALL.” Say it over and over until you believe it! :chuckle: Keep us informed of your progress. We care, Buddy. Oh, and do fill out your PE Statistics as Nick said. It is easy. Just click the “quick link” and then PE Statistics.

Good Luck, Buddy, and take care. Good PEing!

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